Sunday, June 28, 2009
Maria Sharapova stalls out, upset at Wimbledon
t's always easy to root for Maria Sharapova conceptually. She's a fighter, a comebacker, a confirmed champion. She goes for the lines, which is the nicest thing we can say about any player at Wimbledon. There is little nonsense about her apart from the commercial endorsements and the silly carry-on bag. Just the honest business of winning matches.
But then the games start and you remember that stylistically she is considerably limited, that she is little more than a likable baseline bully. Sharapova mostly shrieks, slugs the ball and hopes to the heavens it doesn't come back.
Then Wednesday, during a 6-2, 3-6, 6-4 loss to Gisela Dulko, the heavy Slazenger balls came back too often. The slight Argentine was a far more creative point-builder, a deft touch player. It was Martina Hingis-Lindsay Davenport, all over again.
Dulko is 5-7, which means she gave up about six inches and plenty of torque to her opponent. Her career portfolio was even more eclipsed.
Dulko had never been on Centre Court before; never scrambled past the third round here, while Sharapova won the whole shooting match in 2004. That same year, Dulko enjoyed her greatest claim to fame with a victory over the 47-year-old Martina Navratilova. In two prior head-to-head matches against Sharapova, Dulko had managed to win a total of just three games.
But Dulko moved Sharapova all over the court yesterday with cute drop slices, sharp angles and changes of pace. Her serves rarely cracked the 100-mph mark, yet they were neatly enough placed.
Beyond that, Sharapova is still not the pre-shoulder surgery Sharapova.
"Of course it's better to play with her now than in the past and perhaps in the future," Dulko said.
This is something Sharapova had warned us about all along. The nine-month layoff has taken its toll, and she faces a difficult road from here to the U.S. Open. This was just her fourth tournament back, not nearly enough.
"I wasn't kidding when I said just being here is a wonderful accomplishment," Sharapova said. "You know, I'm not lying about it. I had the pleasure of playing on Centre Court again. This whole event, there's nothing I don't like about it. I would have liked to have a longer season before coming here, but that's just the way it is."
The match itself swayed back and forth, riding on the nerves and institutional memories of both players. After building a 3-0 lead in the second set, Dulko committed a swarm of unforced errors, a full dozen of them, to drop the next six games. Just as fans assumed this would end with the standard collapse by the underdog, Sharapova blinked.
She double-faulted seven times in the decisive set, at least once on each of her service games. She didn't just miss. Sharapova's serves sailed a full 10 feet too long on two occasions. The breezes didn't help her toss, but Sharapova insisted it was more than that, and more than her shoulder. She blamed the balls and the length of the match instead.
"No pain at all," she said. "I just couldn't go up and hit the serve with the same velocity. I didn't have enough juice on it."
The last game was a thing of great suspense, with Sharapova turning back four match points on ridiculously risky shots. Dulko appeared to be losing a battle against her own history. But then on the fourth deuce point, Dulko challenged a call off Sharapova's forehand. The replay showed Sharapova's shot was out. Facing yet another match point after this technological setback, Sharapova finally cracked by way of a long forehand.
"I was very nervous at the end," said Dulko, who had 10 double faults of her own. "The last game was forever for me. But it was very important to finish in that moment. At 5-5 and her serve, it was everything starting again. I was very relieved with that game. She was there to the end, fighting all the time."
Dulko had barely won when she was interrogated about boyfriends and a British reporter informed her straightaway she was now the new pinup darling of his publication.
"It would be nice," Dulko said. "I'm not only a tennis player, I'm a woman."
Monday, June 22, 2009
Un passo alla volta
Ad oggi, allo stadio embrionale che vediamo oggi (soprattutto per colpa dei film che non sono granchè) possiamo dire che il 3D è il primo modo di realizzare e proiettare film che riesce a restituire davvero il senso della visione attraverso il vetro, cioè la differenza visiva e percettiva che si ha tra la visione di una figura e la visione della stessa posizionata dietro ad una superficie trasparente. Partendo da questo mi sento anche di dire che mai vedere una figura al di là di un vetro (sia una finestra o quant'altro) è mai stato così emozionante.
