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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Editorial abril

Estimats amics i amigues penjollaires m'enfronte a l'editorial d'abril amb la inspiració més que seca que la moixama. I és que sembla que algú m'ha tirat un mal d'ull o tal vegada un donyet que m'està fent de les seues...En general, tots i totes, aquestos darrers dies estem pixant massa fora de test serà que la primavera la sang altera? El cas és que el mes de març no va començar malament, semblava prometedor amb els nous fitxatxes, fins que va aparèixer el Manopla, xe quin personatge! Encara no m'he recuperat del colp i sembla que dissortadament aquest tipus de persones són més reals del que pensem. Un agraïment en primer lloc, que se m'oblidava: gràcies Escrivà pel post del dia de la Dona que amb molta estima ens va dedicar, tot un detall. Continue repassant tota allò que s'ha penjat: els nous autors i autores ens guanyen per golejada...Després van arribar les Falles i, quasi sense temps per a reccionar, algú es va adonar que podíem haver fet una falla al Penjoll i el cas és que la idea és molt bona, així és que a l'any que ve podia reprendre's el tema. Ja m'imagine a Eros de Follonera Major, perquè això si, serà una falla alternativa, ecologista, antisexista i procatalanista o no serà...Un post que vull destacar per divertit, és el dels valencians penjollat per Rafelet, la llàstima és que aquestos especímens abunden per tot arreu donant una imatge molt distorsionada del que som els valensians, però això és un tema de debat que deixe per al futur. I ara: les Pasqües, així que aneu llevant-li la pols al catxirulo i prepareu la mona, la llonganissa i l'ou, que ja no fa fred i apeteix eixir al camp a gaudir d'una bona paelleta i fer la tertúlia penjollil necessària. O és que no vos abellix? Au, Eros ves buscant un lloc per a dinar, tots i totes, reserveu un lloc a l'agenda i Alietes, agafa els trastos i vine cap a la terreta que ja toca que parlem de futurs projectes desgavellats però il·lusionants...


Washington Post's TR Reid on manga

I just finished reading Confucius Lives Next Door: What Living in the East Teaches Us About Living in the West by T. R. Reid (Random House, 2009), and while I love Reid when he is writing for the Post, I've got a few issues with his conclusions in this book. Or maybe even his starting premises.

But that's not the subject of this blog. Reid has 2 paragraphs on his favorite manga, coming after a discussion of Japan's view of America as crime-ridden:

While in Japan, I became a huge fan of mahnga, the ubiquitous comic-book magazines that sell tens of millions of copies every week. It seems to be conventional wisdom in the United States that Japan's "adult comic books" are routinely "adult" in the sense of being filthy, but this is not accurate. There are some filthy mahnga - so bad that stores won't carry them, and you have to buy them at vending machines. But the vast majority of Japanese comics are family fare. Some are funny, and some are serious novels - serial novels, really, like the one-chapter-per-month novels that Dickens and Thackeray used to write for Victorian magazines. I was particularly taken with the enormously popular weekly comic Section Chief Shima, about a junior executive named Shima Kosaku, who works for a giant electronics firm and fights a never-ending battle for truth, profits and the Japanese way.

In one extended episode, Section Chief Shima is dispatched to America to oversee his company's acquisition of a giant Hollywood movie studio (just like the acquisitions Sony and Matsushita had made in real life). One thing that deeply concerns the young executive is the possibility of a U.S. backlash if an Asian company buys a famous American firm (just like the reaction to the Sony and Matsushita purchases in real life). But an American-based executive tells Shima he need not worry: "The government won't be a problem, because we've already put a half-dozen ex-congressmen on the payroll, and they are lobbying for us." This exchange didn't bother me excessively, because it's probably what big companies actually do when they plan an acquisition. But it was disturbing to see what happened to Section Chief Shima personally during his stay in Los Angeles. When he sets out to see the beach, his rented Ford breaks down. When he tries to negotiate his business deal, an employee of the U.S. branch of his company sells corporate secrets to a competitor. When he walks outside his hotel, he's mugged on the sidewalk. Just your typical American business trip.

Our family grew increasingly angry at this depiction of a dirty, dangerous, dishonest America, partly because we found it hard to avoid, anywhere in Asia.
(p. 208-209)

So 11 years later, I have no idea if this remains a common occurrence in manga, or views of Japanese, or even if Shima was ever translated. Reid is a good writer and a keen observer though, so I'm sorry the Post lost him as a foreign correspondent. He heads their Rocky Mountain Bureau now.

Weldon on Scott Pilgrim movie

Glen Weldon invests more time than I'm willing to in this - Thirteen Ways of Looking at the Scott Pilgrim Movie Trailer. National Public Radio's Monkey See blog (March 31 2010).

Enjoy March while it’s still cold

The last day of March is typically the warmest day of the month. Today, scientists at Climate Central are launching a new interactive Google Map, which allows you to view areas of future freezing in the month of the March in the U.S.

The map shows high-resolution projections for future average March temperatures in the U.S. through the end of the century, focusing on where the average temperature is expected to be above or below freezing. You can use the time controls to scroll through the years, or click "play" to view an animation. You can also compare low vs. high carbon pollution scenarios.

While warm weather lovers may like the idea of warmer Marches, this would mean earlier snowmelt, which has been linked to drier rivers and forests later in the summer, and very much higher wildfire activity in the American West. We could also expect water shortages for farm irrigation and trouble for trout and other cold-water stream life. See how your area will fare by visiting the map now!

