Saturday, July 31, 2010
DC Anime Club Press Release - August 7th event
DC Anime Club in association with It’s Gosu invites all Anime and Video Game Enthusiast to our event video game tournaments and anime on Saturday August 7, 2010 2pm-5pm at the Martin Luther King, Jr Memorial Library 901 G St NW Washington, DC 20001 in Room A5 on the A Level of the Library.
The event will include activities such as Super Street Fighter IV Tournament for Playstation 3, Yugioh Tournament for duelist, Anime Swap Meet for anime enthusiast to trade anime related items, learn how to create your own costumes based on your favorite Japanese Animated/Comic Book characters at Cosplay (costume play) corner,
free style Video Gaming where attendees are encouraged to bring their own video games, systems and even televisions.
There is a $5 entry fee for the Super Street Fighter IV Tournament while all other
activities are free and open to the public.
Age rang for this event is 13 and up.
For more information please visit the DC Anime Club website at or call 202 262 2083.
PR: Top Cow Brings Top Talent to the 2010 Baltimore Comic-Con!
Baltimore Biz Journal on Otakon
by Rachel Bernstein
Baltimore Business Journal July 30 2010
Baltimore Sun on Otakon
Where fashion meets fantasy
Otakon -- annual celebration of Asian pop culture -- inspires creativity with costumes
3:36 p.m. EDT, July 29, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Find a place for fun in sun with our latest imagery
It's time for another imagery update, and we have a great batch of new data that will help you scout out vacation spots where you can enjoy the height of summer. In our last update, we highlighted an ancient Egyptian temple; and this time, we've got updates of another Sphinx, an exhilarating hydroplane race, and of course, a beautiful summer resort where rest and relaxation await.
High Resolution Aerial Updates:
USA: Seattle, Sacramento, San Jose, Las Vegas, Des Moines, Waukegan (IL), Boston, Portland (ME), Tallahassee, and the Florida counties of Sarasota, Levy, Hernando, DeSoto and Martin
Canada: Banff, Alert Bay
Netherlands: Soest, Maarssen, Bussum, Vlaardingen
Countries receiving High Resolution Satellite Updates:
Mexico, Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Mali, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Burundi, Kenya, Somalia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, South Africa, Madagascar, Turkmenistan, Kazahkstan, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, China, Mongolia, Russia, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia
Countries receiving Medium Resolution Satellite Updates:
Canada, Nepal
Right now these updates are only available in Google Earth, but will be in Google Maps soon. For a complete picture of where we updated imagery, download this KML for viewing in Google Earth.
Posted by Matt Manolides, Senior Geo Data Strategist
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Take the high road or the low road with Earth view in Google Maps
Draggable driving directions is one of our most popular features in Google Maps. By simply clicking on a route and dragging it, you can choose an alternate - perhaps more scenic or more familiar - route to your destination. This feature wasn’t available when Earth view launched in Google Maps earlier this year, but we’re happy to announce that draggable driving directions are now in Earth view as well. After getting directions, just grab the blue route line with your mouse and drag it onto alternate highways or streets. The route will update automatically, redrawing your path in 3D as you move your mouse.
As an example, one of my favorite trips to make is to Yosemite Valley from my home in San Francisco. For those of you familiar with this route, there’s a steep shortcut called Old Priest Grade that saves time but can be challenging for larger vehicles. Here is the recommended route taking the grade:
By grabbing the blue line with your mouse cursor and dragging it within the map, you can quickly and easily pick a different route. In this case, I prefer to go around Old Priest Grade and take the gentler Highway 120.
The next time you plan to drive, whether it’s a short day trip to park you’ve never visited or a weekend road trip with your buddies, make sure to check the route and switch it up if you’d like. You can change these same directions to Yosemite, or click-and-drag any driving route you create!