Ecco. E questa è una cosa.
I per si no s'ho creieu, ací teniu una altra foto
Qui és aquest senyor que es fa el suec i no s'unix a la manifestació? serà el que dona l'arribada als corredors?
Ni idea, però deu tindre un carnet del PP més gran que la Séu perquè les forces de seguretat del Regne d'Aspanya no li lleven ull, mireu a l'esquerra.
Ah! I també vos recomanem aquest article de l'amic Xavi Aliaga.
Pare novell
18 hores en dilatació i 15 en paritori. Menut sobresaltat vore entrar a la sala d'espera el ginecòleg amb la bata verda. Nerviós, li vaig preguntar:
- Ha anat tot bé? Què ha sigut: xiquet o xiqueta?
Sense llevar-se la mascareta, el ginecòleg em va dir:
- Tranquil, ha anat tot bé. Ha sigut un bon 33.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Zadzooks on Ghostbusters videogame
Joseph Szadkowski, Washington Times Thursday, June 18, 2009, which has a passing mention of the IDW comic book series.
Bennett's best returns - "Bennett's Best for the week of June 7", June 17, 2009 at Zadzooks' blog.
By John Judy
ACTRESS AND THE BISHOP #1 written and drawn by Brian Bolland. Collecting Bolland’s little known humor strips about a duo that can most charitably be called “Politically Incorrect.” From Desperado Publishing. Gotta look!
ASTONISHING X-MEN #30 by Warren Ellis and Simone Bianchi. The prettiest X-book on the stands wraps up its first arc, “Ghost Boxes.” Recommended.
AVENGERS: INITIATIVE #25 by Christos Gage and Humberto Ramos. In which things go South for our heroes. That Norman Osborn is a bad egg to be sure…
AVENGERS INVADERS #12 of 12 by Alex Ross, Jim Kreuger and Steve Sadowski. Our long national nightmare is over.
BARACK THE BARBARIAN: QUEST FOR THE TREASURE OF STIMULI #1 of 4 by Larry Hama, Chris Schons and Rachelle Rosenberg. A humor title featuring a familiar figure. But will a comic book with President Obama on the cover sell? A bit of risk-taking from Devil’s Due Publishing.
DAREDEVIL #119 by Ed Brubaker and Michael Lark. Lady Bullseye and her hangers-on finally come out of hiding. Not good for heroes with horns and their fat sidekicks.
DARK AVENGERS #6 by Brian Michael Bendis and Mike Deodato. Norman Osborn is hearing voices again. And they’re not keeping tempo and harmony.
DARK AVENGERS/UNCANNY X-MEN: UTOPIA #1 by Matt Fraction and Marc Silvestri. The Dark Avengers are sent to San Francisco to keep the hippies in line. Mutants too. Hijinks ensue.
DARK REIGN: SINISTER SPIDER-MAN #1 by Brian Reed and Barry Kitson. The evil Dark Avengers Spidey (who is really The Scorpion/Venom) is living life and eating people. Because somebody’s gotta do it!
DETECTIVE COMICS #854 by Greg Rucka, J.H. Williams and Cully Hamner. Oh sure, you think of this old war horse book of DC’s as another in an endless series of Bat-titles. But what if I told you this one had not one but TWO awesome creative teams and the book was devoted to the two most high-profile, butt-kicking lesbians in the DCU? Got your attention now, eh? Batwoman and The Question every month. Must Have. Highly recommended.
FINAL CRISIS AFTERMATH: INK #2 of 6 by Eric Wallace and Fabrizio Fiorentino. Granted, it’s a spin-off series from a disappointing “event” book, but this one’s actually pretty durn good. A mostly reformed bad guy whose tattoos come to life to hurt other less-reformed bad guys. And it’s set in my new/old hometown of Washington, DC. Worth checking out if only to see if the new Tattooed Man goes after Marion Barry. Recommended.
GOLDEN-AGE STARMAN ARCHIVES VOL. 2 HC by Numerous Legends of the Comics/Sci-Fi Golden Age. Collecting ADVENTURE COMICS #77-102. Thousands of dollars worth of comics for a lot less than you’d pay on E-Bay.