Tom Toles, beyond the cartoon

It looks like Tom Toles began blogging last week about the issues he did his daily cartoon on. I think this is a new development, but I usually read him in the paper edition. I'm not sure what brought it on either, although I think it's a welcome development.

Reformes i bromes en general

Seguint amb la col·lecció primavera-estiu de pixarraes-pret-a-porter, m'he proposat penjar algun video dels que sembla que tant agraden als nostres anònims visitants.
Ací vos deixe un parell de videos de Remi Gaillard. Malgrat que no té un discurs polític, les seues accions de vegades contenen elements de crítica força interessants... i divertits.

La Vita E' Una Cosa Meravigliosa (2010)di Carlo Vanzina

Forse un duo come i fratelli Vanzina lo abbiamo solo in Italia. Due autori nel senso più stretto del termine (portatori non solo di una visione personale di mondo ma anche di una personalissima di cinema e soprattutto di scrittura), capaci di misurarsi con un certo successo in diversi generi (i thriller degli anni '70, le commedie popolari della stessa epoca e le commedie sofisticate degli anni '80), baciati ad un certo punto da un buon successo di pubblico e quindi dotati di grande riconoscibilità, estremamente prolifici e dotati di idee molto chiare eppure capaci di girare alcuni tra i film più trasandati, superficiali e tirati per i piedi che si possano vedere (e non parlo dei cinepanettoni!).

La vita è una cosa meravigliosa
riassume perfettamente questa situazione. Si tratta di una commedia garbata, giocata su dinamiche classiche (dal tradimento, allo svelamento, fino allo scambio di persone), recitata da attori rodati e imperniata su un concetto anche interessante da sviluppare (l'attitudine italiana di aggiustarsi i problemi tramite intrallazzi vista come condizionamento esterno agli individui e non sempre interno) ma portato sullo schermo con una sciatteria rara.

Come dicono loro (giustamente) non esiste solo la commedia a tesi che divide nettamente i buoni e i cattivi, il cinema italiano da sempre ha utilizzato i cattivi come protagonisti per avvicinarsi, guardarli da vicino e scoprirne motivazioni e contraddizioni. Eppure viene da rivendicare la forza del manicheismo nel vedere come i loro "mostri" da baraccone sono assolti senza un perchè, tramite soluzioni iperboliche a problemi contingenti.

Il bravo chirurgo che vizia il figlio svogliato chiedendo favori agli amici professori per farlo andare avanti all'università e in cambio assume o licenzia le loro amanti nella clinica privata dove lavora, come soluzione lavapeccati va in Africa (?!?), senza affrontare minimamente ciò che ha fatto da un punto di vista critico.
Ancora una volta però tutto questo sarebbe anche foriero di una possibile (sebbene arrendevole) visione di mondo se non fosse che è raccontato, mostrato, proposto e sceneggiato con i piedi, largamente al di sotto di qualsiasi media (anche italiana!).

Vocabulari insòlit!

El divendres per la vesprada és un bon moment per espolsar-se del damunt les rutines de la setmana i provar amb alguna cosa original i inesperada. Per això els demane als meus alumnes que participen en un joc una mica complicat, ja els avise. Els diré una paraula que potser no coneguen i han de dir-me què significa. El que s’aprope més rebrà com a premi un llibre de passatemps que, ells no ho saben, però ha servit per treure algun entreteniment en hores mortes i que ara roman a l’últim calaix de la meua taula escriptori, entre paperassa desendreçada. Els hi mostre la recompensa i, immediatament, les seues animetes aparentment esgotades de la setmana tornen a bullir d’excitació. M’han de dir el significat de la paraula TAXIDERMISTA i així, amb lletres grans, l’escric a la pissarra perquè ningú no se n’oblide. Hi ha uns segons de desconcert, d’expectació, però només uns segons. Encara no he tornat el guix al seu lloc quan em gire i veig un bosc de braços alçats, delerosos del premi. I aquestes són algunes de les respostes: “Una persona que duu a la gent on li demanen” (Fabià); “Un munt de taxis” (Roser); “El vehicle que condueix el taxista” (Vicent); “L’home que ensenya a ser taxista” (Carme); “El que, quan puges al taxi, de seguida et fa massatges” (Ximo); “La persona que arregla el taxi” (Joan); “Un home que va en bicicleta pel carril dels taxis” (Fermí); “El femení de taxista” (Albert); “L’home que, en voler pujar al taxi, el troba ocupat” (Pau); “El lloc on s’hi guarden els taxis quan van a sopar” (Carles); “El navegador del taxi per anar a llocs llunyans” (Beth)... Així hem seguit una bona estona fins que han esgotat tots els possibles recursos al voltant del món (tan suggestiu) dels taxis. Quan els hi he dit l’autèntic significat de la paraula s’han quedat bocabadats. Fins que el Ximo ha considerat, una mica emprenyat, que la gent està ben boja si fa aquestes coses tan estranyes. En fi... El llibre torna al calaix. Però hi haurà més.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Anime Festival at Freer and Sackler Galleries, Saturday, April 3

Cherry Blossom

Celebrate the National Cherry Blossom Festival
at the Freer and Sackler Galleries, Saturday, April 3

Eighth Annual National Cherry Blossom Festival Anime Marathon
Meyer Auditorium, 11 AM - 7 PM

The Art of the Kimono: Trunk Show and Sale
Freer Gallery Shop, 10 PM - 5:30 PM

Traditional Japanese Tea Ceremony
Sackler Gallery, Sublevel 2, 1 & 3 PM

"Ideals of Beauty" Text-Message Scavenger Hunt
Freer Gallery, 1 - 3 PM

Curator-Led Tour of "Cornucopia: Ceramics from Southern Japan"
Freer, 1 PM

Curbside Cupcakes
Delicious cherry-blossom inspired cupcakes will be available for purchase, Freer Courtyard, 1 - 4 PM

Islamic Art for Christian Patrons: The Painted Ceilings of the Cappella Palatina (Palermo, Sicily), circa 1140

Tuesday, April 13, Meyer Auditorium, 7 PM

Click here to take our survey!