Posted by Peter Birch, Product Manager
Rain or Snow, Now You Can See Weather in Google Earth
It’s the middle of summer, but for those of us who long for the return of cold winter weather and warm cups of cocoa, throw on your favorite poncho and check out the weather in Google Earth 5.2. The latest version projects images of rain and snow over the areas with those weather patterns as it’s actually happening! First enable the clouds layer, then zoom in to a particular location where it might be raining or snowing. I’m willing to bet London is a likely spot, even these days, or the Lone Star state (pictured below) which is in the midst of tropical storm season. Currently, our precipitation data cover some areas in North America and Europe; you can see if it’s available in certain places by enabling the radar layer.
This is a fun and useful tool for anyone planning to travel or who wants to check a specific area where a friend of relative might be visiting or living. For example, in preparation for my recent trip to the American southwest, I decided to check on the status of Hurricane Alex a few days in advance:
Via Google Earth, I could see that the hurricane was entering Mexico and Texas. Zooming close to ground, I saw that the Texas coastline was getting a bit of rain:
Luckily, I missed the hurricane by a couple of days!
You, too, can make like a meteorologist and track wet weather patterns ranging from light drizzle and snow to hurricanes and blizzards in Google Earth. Feel free to give it a try!
Posted by Quarup Barreirinhas, Software Engineer
Post's 3rd piece on John Callahan
Washington Post July 29, 2010; B06
Sobre la prohibició de les corregudes de bous a Catalunya
Sr. Ramatxoto:
Espere que les meues paraules puguen servir-li en algun sentit i en algun lloc,
Salut i República.
Tatanka Iyotake
Cap dels Sioux
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Zadzooks on Batman's Red Hood and The Losers
Zadzooks: Batman: Under the Red Hood, The Losers, Clash of the Titans
Blue over Batman's 'Red Hood'
By Joseph Szadkowski - The Washington Times July 28, 2010
Greg's recommendations popped up this week too -
Bennett's Best: G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero and Welcome to Tranquility
By Greg Bennett, Special to Zadzooks
Monday, July 26, 2010
Otakon 2010 in Baltimore this weekend
And here's how they describe it:
About Otakon
Otakon is the convention of the otaku generation: by fans, for fans; and we're back for our 17th year in 2010!
Join thousands of your fellow fans as we descend on Baltimore to celebrate all anime, manga, and all facets of Asian pop culture!
Ever since 1999, we've taken over a sizable chunk of Baltimore's Inner Harbor for a 3-day festival celebrating the pop culture that's brought us everything from Astroboy to Yu-Gi-Oh, from the Seven Samurai to Spirited Away.
PR: TOKYOPOP Tour @ Otakon
Carla Speed McNeil panel at Comic-Con
Xavier Xerses on Ken Dahl
Weldon on Scott Pilgrim movie and Comic-Con
by Glen Weldon
July 27, 2010
The 2nd Annual Monkey See Comic-Con Post-Mortem
by Glen Weldon
July 28, 2010
Weingarten on Callahan
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, July 28, 2010; C01
Alex Trebek, Teachers and Googlers Unite at the Google Geo Teachers Institute
What do Alex Trebek, teachers and Googlers have in common? Last week, these individuals and groups all came together at the Googleplex in Mountain View, CA to celebrate exploration and learning.
Google hosted its first Geo Teachers Institute, an intensive two-day workshop in which 150 educators received hands-on training and experience with Google Maps, Google SketchUp and Google Earth, including features like Mars, Moon and SkyMaps. Attendees from around the globe not only learned how these products work, but also discovered tips and resources for introducing these tools to students and using them to conceptualize, visualize, share and communicate about the world around them. Through this event, teachers were hopefully inspired to bring the world's geographic information to students in compelling, fresh and fun ways.
As part of our continued effort to collaborate with teachers and help students get a better sense of places across the globe, we also announced that Google Earth Pro is now available to educators for free through the Google Earth for Educators site. Educators from higher educational and academic institutions who demonstrate a need for the Pro features in their classrooms can now apply for single licenses for themselves or site licenses for their computer labs. A similar program exists for SketchUp Pro through the Google SketchUp Pro Statewide License Grant, which is currently being provided via grants to 11 states, and available to all others at the K-12 level at no cost.