GOTHAM CITY SIRENS #1 by Paul Dini and Guillem March. The adventures of Catwoman, Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn featuring covers that will make you hit puberty all over again. What more can one ask?
GREEN LANTERN #42 by Geoff Johns and Philip Tan. Green vs. Orange! Will power vs. Greed! Must say, on paper I’m betting on Greed. Good luck, Hal.
IMMORTAL IRON FIST #27 by Duane Swierczynski and Travel Foreman. The Final Issue. I guess his kung-fu wasn’t so tough after all. This was a good series and will be missed. Recommended.
JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA #28 by Jerry Ordway and Bob Wiacek. A Japanese spirit who’s still peeved about the A-bombs takes it to the JSA. Enter their old ally, the Spectre! Of course this is the new Spectre who’s a little less inclined to throw planets at people when he’s moody. Anything can happen. Read it!
NEW AVENGERS #54 by Brian Michael Bendis, Chris Bachalo and Billy Tan. Brother (I mean “Brudder”) Voodoo?!? Are you kidding me, Bendis?! Screw it, I’m rooting for Dormammu….
NORTHLANDERS #18 by Brian Wood and Danijel Zezelj. A Must-Have two-parter about the real story of the Norse Valkyries. “The Shield Maidens” begins here. Highly recommended.
PREVIEWS by Diamond and Marvel Comics. “Uncertain the future is.” Here’s everyone’s best guess for three months from now.
SUPERMAN #689 by James Robinson and Renato Guedes. A dying Mon-El decides to see the world before he cashes in his chips. And hit people.
THOR #602 by J. Michael Straczynski and Marko Djurdjevic. Loki continues rocking all of Thor’s nine worlds. Okay, that sounds dirty. “Loki continues vexing Thor with his/her mischief.” Eh, better. Thor still needs his head examined. Trusting Loki? Too many war clubs to ye olde noggin.
THUNDERBOLTS #133 by Andy Diggle and Roberto De La Torre. Osborne’s hit squad tries once again to take down Songbird. Only Andy Diggle and a few others could make this work. And he does.
UNCANNY X-MEN #512 by Matt Fraction and Yanick Paquette. Mutant chicks, time travel and the first Sentinel. I’m in.
WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE WORLD OF TOMORROW? HC written and drawn by Brian Fies. A graphic novel by the creator of MOM’S CANCER. This one takes us through an account of growing up from 1939 to 1975 when technology was making promises its creators never quite managed to keep. Does not come with a jetpack, appropriately enough.
WOLVERINE: WEAPONX #3 by Jason Aaron and Ron Garney. Wolvie vs. the Adamantium Men. This is the good Wolverine book, folks. Aaron/Garney. Accept no substitutes. Recommended.
WONDER WOMAN #33 by Gail Simone and Aaron Lopresti. WW puts paid to her evil future zombie self and lots more. The final chapter, at least for some. Gotta look!
X-FACTOR #45 by Peter David and Valentine DeLandro. Madrox meets Doctor Doom. This could be the shortest issue yet.
Una fe de pedra picada
El maleït microrelat (V)
"Només nàixer, es va morir."
Sí és que no som res -es va dir-. Xe, però que bonico m'ha quedat!
El sistema reproductiu dels bàrbars era ideal. No calia passar l’enfadós tràmit de prenyar una femella i haver d’esperar nou mesos per tenir-ne un de nou, ca! D’un dia per l’altre la gent de la contrada s’hi convertia sola: eren tots més alts, més forts, i sobretot més salvatges i més sanguinaris.
Art Spiegelman in today's Post
Aquest llibre ens endinsa en el procés irreversible de transformació territorial i paisatgística que afecta el territori valencià. I alhora ens mostra com l’horta i la muntanya valenciana van quedant soterrades sota l'urbanisme. Un urbanisme banal que homogenitza l’aspecte de paratges tan diversos com distants, i fa que els territoris perden la seua identitat."