We appreciate your interest in the Freer and Sackler Galleries and hope that you enjoy the exhibitions and programs that we offer. Please take less than five minutes to share more about yourself with us.

 find us on flickr                        become a fan                      follow @ FreerSackler 

PR: Capicons Show Sun, Apr. 18th

Capicons Comic Book and Pop Culture Con
Sunday, April 18th, 2010

Dunn Loring Vol. Fire Dept.
2148 Gallows Road,
Dunn Loring, VA
10 am - 3 pm

Special Guests:
Martin Grams, Jr, Author of The Green Hornet: A History of Radio, Motion Pictures, Comics and Television

Dan Nokes, Artist/Publisher--21 Sandshark Studios

Also featuring
Artist Tom Arvis, Sureshot Comics

FREE admission! Door prize drawings!

Open to the public from 10 am - 3 pm. Buy, sell & trade: Gold, Silver, Bronze Age comics; Indie & Modern comics, Publishers & Creators, TV & Movie Collectibles. Non-sport cards; Videos & DVDs; Anime; Manga; Horror/Sci-Fi; figures, toys; Star Wars & Star Trek memorabilia; original artwork, posters and other comic-related collectibles.

For more info, visit www.capicons.com

Become a fan on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dunn-Loring-VA/Capicons-Comic-Book-Pop-Culture-Con/221236176794

OAuth access to IMAP/SMTP in Gmail

Google has long believed that users should be able to export their data and use it with whichever service they choose. For years, the Gmail service has supported standard API protocols like POP and IMAP at no extra cost to our users. These efforts are consistent with our broader data liberation efforts.

In addition to making it easier for users to export their data, we also enable them to authorize third party (non-Google developed) applications and websites to access their data at Google. One of the more common examples is allowing a social network to access your address book in order to send invitations to your friends.

While it is possible for a user to authorize this access by disclosing their Google Account password to the third party app, it is more secure for the app developer to use the industry standard protocol called OAuth which enables the user to give their consent for specific access without sharing their password. Most Google APIs support this OAuth standard, and starting today it is also available for the IMAP/SMTP feature of Gmail.

The feature is available in Google Code Labs and we have provided a site with documentation and sample code. In addition, Google has begun working with other companies like Yahoo and Mozilla on a formal Internet standard for using OAuth with IMAP/SMTP (learn more at the OAuth for IMAP mailing list).

One of the first companies using this feature is Syphir, in their SmartPush application for the iPhone, as shown in the screenshots below. Unlike other push apps, Sypher's SmartPush application never sees or stores the user’s Gmail password thanks to this new OAuth support.

We look forward to finalizing an Internet standard for using OAuth with IMAP/SMTP, and working with IMAP/SMTP mail clients to add that support.

Book reviews on Washington City Paper blog

The idea is to do these regularly...

International Ink: Hagar, Nemi, Little Nothings, and Lenore
Posted by Mike Rhode
Washington City Paper Arts Desk blog Mar. 30, 2010

Planning your public transit ride doesn’t have to be a drag

Google Maps has allowed you to get public transportation directions in hundreds of cities around the world for a while now, helping you get to your destination without a car. But sometimes you’re not quite sure which destination to choose, and you want to try out multiple options. We often get asked if it will ever be possible to drag your transit route, just like you can do with driving directions. As of today, it is indeed possible! Now you can drag your start or end point to preview your various options for the most efficient itinerary.

Imagine that you are on a business trip to New York City, and you will stay at the Chelsea Hotel. You start planning your trip by searching for directions form JFK airport to the Chelsea Hotel. Then you realize that you can also take a flight to Newark, and you want to figure out which is more convenient for getting to your hotel. Now it’s as easy as picking up the marker at JFK (you’ll see instructions ”Drag to change route” when you hover over the marker):

..and drop it over Newark Airport:

As you drag the marker, we will calculate the new trip automatically in the background and show a tooltip with the time of the new trip. When you drop the marker back onto the map at your desired starting (or ending) point, you’ll see the left panel update with your new step-by-step transit directions. Just search, drag, and ride!

PR: Submissions for The First Annual Small Press Expo Animation Showcase

More on the SPX animation newness.

Requesting Submissions for The First Annual Small Press Expo Animation Showcase


For Immediate Release                        

 Contact: Warren Bernard


Phone: 301-537-4615


E-Mail: warren@spxpo.com

Bethesda, Maryland; March 30, 2010 - The Small Press Expo (SPX), the preeminent showcase for the exhibition of independent comics, graphic novels and alternative political cartoons, announces a call for submissions to the First Annual SPX Animation Showcase. This showcase will be presented at this years Small Press Expo, to be held September 11 and 12 at the North Bethesda Marriott Convention Center, in Bethesda, Maryland.