In conjunction with these exciting Geo-related events and announcements, the Geo Education team also thought it’d be timely and fun to test Googlers’ geographic knowledge by hosting the company’s first ever Google Geo Bee. With help from National Geographic, 68 teams relived their school years and took a written geography exam, competing for a spot on stage with Alex Trebek, who hosted the main event. The competition was based on the group version of the National Geographic Bee for students, which Google has sponsored for the past two years. Questions included those like “Which country contains most of the Balkan Mountains, which mark the boundary between the historical regions of Thrace and Moesia?” and “Ben Nevis, the highest peak in the United Kingdom, is located in which mountain chain?”
The final three Google teams (the Tea-Drinking Imperialists, the Geoids and the Titans) all showed off their geographic literacy and answered a plethora of diverse and complex questions. In the end, it was the Tea-Drinkers who emerged the winners when they figured out that Mecca was the answer to the clue, “Due to this city’s location on a desert trading route, many residents were merchants, the most famous of whom was born around A.D. 570.” And they didn’t just walk away with bragging rights; thanks to Sven Lindblad from Lindblad Expeditions, they also won an amazing adventure trip to either the Arctic, the Galapagos or Antarctica.
Through all of these education efforts - for teachers, students and grown-up Googlers alike - we hope people of all ages never stop exploring.
Posted by Tina Ornduff, Geo Education Team
New Google Font Previewer - Webfonts Easier and More Fun
Now, whenever you visit the font family page of any of the fonts, you will see a link saying “Preview this font” that will load your font selection into the font previewer.
Here you can edit the text, change its size and line height, and add decorations and spacing among other things. You can even apply text shadow to your text.
The previewer will generate the corresponding code for you so all you have to do to start using the font on your own website is to copy and paste the stylesheet link and the CSS into your pages. In the example above this would be:
<link href=""
rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" >
<style> body {
font-family: 'Lobster', serif;
font-size: 28px;
font-weight: 400;
text-shadow: 4px 4px 4px #bbb;
text-decoration: underline;
text-transform: lowercase; line-height: 1.42em; }
That’s really all you need to use the Google Font API.
If you want to see the font sample without any distractions from the font previewer controls, you can do that as well simply by clicking “Toggle controls” in the upper right corner. This will show you a nice clean example of what the font would look like in your design.
We think the previewer is a great way to try out web fonts and showcase what can be done with them. We’re looking forward to hearing what you think about the new font previewer.
By Marc Tobias Kunisch, Google Font API team
El puritanisme islàmic
S’han produït, per tant, atacs dels grups radicals contra les colònies. Escamots d’homes armats han cremat dos campaments de l’ONU en un mes. Els extremistes deuen pensar que en aquests indrets de corrupció els xics i les xiques estan junts i es nodreixen d’allò que troben en Internet. Res més lluny de la veritat! En aquests campaments, la separació entre nens i nenes és total. Les monitores acompanyen les xiques des de sa casa fins a la colònia (no dormen en ella). Els pares assisteixen abans de l’estiu a unes sessions en què treballadors de l’ONU calmen llurs temors sobre possibles violacions del pudor. Res de biquinis, ni banyadors, ni d’activitats mixtes.
I què diuen de tot açò les adolescents? Al campament Sheik Agliin, situat a la platja de la ciutat de Gaza, protegit per una tanca espessa que impedeix les mirades dels transeünts, més de cent xiques d’entre 11 i 16 anys fan fila per a recollir les sabatilles de lona, la samarreta i la gorra que els regalen. Protegides per guardes de seguretat juguen, fan aeròbic i natació (vestides, clar), dibuixen i aprenen debka, la dansa tradicional palestina. Aquesta activitat no convenç, posem per cas, Islam, una riallera jove de 16 anys amb vaquers ajustats i mocador florejat al cap, que prefereix els balls de Shakira. «La cap del campament no ens deixa ballar ritmes occidentals ni entrar a Facebook», es queixa entre les rialletes i la cridòria de les seues amigues. Les colònies duren dues setmanes. Les xiques no volen ni pensar en el dia que s’acaben. «Quin avorriment!» Mataran el temps a casa ajudant les mares i ballant soles a les seues habitacions —Shakira, clar.