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Imagery update for Tehran
Many of you have been letting us know through Tweets, emails, blog posts, message boards, and even an online petition that you're very interested in seeing recent satellite imagery of Tehran. Well, we've heard your requests and over the past few days have been working with our satellite imagery partner GeoEye to make this possible. We just received updated satellite imagery of Tehran, taken on Thursday the 18th at approximatly 11:18am local time. Below are some screenshots the updated imagery, you can view the entire image in Google Earth with this KML file.
Posted by Matt Manolides, Senior Geo Data Strategist
El maleït microrelat (IV)
That darn Luckovich!
Washington Post Saturday, June 20, 2009
I have been a Post convert ever since moving to the area in 2001. While dissenting viewpoints are to be expected, Mike Luckovich's June 13 cartoon provoked me.
He depicted four frustrated burqa-clad Muslim women discussing their envy of first lady Michelle Obama, with a turbaned man in the foreground cursing President Obama.
I cannot fathom how this cartoon could have passed muster for inclusion. Surely America has come out of the Stone Ages.
Wasn't it just this month in Cairo that President Obama provided us with several reminders that we need to adjust our own lens to better understand the Muslim world? Speaking explicitly to perceptions of Muslim women, he stated "I reject the view of some in the West that a woman who chooses to cover her hair is somehow less equal" and that "it is important for Western countries to avoid impeding Muslim citizens from practicing religion as they see fit -- for instance, by dictating what clothes a Muslim woman should wear."
I thought that this was finally the spirit of our discourse, but your cartoon diminished some of the strides we're making, reinforced old and tired stereotypes and took us decades back.
-- Vijitha M. Eyango
Silver Spring
That darn Beetle Bailey!
Washington Post June 20 2009
Mort Walker and The Post owe an apology to the men and women of the U.S. military for the June 18 "Beetle Bailey" cartoon insinuating that our armed services have a mission only to "blow things up" around the world. As a veteran and the parent of two servicemen, I believe an apology is also owed to the families whose loved ones died protecting our freedoms, including the right to publish offensive cartoons.
-- Jack Koehler
Energia positiva
Sexe i malestar
June 20, 21: Lucky Luke at NGA
Family Programs
Go West! A Lucky Luke Adventure
June 13 and 20, 10:30 a.m.
June 14 and 21, 11:30 a.m.
ages 7 and up
In French with English subtitles
Based on the popular Franco-Belgian comic book series, Go West! A Lucky Luke Adventure (Tous a l'Ouest: Une aventure de Lucky Luke) is the first feature film about the renowned wandering cowboy who rides Jolly Jumper, fights crime and injustice, and is known to "shoot faster than his shadow." This adventure has Luke leading a group of settlers from New York to California—a trip they have to make in eighty days in order to claim their land from the evil Crook—while also battling the bumbling Dalton Brothers, a gang of robbers who have hidden their loot in a covered wagon but can't remember which one. Filled with sight gags, action sequences, and witty narrative, this comedy entertains both children and adults. (Olivier Jean Marie, France, 2007, 90 minutes)
All film programs are shown in the East Building Auditorium, and admission is free. No registration is required. Seating is offered on a first-come, first-seated basis. Groups are welcome.
L’escopofilisme de l’hidra
Friday, June 19, 2009
"A friend to cartoonists gets fired"
He was also a great supporter of cartoonists with a daily feature called "Cartoon Watch" in which he'd point people to the better cartoons offered up that day.
It wouldn't hurt if people took the opportunity to write in on his behalf.... and maybe also mention how great the Cartoon Watch feature was.
Els folis en qüestió declinen cap al color sépia amb les lletres passades a màquina, teclejades per l'Ovidi: els títols en majúscula, la resta no. Algunes lletres ballen. Alguns punts ja són foradets. En algunes pàgines el contorn de les grafies es difumina. Va com va, El desesperat, Sol d'estiu, Homenatje (sic) a Teresa,... així fins a 19 folis. Sí, algunes faltes de mecanògraf maldestre. A peu de pàgina posa Lletra i música: Ovidi Montllor. En totes hi ha el segell blau que diu: Ministerio de Información y turismo. 4 Delegación provincial de Barcelona. I la data: 16 Ene 1971: Censura passada.