With the proliferation of animation by both traditional animators and comics creators, SPX is providing a venue for SPX attendees  to see a wide variety of examples of this craft. There will be a series of set showings of cartoons throughout the two day SPX festival, which will reflect the myriad of different animation styles now dispersed across the Internet.

All submissions will be screened and final selections made by  a volunteer committee led by Angie Ottinger and Paul Nadjmabadi. The committee is comprised of the following members of the film and television community,:



            Cat has lent her talents to numerous films, television shows, and video games including Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Padme), Final Fantasy 12 (Penelo), and the              upcoming Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (Cecile).

            CHAD STRADERMAN, Animator / Graphic Designer

            Chad has worked on a variety of television shows as well as his own independent animation. His short, Pass It On, was shown theatrically at Spike & Mike's Sick &     Twisted Festival of Animation.          

            MONZUKI, Art Blog Curator

            Monzuki is a successful art blog whose mission is to "introduce Art and Design to stimulate your mind and awareness by presenting a platform for creative artists to     publicize  their talented artwork". (http://blog.monzuki.com)

            DANIEL STRANGE, Director

            Daniel is the director of the viral video "The Ballad of G.I. Joe" and episodes of the web series "Between Two Ferns With Zach Galifianakis." He currently has an     animated show in development with Fox.

            ANGIE OTTINGER, Writer / Producer

            Angie currently works in short-form and promo for television. Her short film, "The Donut King" screened at a variety of festivals, including the 2002 Sundance Film     Festival.

            PAUL NADJMABADI, Editor

            Paul has worked in post-production for a variety of television shows and promos. He has also worked on numerous projects as a director and cinematographer. 

For entering submissions to the First Annual SPX Animation Showcase, just follow a few easy rules:

1. Fill out a submission for at http://www.spxpo.com/spx-animation-showcase-2010.

2. Please limit submission entries to no more than 10 minutes run time.

3. Submissions are due by June 30, 2010.

4. Selections for the showcase will be announced by August 11, 2010, 1 month prior to SPX.

5. If you are interested in attending SPX or have questions about the SPX Animation Showcase, please send inquiries to spxanimation@spxpo.com.

SPX brings together more than 300 artists and publishers to meet their readers, booksellers and distributors each year. Graphic novels, mini-comix, political cartoon books and alternative comics will all be on display and for sale by their authors and illustrators.

As in previous years, profits from the SPX will go to support the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund (CBLDF), protecting the First Amendment rights of comic book readers and professionals.  For more information on the CBLDF, go to their website at http://www.cbldf.org/.            

SPX will be held The North Bethesda Marriott Convention Center in Bethesda, Maryland, next to the White Flint Metro stop. Admission is $10 for a single day and $15 for both days.


Explore the world with new iGoogle themes

Today the iGoogle team announced a new set of themes designed for the world traveler in all of us. There are 25 themes that highlight places around the world and include beautiful scenery, historic monuments, exotic beaches, iconic cities, and breathtaking sites.

In addition to partnering with National Geographic Society, LIFE, Lonely Planet, UNESCO, and visiteurope.com to bring you the stunning imagery featured in most of the themes, we also created a couple of themes using imagery from Google Earth.

The 3D Views in Google Earth theme gives you a birds-eye view of a couple of natural wonders in the Unites States -- the Grand Canyon and the Great Lakes. It transports you to the last of the remaining Seven Wonders of the Ancient World -- the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. And you can view the stunning architecture of the Taj Mahal in India. Lastly, relax in Positano, Italy, or Bondi Beach, Australia.

The 3D Cities in Google Earth theme puts you in the middle of the action in New York City and Tokyo. It transports you to the ancient ruins of Athens, Greece, and takes you down under to Melbourne, Australia. It also gives you a glimpse into the historic architecture of Budapest, Hungary; Copenhagen, Denmark; and Vienna, Austria.

We hope that you enjoy our new iGoogle themes and that they’ll help inspire you to keep exploring the world around you.

ICAF postponed until 2011

30 March 2010

Announcement from The International Comic Arts Forum (ICAF)

The International Comic Arts Forum (ICAF), the foremost gathering for international comics studies and scholarship, has decided to postpone its annual conference for 2010 until 2011.  

The 2011 conference will observe the 15th Anniversary of ICAF, and the Executive Committee has concluded that postponing for the 2010 calendar year will allow the organization to plan for a large and special 2011 event.

Please stay tuned for more details soon.  For interested students and scholars, the CFP will be released later this year, as will more details on the 15th Anniversary Themes, Guests, and Special Events.

Please bookmark our website:
ICAF website:

Any inquiries may be directed to Professor Cecile Danehy, Executive Committee Co-Chair, at cdanehy@wheatonma.edu