L'apprendista stregone (The Sorcerer's Apprentice, 2010)di John Turtletaub
Un vero giornalista andrebbe a verificare se Jon Turtletaub esiste davvero o se è una di quelle identità fittizie da internet, un Luther Blisset, un nome dietro al quale non c'è nulla, un fantoccio per nascondere la macchinazione dei vertici dell'azienda. Un vero giornalista...
Cose che non ci sono in L'Apprendista Stregone: anima, originalità, pensiero divergente, voglia di fare una cosa che si distingua, recitazione, credibilità, plausibilità.
Cose che ci sono in L'Apprendista Stregone: parrucchino di Nicolas Cage, product placement, valori disneiani, conservatorismo, mitologia interna (un po' da 4 soldi), spettacolarità alla buona, ralenti+velocizzazione, Monica Bellucci, confusione, scena delle scope con score che guarda alla composizione di Dukas.
Quasi lo immagino John Turtletaub, zombie senza volontà, agito da un'entità esterna che con lo sguardo fisso avanti e la voce senza inflessione dice "Ora devo girare sequenza giovane che salva propria innamorata. Devo rifare scena Topolino scope. Devo rifare scena Topolino scope".
Dunque L'apprendista Stregone è un film che vale la pena vedere? Non credo proprio. Dunque è un film che piacerà ai più piccini? Probabile è fatto per ghermirli e nel buio (della sala) incatenarli con la dinamica "mi scopro vero eroe e ho anche la mia bella da salvare". Dunque è un film che rimarrà e avrà una qualche influenza sul resto della produzione di genere? Non credo proprio. Dunque c'è una cosa che si salva? Si, due: Jay Baruchel (che a me, me piace) e l'idea di un tipo di magia che si mescola alla fisica e quindi un passo in avanti (o indietro, poi ci penso) nel rapporto magia/tecnologia che domina le produzioni fantastiche moderne.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Two Chilean cities added to Google Building Maker
For those of you who haven’t yet tried it, Google Building Maker is our simple 3D modeling tool that allows you to construct buildings by aligning various types of blocks to photos - all from your Internet browser. The completed models are automatically geo-located and then reviewed for inclusion in the 3D Buildings layer on Google Earth. When the tool was originally released last fall, users could create buildings in 50 cities. Since then, more cities have continually been added, and the growing tally is now at 94.
As part of our latest offering, we’re excited to announce that the cities of Santiago and Valparaiso in Chile are the first South American cities available in Google Building Maker.
We should note, however, that geo-modeling with Google SketchUp has been steadily increasing in that region for some time now. For example, avid user gananunez has been modeling in Valparaiso for a year and has more than 50 models in the 3D Buildings layer in Google Earth!
Two other long-time users, GecKo StuDio. and Sergio, have been modeling Santiago since 2007 and each has more than 30 models in the 3D Buildings layer. Some users, like jgago93, are just getting started in the area.
Now everyone can help model these two cities with Google Building Maker. Click here to start, and get your models on the 3D map!
Posted by Nicole Drobeck, Geo Community Advocate
Comic Riffs interviews Breen, memorializes Callahan
By Michael Cavna | July 27, 2010
A CARTOONIST'S TRIBUTE: Let us not forget the unflinching wit of John Callahan
By Michael Cavna | July 27, 2010
Redesigned app pages on orkut
Let’s check out what’s new:
New canvas page
Options are more descriptive and appear at the top of the page. They open up as dialogs so users can configure or access the app information without leaving the canvas page.
New apps directory page
The apps directory is easier to navigate. We removed the descriptions and arranged the apps in two columns, and you can search for apps within categories, so it all looks much cleaner. We also created a section called "my applications" from where users can open or remove their apps.
When a user clicks on an app listed in the directory, the screenshot as well as the app’s description and popularity will now pop up in a new window. This window replaces the old app page and allows users to quickly add apps without loading another page.