Passe les mans per damunt d'estos fulls i demane a l'Ovidi que m'ungisca amb la seua honestedat i humiltat, i també amb la ràbia feréstega de la seua veu d'argelagues.
How to find out "What's here"
On Google Maps, we try to label important places directly on the map tiles. But sometimes, it seems more helpful to just click on a point and ask "What's here?". Now you can do exactly that with an option we've added under the right-click menu. When you click on "What's here?", we give you the most relevant result representing that location, whether it's a specific address, a natural entity, or a place name.
Posted by Fernando Delgado, Product Manager and Diana Stroe, Software Engineer
El maleït microrelat (III)
Major Lazer interviewed on DCist
DCist Interview: Major Lazer [music-related cartoon character].
By Andrew Wiseman in Arts and Events on June 19, 2009 from Matt Dembicki)
Sexe i benestar
Leggendo la trama e guardando un episodio a caso della serie (ora arrivata al settimo) ci si rende conto immediatamente dell'elevato livello qualitativo. La scelta che è stata fatta anche a livello produttivo è chiara. CircleDrawers è un lavoro professionale in tutti sensi e si pone senza dubbio come un prodotto di serie A eppure non raccimola quello che dovrebbe. Nonostante un posizionamento su Blip e uno su YouTube, la presenza su Facebook e tutta una serie di iniziative di passaparola, non riesce ad attrarre i visitatori che meriterebbe e che indubbiamente (dato il tipo di produzione) sta cercando.
Obsessió II
Kyle's Bed and Breakfast strip still in Blade
Mike Ritter's editorial cartoon appears again, credited to the Southern Voice / Blade, leading me to wonder if he's permanently replacing Paul Berge (who appeared through syndication).
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Locus amoenus?
June 20: James Warhola at National Portrait Gallery
Dump the pump with new transit agencies in Google Maps
Did you know:
- Individuals can achieve an average annual savings of over $8,000 by taking public transportation instead of driving and by living with one less car?
- For every $1 invested in public transportation infrastructure, $6 is generated in economic returns to communities?
- Public transportation saves 900,000 automobile fill-ups each day – or 4.2 billion gallons of gasoline per year?
- Switching to public transportation can reduce individual carbon emissions by 20 pounds per day or 4,800 pounds per year?
- Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County, Houston, TX
- VIA Metropolitan Transit in San Antonio, TX (data available tomorrow)
- Utah Transit Authority, Salt Lake City, UT
- Metro St. Louis, St Louis, MO
- Foothill Transit, San Gabriel Valley, CA
- Riverside Transit, Riverside, CA
- Charlotte Area Transit System, Charlotte, NC
- Pinella Suncoast Transit Authority, St. Petersburg, FL
Posted by Jessica Wei, Strategic Partner Development Manager, Google Transit
Ja de nit.
Estic en la terrasseta bevent-me un gotet de sidra.
El maleït microrelat (II)
Celebrating the Ocean in Google Earth with our partners
The last few weeks have certainly been busy for the Ocean in Google Earth team. On May 28 in Santa Monica, CA, Heal the Bay held their Bring Back the Beach 2009 fundraiser, supporting work to improve water quality and do beach health monitoring across California. This year, Heal the Bay wanted to celebrate with the theme “A Sea of Possibilities” to recognize those whose thoughts, words, and actions demonstrate the powerful impact of seizing tremendous opportunities for positive change. The Ocean in Google Earth team was honored to be receiving the "Walk the Talk Award" and hope this inspires even more people to use the Ocean in Google Earth to learn about the issues that face this part of our planet. Barry Gribbon, CEO of Homerun Entertainment, produced this great Ocean in Google Earth Awards video - check it out to learn more. You can also have a look at their 19th Annual Beach Report Card, which uses the Google Maps API, to see the most current information about the health of California's coastlines.
Then, this past Saturday, at the Aquarium of the Pacific's Annual Awards Gala in Long Beach, CA, Director Jerry Schubel presented their Ocean Conservation Award to the Ocean in Google Earth. The event honors individuals and organizations that take a leadership role in protecting the environment. In addition, the event raises money to support the Aquarium’s education and conservation initiatives, which include teacher training, environmental education, mobile outreach programs, scholarship funds, and propagation programs.