Aquest matí m’he despertat dues hores abans d’allò programat habitualment. No podia respirar per la congestió que m’ha deixat un estrany refredat que vaig agafar a l’estudi, fa dues nits. Amb tota la precaució del món he mirat d’abandonar el llit abans no es despertés la meua dona. Però no he pogut ser tan subtil. Ella ha encès el llum del seu costat i m’ha mirat amb els ulls entelats de son. Li he dit que tot anava bé, que podia seguir dormint, però amb una determinació envejable ha decidit encetar el dia just en aquell moment que per mi encara era de desconcert. A l’armari de la cambra de bany he trobat un nebulitzador. Després d’agitar-lo per comprovar que hi havia suficient contingut, he inhalat unes petites gotes amb un entusiasme, potser, exagerat. Als pocs minuts disposava d’una capacitat respiratòria semblant a la normal, però a cada inspiració sent una coïssor que m’incomoda, m’impedeix treure-li l’atenció a una cosa tan automàtica com agafar aire. Vull que el meu cos se’n faça càrrec, com sempre, amb l’acostumada indiferència. També he descobert que tinc una veu rogallosa, propera a l’extinció per afonia. Després d’un desdejuni de torrades amb melmelada de tomaca i cafè amb llet endolcit amb mel de romer, torne a cercar a la farmaciola una pastilla de clorat que deixe en la llengua perquè es dissolga lentament. M’envaeix una agradable sensació de plaer al comprovar que dispose d’un munt de temps abans de marxar a la feina. M’instal•le al sofà i em pose a llegir. Però als deu minuts d’encetada la lectura, m’atabala la pesantor de la son interrompuda. No tinc voluntat per mantenir els ulls oberts. Somie que estic despert, llegint. I una nova història, l’argument de la qual no m’és familiar, va descabdellant-se en imatges davant meu. I de sobte sóc un lector que llegeix una realitat literària alternativa, assegut còmodament a un sofà de braços lleugerament ombrívols i desgastats, que roman insòlitament al bell mig d’una escena on un home descriu el fred de la seua infantesa, que regalima de les parets de sa casa i de les relacions distants, abismals, amb pares i germans. Un fred que m’inocula a mi a les mans, fins que ja no puc sentir el tacte del llibre que subjecte. La fredor em puja pels braços, em prem la gola, no em deixa respirar. Vull eixir d’aquell úter desagradable en el que s’ha convertit aquella ficció i estossegue sorollosament, violentament, com si fos el plor d’un recent nascut. La meua dona encén el llum del seu costat i pregunta què passa. I jo torne a descobrir-me congestionat, dues hores abans del que tinc per costum despertar-me. Amb una veu rogallosa propera a l’afonia li dic que no passa res, que continue dormint. Però ella no pot, o no vol, reprendre el fil de la son. Desdejune, m’aboque després mitja farmaciola pel nas i per la gola i em dispose a matar la llarga espera fins l’hora de marxar amb una novel•la que parla d’algú que té una infantesa freda i distant amb els seus. I jo tinc un record llunyà d’aquell argument i pense que, d’alguna manera, he sigut plagiat. Però no podria provar-ho.

Tomorrow: Warren Bernard lecture on Herblock at LoC

Independent scholar Warren Bernard returns to the Library of Congress on Wednesday, March 31, to give a talk in conjunction with the Herblock! exhibition, "Declaration of Independence: Herblock: His Foes and His Editors". This event will take place in Dining Room A located on the 6th Floor of the Madison Building at noon.

Pixar-se a la sabata

El meu fill té dos anys i mig. A casa i a la guarderia l’estem acostumant a pixar a la tassa del vàter per tal d’anar llevant-li els bolquers. Entre setmana a casa l’assentem a la tassa un parell de vegades: una, en alçar-lo de dormir, i una altra, abans de gitar-lo. Els cap de setmana ho fem dues vegades més al llarg del dia. Quan pixa li donem l’enhorabona dient-li “molt bé” i coses semblants. Este matí, mentre estava jo pixant a la tassa del vàter, s’ha arrimat per darrere i m'ha preguntat:

- Què hasses, papa?

- Estic fent pipi –li responc

- Què hasses, papa? –torna

- Fent pipi –li repetisc

I em solta tot emocionat:

- Mu bien!

Colpo di fulmine (I love you Phillip Morris, 2010)di John Requa e Glenn Ficarra

Si moltiplicano negli ultimi tempi cinematografici le storie vere di truffatori clamorosi, uomini che hanno mistificato tutto nella propria vita riuscendo comunque a stare al mondo, anche con un certo successo, fino a che implacabile è calata la scure della giustizia.
Da Prova a prendermi a The Informant fino a Colpo di fulmine, la vita di autentici truffatori (americani), camaleonti delle personalità e abili atleti del movimento tra le scartoffie burocratiche delle amministrazioni statunitensi, mostrano il cinematograficamente inedito lato debole di quella società solitamente propugnata come giusta e inaggirabile.

In particolare Colpo di fulmine con un umorismo decisamente più marcato dei suoi predecessori racconta di una figura incredibile che diversamente dagli altri truffatori cinematografici continua a cambiare identità e a sfuggire alle maglie della legge per un desiderio di affermazione personale.
L'impresa infatti comincia con una perentoria affermazione di omosessualità. Il protagonista dotato di una vita e una famiglia decide di fare outing e cambiare stile di vita nello sforzo di abbracciare il vero sè. Da questa affermazione di indipendenza ne discendono a cascata degenerante le altre, andando anche oltre la ricerca della propria identità.
In carcere poi l'amore verso Philip Morris (da cui il titolo originale) scopre una passione autentica che motiva molte delle sue scelte e in molti sensi dà un'altra piega al film.