New profile view for apps
We’re changing the way apps are displayed on a user’s profile. Showing several apps in tabs on the profile page was confusing. We made things simpler having users select a single app to appear on their profile page and other apps (as well as the "about me" section) are accessible by a drop-down menu.
A new apps box
We’re adding a “my applications” box, just below the “my communities” one on the right. This box will list the thumbnails of all apps the user has installed. We hope this will drive more traffic to the app’s canvas page.
We hope you’ll like these changes. Please share your feedback with us at the forum.
By Adler Silva, orkut Team
Google Places team answers questions via YouTube
When Google Places was reintroduced with its new name and additional features earlier this year, we thought it’d be an opportune time to experiment with a new way of engaging with our users. So we launched a Google Moderator page and invited business owners who use Google Places to ask and vote on questions and submit product ideas. Our team also committed to answering the top posts via video.
Many takes later, we’re excited to share eleven new videos that are now live on the Google Places YouTube Channel. While we’re aware that the film quality could be improved, we hope you enjoy putting faces to the names of our forum guides, seeing some of our team’s personalities reflected in the videos, and even getting to hear from a Google intern.
Video responses are a new method of interaction for us, so we’ll track viewership, business owners’ reactions and other factors to determine if this is a useful project we should continue. In the meantime, feel free to watch our most popular video to date about ranking from local product manager Jeremy Sussman, or any of our other video responses.
Changing the Street View imagery on your Place Page
Happy viewing, and we hope these videos are helpful, informative and interesting for all you business owners using Google Places!
Posted by Brianna Brekke, Sr. Strategist, Google Places
Speed Racer animation voice obituary in Post
Fernandez voiced the main character of 'Speed Racer' and adapted the concept from the Japanese anime children's series in the 1960s.
By Valerie J. Nelson, Los Angeles Times
July 25, 2010
Poesia assagística I. Laureto Cavalcanti
S’havien trencat els ponts amb la florida antiguetat, quan tot assagista que es preara escrivia no només en vers, sinó líricament; hímnicament, m’atreviria a dir, i fins hípicament, he arribat a sospitar. Qui mereixeria els llocs del podi? Parmènides, Heràclit i Lucreci. La glòria de la poesia assagística clàssica s’acaba amb el sempre sobrevalorat Aristòtil, l’home més pesat d’entre els macedonis, qui no diu més que obvietats pensades, a més, peri-patèticament.
La poesia assagística moderna a occident haurà d’esperar fins el XIV perqué es produïsca la irrupció del florentí Laureto Cavalcanti, amic de correries de la colla de Giovanni Boccaccio.
«L’art expressa una pulsió
d’espontània sobrehumanitat.»
Són els primers versos que se li coneixen, i com podem endevinar, el discurs de Laureto s’esdevindrà pels caminals de l’estètica.
«Una obra reexida
ens parla a cau d’orella
de la qualitat àuria
de l’ànima del seu autor.»
La fama de Cavalcanti puja com l’escuma i aviat és contertuli habitual en cenacles de les millors famílies de la república de Florència. Es convertix en tutor dels fills dels Malaspina i dels Baronci. La fama i el benestar econòmic que assolix li permeten ser més punyent en les seues reflexions líriques, cosa que revolta els jóvens artistes acomodaticis:
«Tot poeta jove
és un encisam.
Tota poestessa,
una escarola.»
Interessant apreciació, aparentment contradictòria amb la següent:
«Les lents són a la vista,
el que la prosa a la literatura.
La mirada sana escriu en vers!»
L’hípic Cavalcanti mor als 24 anyets, en ser absurdament desmuntat del seu cavall un matí que havia eixit a galopar pels boscos de l’Arn. Versions no confirmades asseguren que una mà negra provinent de l’associació de joves poetes en llengua florentina estava darrere de l’accident.