The entire Ocean in Google Earth team would like to thank our over 100 partners. This includes large media groups like National Geographic and the BBC; researchers at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and Scripps Institution of Oceanography; non-profits like the Cousteau Society; aquariums; universities; NOAA, the US Navy, the Australian Great Barrier Reef Park Authority, and other government groups. We've also had individual contributors like Ray Hollowell in Hawaii and Sheila McKenna in Bermuda who have added photos, videos and stories to the Ocean content layers in Google Earth. This also wouldn't be possible without the many Googlers who contributed their time. One of our fantastic engineers, Emil Praun, who was instrumental to solving the ocean and land boundary problem, was fortunate to be able to attend the event.
You may remember the story of how Ocean in Google Earth came to be, following a conversation between Sylvia Earle and John Hanke three years ago. And now, as of February of this year, hundreds of millions of Google Earth users can go take a dive and see the oceans for themselves. As a piece of software, Google Earth is only as good as what you do with it. A number of our partners have used this as a way to tell their stories, and now you can go explore and add your own photos and videos, and share what you find with others. We are very excited to continue to work with the ocean community to enrich this canvas and make it an even more powerful educational tool. The Aquarium of the Pacific is rolling out teaching kiosks which will have the embedded Google Earth plug-in featuring some wonderful ocean content.
As Sylvia always says, "With knowing comes caring, and with caring, there's hope."
Posted by Jenifer Austin Foulkes, Business Product Manager, Ocean in Google Earth
Cellulite e Celluloide - Il podcast
E infine gli utili consigli televisivi: Ombre Rosse, La Dolce Vita, Thank You For Smoking, Il Ladro di Bagdad, Lontano Dal Paradiso, Roma ora 11.
Per i file occorre ringraziare il prode Luca che pur non avendo nulla a che vedere con l'amministrazione della radio ha deciso in proprio di registrare, tagliare e mettere online i file.
Ordunque adesso anche se non siete di Roma o dintorni potete godere anche voi di queste perle radiofoniche e sottoscrivere i podcast come più vi aggrada. O consultare l'archivione.
OT: AAEC president Rall has a letter in the NYTimes
Videogiochi senza interazione (e su grande schermo)
Chi innova rompe sempre qualche regola e così ha fatto Henry Selick quando ha deciso di realizzare l'ultima parte del suo Coraline adottando uno stile e una serie di soluzioni visive tipiche del mondo dei videogiochi per raccontare il superamento di una serie di prove da parte della protagonista.
Nel racconto di Gaiman infatti accade che Coraline debba correre contro il tempo per cercare degli oggetti sparsi nella casa e lo debba fare con l'aiuto di uno strumento che le consente di vedere la realtà diversamente, individuando così più facilmente ciò che cerca. Per mettere in immagini e poter raccontare facilmente lo svolgersi di queste azioni, e soprattutto per immedesimare gli spettatori in quel senso di ricerca e superamento dei propri limiti (che è l'essenza stessa del videogiocare), Selick ha allora scelto di usare modalità di racconto da videogioco.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Thompson unveils new Cul de Sac cover
And we won't be at Heroes Con this year, due to Our Man Thompson's workload. Sorry!
El maleït microrelat
A picture is worth millions of voices
Every year, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) gives assistance and shelter to millions of people forcibly uprooted from their homes. Some of them have lived in camps or ghettos for up to 20 years. The upcoming World Refugee Day on 20th June is an important opportunity for everybody to show solidarity.
Marie is a Burundian refugee in Rwanda. As a member of the Tutsi ethnic group, she and her family were attacked by Hutu rebels on several occasions. Now she and her family are waiting to be resettled; as she says, "I plan to work and start over my life with my family. It’s the most precious dream I have… to see them again."
Together with Google, UNHCR is putting refugees on the map - a virtual map - with a new Google Earth tour that shows UNHCR's refugee camps across the globe. Claudia Gonzalez-Gisiger from UNHCR says the tour is a powerful way for everyone to get an insight into the desperate conditions in which refugees live.