Di sicuro Colpo di fulmine mette molta carne al fuoco ma una scansione rigorosa della storia, un montaggio preciso e un'interpretazione multiforme e controllata (com'è tipica di Jim Carrey) rendono tutto estremamente chiaro e digeribile. I continui raggiri alle istituzioni sono mostrati in chiavi ironiche, così come il rapporto d'amore con Phillip Morris e i dolori del camaleonte frustrato. Anche il dolore è mascherato dal continuo ricorso alla commedia.
Sebbene non sia ben chiaro cosa voglia essere Colpo di fulmine si esce dalla sala con un senso di destabilizzazione verso quelle certezze burocratiche e incrollabili nei confronti di come ci si debba muovere all'interno della nostra società. Il che è sicuramente un bene.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Student Applications Open for Google Summer of Code 2010

Want to work on a cool open source project, hone your development skills with the help of a dedicated mentor, and get paid? Look no further - student applications are now open for Google Summer of Code™ 2010.

Since its inception in 2005, the Google Summer of Code program has brought together nearly 3,400 students and more than 3,000 mentors from nearly 100 countries worldwide - all for the love of code. Through the program, accepted student applicants are paired with a mentor or mentors from participating projects, thus gaining exposure to real-world software development scenarios. They also receive an opportunity for employment in areas related to their academic pursuits. And best of all, more source code is created and released for the benefit of users and developers everywhere.

Full details, including pointers on how to apply, are available on the Google Open Source Blog.

Comics Riffs on Dick Giordano's death

Giordano was a great penciler and inker for DC Comics, who also became an editor there. Even if you've never read a comic book, you've seen his work because it's used on all kinds of licensed products.

RIP, Dick Giordano: Remembering a comics legend
By Michael Cavna
Washington Post Comic Riffs blog March 29, 2010

Buzzboy’s John Gallagher interview up at City Paper site

Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Buzzboy's John Gallagher

Posted by Mike Rhode on Mar. 29, 2010

Remember Me (id., 2010)di Allen Coulter

Rispondendo in pieno alla logica che vuole il film romantico con target giovanile dominato da una figura maschile ma incentrato su quella femminile, Remember Me è girato intorno al corpo di Robert Pattinson ma badando bene a tenere Emilie De Ravin al centro della trama (come dimostrano l'incipit e il sorprendente finale).

Per il resto i topoi ci sono tutti: un tormento interiore che funesta l'animo nobile di un ragazzo che vive un rapporto di incomprensione con la famiglia ma di amore verso la sorella più piccola, l'incontro con una ragazza meno problematica ma ugualmente afflitta da una relazione zoppicante e tempestosa con il padre e l'amore che salva ma è difficile da realizzarsi per i soliti problemi di comunicazione e relazione tra animi burrascosi.

Remember Me, voluto e prodotto dallo stesso Pattinson che la saga di Twilight ha reso ricco ma anche vincolato ad un personaggio espressivamente limitato (anche lì siamo davanti a film incentrati sul suo corpo ma ruotanti attorno alla protagonista), riesce però a centrare con felicità la sua missione, quella cioè di fare del romanticismo volutamente foriero di illusioni, sogni e aspirazioni che solo uno spettatore giovane (più dentro che fuori) può trovare originali ma che può comunque tramutarsi in un racconto tanto ingenuo quanto efficace e riuscito.
Stereotipo dell'originalità che si ripete ad ogni generazione perpetuando un certo modo di sentire i sentimenti che si aggiorna solo nell'estetica e che ad ogni passaggio illude la generazione in corso di essere diversa da quelle passate.

Proprio per questo (e per la già citata felice riuscita dell'intreccio) non si comprende come mai il film abbia un (inanticipabile) finale tanto inatteso quanto rovinoso, in grado con poche immagini di ridefinire tutto il senso e lo scopo della pellicola trasformando Remember Me da opera riuscita a pacchianata americana nel senso più deteriore del termine in soli 5 minuti. E' record!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Comics on the Rack, Quick Picks for Comics Due 03-31-10

Quick Picks for Comics Due 03-31-10
By John Judy
ASTRO CITY: THE DARK AGE BOOK FOUR #3 of 4 by Kurt Busiek and Brent Anderson.  In the last issue before the big wrap-up The Pale Horseman makes his debut.  Imagine if the Ghost Rider were really scary….  Recommended.
AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #627 by Roger Stern and Lee Weeks.  What could possibly pound the bejeebers out of the Juggernaut and why is Spidey sticking around to find out?
BLACKEST NIGHT #8 of 8 by Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis.  The double-sized grand finale in which all the colors come together and Sinestro sports a new look!  Highly recommended.
THE CREEPER BY STEVE DITKO SC by Ditko and Associates.  If you like Ditko and one of his wilder creations, it's all here for you!  "Beware the Creeper!"
DETECTIVE COMICS #863 by Greg Rucka, Jock and Cully Hamner.  In which "things do not end well."  My kinda comic!  Recommended.
FANTASTIC FOUR #567 by Jonathan Hickman and Dale Eaglesham.  The FF's on the moon and the Inhumans are… where?
INCORRUPTIBLE #4 by Mark Waid and Jean Diaz.  Will newly reformed Max Damage go back to his evil ways if it's for a good cause?  A true head-scratcher.  Highly recommended.
IRON MAN: EXTREMIS HC by Warren Ellis and Adi Granov.  Collecting that story where Tony Stark caught a virus from that nice Mr. Ellis.  Recommended.
JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #43 by James Robinson and Mark Bagley.  When archers go bad…
KEVIN SMITH'S GREEN HORNET #2 by Smith and Jonathan Lau.  The old Green Hornet just ain't what he used to be.  Fortunately his kid is waiting in the wings.  This Kevin Smith comic is coming out on time and is thus highly collectible!
PREVIEWS by Diamond and Marvel Comics.  See what your Summer vacation holds in store(s)!
RASL #7 written and drawn by Jeff Smith.  It is so hard waiting for the trade collections of this book.  That's why I don't even try.  Highly recommended.
SHE-HULK: SENSATIONAL #1 by Peter David, Brian Reed , Iban Coello and little John Byrne thrown in for seasoning.  Celebrating 30 years of that character who can lift tractor-trailers easier than she can carry her own book.  Good times!
TERMINATOR 2029 #1 by Zack Whedon and Andy MacDonald.  Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Kyle Reese!
WONDER WOMAN #42 by Gail Simone and Nicola Scott.  A Big Bad from Diana's past rolls in.  Fortunately the Green Lantern Corps is already there.
X-MEN: SECOND COMING #1 by Craig Kyle, Chris Yost and David Finch. Cable returns to the present with little Hope.