That darn Beeler
From readers: Outrage felt over cartoon
Washington Examiner July 27, 2010
Re: "The Prophet Palin," cartoon, July 23
I did not expect such an expression of treason-like appeasement in your newspaper. According to this cartoon, we should agree to erect a monument for murderers in the place of their crime at our own home.
Why not build an O.J. Simpson statue in the front yard of Nicole Simpson's house, or a statue of Timothy McVeigh in Oklahoma City? Or Hitler's statue in Auschwitz?
It is not Sarah Palin who is a "religious intolerance bomb," but those Islamic jihadists who murdered Americans by the thousands. Now they want to have their temple at the scene of the crime as a symbol of their coming conquest and rule. It's horrific.
Margaret Young
Monday, July 26, 2010
An Even Better Way to Find Places Nearby
[Cross-posted from the Google Mobile Blog]
With six updates in six months, Google Maps for Android has been getting plenty of new features, both big and small. A continued focus with each update has been on giving you better ways to find places nearby. In the most recent updates, Maps has gotten features like swiping between search results and info like photos, reviews, and more helpful content on the result pages. With today’s launch of Google Maps for mobile 4.4, we’re introducing an even easier way to find places around you: a dedicated Places icon that lets you quickly look up nearby places and pick a place to go using updated Place Pages, just like on your computer.
On Android-powered phones with Google Maps 4.4, you’ll find the new Places icon in the app launcher with the rest of your apps. Press and drag it right onto your home screen to use it when you’re looking for a restaurant, shoe store, movie theater or any other type of local business. You'll get a detailed list of all the nearest places and can choose one to learn more about it on its Place Page.
Search for several convenient types of places with the default categories or add your own for your most frequent searches. You can also use the search bar at the top to type or speak any query. I tend to use the “coffee” search a lot, but I’ve also looked for “gas stations” on the road, “ice cream shops” in my neighborhood, and even specific places like “Chelsea Market” on a recent trip to New York.
Of course, you’ll often want to learn more before deciding where to go. With updated Place Pages, you should be able to find all you need to know about a place, whether you’re wandering into a new restaurant or deciding from your couch. In addition to photos and reviews, Place Pages now have a bunch of new details, such as prices, parking and menu links to inform your quest for the perfect steak. You'll also notice that the search results list now highlights business opening hours in addition to compass direction and distance -- consider it your late night caffeine radar.
Google Maps for mobile 4.4 is available now for Android 1.6 and above. Just search for Google Maps in Market or tap here from your phone. The Place Page and search result updates are coming soon for BlackBerry users so keep an eye out for an update at (from your BlackBerry Browser) or on our Twitter and Facebook pages.
Visit our Help Center to learn more, ask questions in our Help Forum, or give us suggestions and vote on other people’s on the Mobile Product Ideas page.
Posted by Michael Siliski, Product Manager, Google Mobile Team
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Bennett's Best on Zadzooks
By Greg Bennett, Special to Zadzooks
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Està per fer l'alliberament sexual?
La darrera entrada de Mr. Magoo m'ha fet caure en el compte que el sexe es deixa veure poc per aquest bloc. Trobe que no és cosa exclusiva dels i les penjollaires, sinó que és relativament estrany trobar blocs on el sexe es passege de tant en tant.
A la literatura i altres "arts" es fa servir l'etiqueta d'erotisme per advertir i permetre que el sexe forme part important del contingut de l'obra. Per cert, l'Alcover Moll diu que erotisme és una "passió violenta d'amor" (?). Més enllà d'aquests productes eròtics, els últims anys, malgrat que la cosa ve de lluny, alguns col·lectius estan fent propostes pornogràfiques distintes de l'habitual pornografia que moltíssima gent consumeix d'amagades. Maria Llopis i Girls Who Like Porno, Pornolab, Tina Paterson (de qui he agafat algunes de les fotos que acompanyen aquest text), Ana Elena Pena, etc.
Són molts els projectes. Ací teniu, per exemple, un fotograma de Dirty Diaries, un recull de setze curts pornogràfics, gravats amb telèfons mòbils.
D'una forma molt breu, es pot dir que el que tenen en comú aquestes propostes és la reivindicació del sexe com un element més de la vida, però fugint del porno clàssic, fet des de mentalitat masculina i adreçat al consum masculí (follades on sempre són els tios els que marquen la pauta, lèsbics que reprodueixen l'imaginari masculí del que deu ser un polvo entre ties...). Tot açò és qüestionat per la nova pornografia.
Però, hui no toca fer una panoràmica del porno, sinó llançar la pregunta de si no hi ha un rebuig al sexe des del pensament políticament correcte quan, d'altra banda, hi ha un consum massiu no confesat de pornografia "comercial". Si açò està ocorreguent, no estaria relacionat a un nivell profund amb la tradició catòlica? Trobe que des de sectors esquerrans i progressistes es talla ràpid la qüestió del sexe: sembla que tothom està a favor de la llibertat sexual però són pocs els que parlen sobre les formes de gestionar el sexe individualment i com a societat; i el rebuig a la pornografia sembla prou consolidat, però igual que ningú no vota al PP i aquest acaba governant, la pornografia no sembla ser consumida per ningú, però si algú vol fer pasta a internet una bona forma és obrir una pàgina porno. En definitiva, no sé si no estem més tocats pel catolicisme del que estem disposats a reconèixer
True Blood comic mention in Post
Also in the Style section is a strange Cul de Sac comic on evolution.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
PR: Sun, Aug 1-Capicons Comic Con in Tysons
Sunday, August 1, 2010
10 am - 3 pm
Admission: $2--Kids FREE!
$1 of each paid admission
...will be donated to The Hero Initiative
Open to the public from 10 am - 3 pm. Buy, sell & trade: Gold, Silver,
Bronze Age comics; Indie & Modern comics, Publishers & Creators, TV &
Movie Collectibles. Non-sport cards; Videos & DVDs; Horror/Sci-Fi;
figures, toys; Star Wars & Star Trek memorabilia; original artwork,
posters and other comic-related collectibles.
Special Guest Artist: Josh C. Lyman!
Also Featuring:
• Cover Artist and Inker Tim Dzon (Marvel Comics Presents, Avengers West
Coast, Hawkeye, etc.)
• Artist Tom Arvis, Sureshot Comics
• Fabulous Door Prizes!
• 50+ Dealer Tables!
More Artists TBA--stay tuned!
2010 Capicons Shows
Sunday, Oct. 3 - With Special Guest Carolyn Belefski
Sunday, Dec. 5
****** Coming Soon--2011 Capicons Dates! *******
See you there!
Jeff, Laura & Ed at Capicons
Animation voice interview on Comic Riffs
By Michael Cavna | July 24, 2010;
Harvey Pekar reminiscence by a long-time coworker
A day in the working life of VA file clerk and 'American Splendor' creator Harvey Pekar
Friday, July 23, 2010
At some point I'll try to list all of the interviews that popped up after Harvey's death, but hadn't been included in Harvey Pekar: Conversations.
Washington Post on Comics-Con
Comic-Con in San Diego makes a heroic effort to party hearty
By Jen Chaney
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, July 24, 2010; C05
and five more stories on their Comic Riffs blog
COMIC-CON 2010: Legend STAN LEE talks 'geek power,' new movies -- & why he was embarrassed to be a comic-book writer
By Michael Cavna | July 23, 2010
COMIC-CON 2010: 'iCarly's' JERRY TRAINOR goes 'b-i-g' to voice the new cartoon 'T.U.F.F. Puppy'
By Michael Cavna | July 24, 2010
COMIC-CON 2010 Interviews: MAD magazine artists 'excited' about TV show for a new generation
By Michael Cavna | July 24, 2010
COMIC-CON 2010: 'Opus's' BERKELEY BREATHED talks pigs, penguins & the thrill of adapting 'Pete & Pickles' for animation
By Michael Cavna | July 23, 2010
COMIC-CON 2010: Rising OLIVIA MUNN has already inherited the geeks. Will she now inherit the Earth?
By Michael Cavna | July 23, 2010