This week's Zadzooks and Bennett's Best reviews

Zadzooks: Halo Wars: ODST and Construct-A-Buzz reviews
Joseph Szadkowski
Washington Times March 27, 2010

Bennett's Best: Simpsons/Futurama and The Guild
By Greg Bennett, Special to Zadzooks
Washington Times Zadzooks blog March 27, 2010

Bennett's Best: Bronx Kill and American Vampire
By Greg Bennett
Washington Times Zadzooks blog March 21, 2010

Comic Riffs interview for Dragon Trainers in print too

Reprinted from Comic Riffs -

Cavna, Michael. 2010.
'Dragon' directors are flying in the face of fearsome 3-D technology
Washington Post (March 28): E5.



Saturday, March 27, 2010


Penses, respires i somies l'aire; amb un pessic de poder, crees un barandat d'il·lusions que les ones i una fe heretada per la llengua t'esperona.

Quina trampa més bella, quin parany l'esperança!

Els acords d'una música relativitzen els guanys, les apostes, els ritmes de les pèrdues.
I malgrat el respecte pel treball dels altres i les suors imaginades, lliges fills nascuts agonitzant, al perímetre de la buidor, paraules ja mortes: així certs llibres.

Però aleshores vénen, lloguen un tros d'ànima, la compren o venen, llostregen els contactes: l'infern de la fama aparaula la carn que truca, amb la flama, les portes. Per tot arreu, els monstres pidolen.

I, ganyota entre els dits, te n'adones que l'edén és ignot, un impossible jardí, descompost, uns no versos...

I escrius: on són els mots per desfer els batecs d'aquest blanc encanteri, la mentida elegant, la púrria crescuda en almoines?

Al cau del teu cor, la llengua gemega.

Agrair la fotografia a Open type.info

Comic Riffs interviews Dragon Trainers

The 'Riffs Interview: 'TRAIN YOUR DRAGON' directors enter a new dimension
By Michael Cavna
Washington Post Comic Riffs blog March 26, 2010

Small Press Expo adds animation

The Small Press Expo is showing animation for the first time and the application process is online now.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Podcaster Marc Maron roams DC after talking to Bob Fingerman

I haven't listened to this yet, but I doubt if he found the soul of America in DC - just a feeling I have.

Episode 58 - El Chupacabra / Bob Fingerman. Marc Maron, WTF with Marc Maron Podcast (March 25 2010): http://wtfpod.libsyn.com/index.php?post_id=596953 and http://media.libsyn.com/media/wtfpod/WTF_-_EPISODE_58.mp3

By popular demand, Marc welcomes El Chupacabra back to WTF. Plus, artist and writer Bob Fingerman takes a unique look at the end of the world (forward by Marc Maron). And Marc searches for the soul of America as he wanders around Washington, DC.

Whither Thingpart, late of the City Paper

Before the City Paper's great (blood-)shedding of comics a couple of years back, they ran a strip called Thingpart close to the front. Here's an interview with the cartoonist - Joey Alison Sayers Interview, Dan Copulsky, Question Riot blog March 25th, 2010.

The cartoon made me do it

I don't really follow sports, but I imagine the cartoon defense in a weapons charge isn't all that common - Arenas’ ‘Character’ Witness Is a Cartoon Character: Gazo the Pranksta, by Rend Smith Washington City Paper City Desk blog Mar. 24, 2010.

Post review of How To Train Your Dragon

Movie review: 'How to Train Your Dragon': 3-D you can sink your teeth intoa
By Mike Clark
Washington Post March 26, 2010; WE26

March 27: Steranko at Geppi's Entertainment Museum REPOST

Colin Solan sends in "GEM hosts Steranko for a retrospective exhibit." Geppi's Museum site is here. As hard as it is to believe, it seems the exhibit is only up for 3 days. Steranko will be there in person for one day.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

April 2-4: Cards, Comics & Collectibles Annual Easter Sale

Annual Easter Sale

From the Store that Brings You the Baltimore Comic-Con...

This Friday, April 2nd through Sunday, April 4th, come to the Cards, Comics & Collectibles Annual Easter Sale for amazing savings of 20% to 70% all weekend! Fill in those missing back issues or pick up that paperback, hardcover, or action figure you've been meaning to buy! This is the weekend to shrink that want list!



Our address: 100 A Chartley Dr., Reisterstown, MD 21136
Our Hours: Friday, 11am-7:30pm; Saturday, 11am-7pm; Sunday, 12am-5pm
For more information, call Cards Comics and Collectibles: 410-526-7410

This annual sale has run for over 20 years, and this year, we're stocked to the gills!

Ask us about Free Comics every Wednesday!

Truitt on The Guild

Felicia Day takes her 'Guild' offline and into comics, By Brian Truitt, USA TODAY March 24 2010.

This is getting to be like the Good Old Days when the Examiner was introduced with 3 pages of comics, and a weekly page of comic book articles by Truitt and Scott Rosenberg...

Estan bojos aquestos valencians!

No sé vostés, però jo conec gent que s'ha presentat a oposicions i en els mèrits li han comptat punts per coneixements d'idioma català i per coneixements d'idioma valencià. Acreditats per les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes, eh!? Si jo fora el primer sense plaça, impugnaria! Però clar ací a tothom i totdon se li'n fot tot. Per aquesta raó a mi invents com el Softvalencià, promogut per Escola Valenciana i que duplica el continguts de Softcatalà, no em convencen. Xe, què bons sigueu Escola Blavensiana! Però, això sí, si anem a posar-nos exclusius, jo vull el meu Softxativí!!! I és que, en anglés, els americans i els europeus tenen diferents versions del programari, però tampoc ningú qüestiona que són la mateixa llengua! Amb un conflicte lingüístic conegut ja internacionalment, només ens falta tindre polítics amb títol de Gilipolles de la Setmana. Què pensaran de nosaltres en l'estranger? De moment, gràcies a Thor, del bloc Com cagalló per sèquia ja em faig una idea del que pensen a les Illes. Divertiu-vos!

Imagery update

We've just finished pushing out an imagery update for Google Earth and Google Maps, so check to see if any of your favorite places has gotten an update! You can view the updated areas highlighted in red below. Alternatively, you can download this KML for viewing in Google Earth, or you view the updates in Google Maps

Updates are noted with a red frame

Also included in this batch is a large amount of bathymetric data along the Southern California Coast, so make sure to visit both land and sea when you're checking out the updates.

Provant, provant...

Us deixe un poema d'aventures que fa poquet que he escrit a vore qué us pareix. Ja sabeu que les vostres opinions (i com més àcides, millor) em fan molt de bé. Ací va:


Als catorze anys, d’una maçada

li boleiaren les incisives superiors:

el Dues Peces just pel que perdé.

I allò semblava un portal fosc, l’entrada menys recomanable.

El Dues Peces però, la noblesa del suburbi:

el de la paraula ferma i silencis com abraçades.

Cadena al coll, segell i esclava.

Els tatoos justos. El del nom de la mare, al bragó.

I a cada talonada dels botins del Dues Peces

va desplegant-se, catifa de pètals, l’Èpica.

Les fàbriques, els magatzems, les benzineres

dels nous polígons metropolitans.

De nits. A cara descoberta. Bah, les càmeres.

«En seixanta segons, tots fora!»

Les sirenes de la patrulla, afòniques,

perdudes per la malla de carrers industrials,

sis-cents segons més tard.

I els anys de glòria. Sens dubte. «Que córrega el bourbon!»

La vella història: els bons i els roïns.

Les persecucions, els esgarips de les rodes, a fons

els motors i sis-mil revolucions per minut!

Carreteres, motels. Les dones. Totes.

La vida al marge com un riure de roselles.

En la clínica d’una amant li empeltaren les incisives

que hi mancaven. Perdé el portal i conservà el malnom.

Cada volta passava menys pel barri.

Un notable prestigi, un respecte difús

estenent-s’hi, sempre creixent.

El barri té la seua lògica.

La nit de la nevada gran sobre la capital,

la policia, alertada per un veí xinés,

recull el cos de Johnny d’un container.

Net i polit, el cos glaçat, sempre elegant.

Un tret al cor, un puny de sang, clavell.

L’assassí li birlà també les dues peces.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Free Kick-Ass posters at Big Planet Bethesda

I'm not really looking forward to this movie, but Big Planet Bethesda has a pile of free Kick-Ass movie posters today.

Unexpected editorial cartoons in today's Post

The 'Russia Today' advertising section actually has 4 editorial cartoons or illustrations in it. 2 traditional cartoons are signed V Bogorad. 2 illustrations are by Dimitry Divin. At least 1 cartoon by Bogorad from a previous section can be seen on their website.

Find the places you care about in Google Earth

On March 19, we announced some changes to the Google Earth layers panel intended to make browsing easier (with more descriptive icons, including more than 40 different icons to indicate place types). We also made some changes to the way layers are organized, with the goal of making it easier to find and control our top three layers:

We made the recent changes as part of our continual attempt to streamline and simplify the browsing experience, particularly for casual (or brand new!) Google Earth users. But we know we also have a very loyal community of users who weren’t happy with the changes. One of the most common complaints was that we removed the ability to individually select certain layers (such as “Parks” or “Transportation”), which now appear in our default-on “Places of Interest” layer.

We’ve been listening, and today we released some changes to make these separate layers available again in Google Earth. You can now once again expand the “Labels” folder:

You can also find “Parks and Recreation Areas” under “More,” as well as specific place categories like schools or coffee shops in our new “Place Categories” folder:

Finally, we’re working to restore our separate “Transportation” layers in the near future, and appreciate your patience while we make the required changes.

We'd like to make some further changes in the future to streamline the Ocean, Gallery, and Global Awareness content in our Layers panel, but we realize that many of you have very specific interests and want to easily find the information you care most about. In the interest of making these changes as painless as possible, we invite you to make suggestions about how best to organize the Layers panel in Google Earth.