Açò no ha fet més que començar... Arriben els 2ons Premis de Microrelats El Penjoll 2009!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
No more comic strips in Blade?
Wuerker's new Operation game
Pulitzer-prize nominee Matt Wuerker's got a new game up on the Politico website - Operation. Matt's also added a couple of other animations since the last time I checked in.
Library of Congress Swann Fellowships Announced
Library of Congress
101 Independence Avenue SE
Washington DC 20540
June 16, 2009
Swann Foundation Announces Awards for 2009-2010
The Caroline and Erwin Swann Foundation for Caricature and Cartoon, administered by the Library of Congress, announces fellowship awards to three applicants for the academic year 2009-2010: Yasemin Gencer, Amanda Lahikainen and Jason E. Hill.
Because of an unusually large number of strong applications, the foundation’s advisory board did not award a single fellowship this year but instead decided to support three applicants’ projects with smaller awards.
Gencer, a doctoral candidate in the history of art at Indiana University, will receive a fellowship to support research for her dissertation titled “Pushing Out Islam: Cartoons of the Reform Period in Turkey (1918-1928).” She will contend that political cartoons produced during this decade―a decade that is critical to the history of modern Turkey―display and define a secular Turkish culture. This effect is achieved by contrasting symbols of Islam and Arabic culture with those of Turkish modernism. In many of these cartoons, Gencer says, textual and visual elements reinforce one another to advance a new Turkish Republic that is seeking to disengage itself from its Islamic past, stressing its secular and thus non-Islamic political and social structure, and thereby, aligning itself with modern Europe.
Lahikainen, a doctoral candidate in the history of art at Brown University, was awarded support for her investigation into ways in which British political satires used the French Revolution to represent and comment upon English domestic politics from 1789 to 1804 (from the fall of the Bastille to Napoleon’s coronation as Emperor.) In her dissertation titled “Anglicizing the French Revolution: The Politics of Humor in Late Eighteenth-Century English Political Graphic Satire,” she will focus on a number of works by Isaac Cruikshank, James Gillray, Richard Newton, Thomas Rowlandson and James Sayers, analyzing how such graphic satirists capitalized on the fear of religious dissent, violence and radicalism at home, maintenance of political hegemony over Ireland, and continual threat of a French invasion. Central to her study of such imagery is the way in which humorous satires addressing serious events invited shifting responses of laughter, horror, and fear within a single frame.
Hill will receive an award to help complete his dissertation titled “The Artist as Reporter: Picturing the News at PM Daily, 1940-1948.” A doctoral candidate in the history of art at the University of Southern California, Hill will examine the place of cartooning within the visual repertoire of PM Daily, a newspaper whose editorial independence and sophisticated visual program attracted the participation of many of the era’s most celebrated artists, including cartoonists Charles E. Martin, Ad Reinhardt, Arthur Szyk and Theodore Geisel (a.k.a. Dr. Seuss).
During the coming academic year, the three recipients of awards from the Swann Foundation for Caricature and Cartoon will conduct research in not only the Prints and Photographs Division's rich holdings of graphic art, but also use relevant periodical holdings in such other divisions as the African and Middle East Division and Serial and Government Publications Division.
New York advertising executive Erwin Swann (1906 1973) established the Swann Foundation for Caricature and Cartoon in 1967. An avid collector, Swann assembled a large group of original drawings by over 500 artists, spanning two centuries, which his estate bequeathed to the Library of Congress in the 1970s. Swann's original purpose was to build a collection of original drawings by significant creators of humorous and satiric art and to encourage the study of original cartoon and caricature drawings as works of art. The foundation=s support of research and academic publication is carried out in part through a program of fellowships.
# # #
ISSN: 0731-3527
Transformers: La Vendetta Del Caduto (Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen, 2009)di Michael Bay
Così Transformers: La Vendetta Del Caduto dopo il successo del primo film preme l'acceleratore senza criterio su quegli elementi che dagli "exit poll" e dalle indagini di mercato sono risultati i più soddisfacenti. Più azione, più robot, più trasformazioni, più materia per bambini, meno umani, meno storia e (ovviamente) più esplosioni. Questo, neanche a dirlo, manda a farsi benedire quel sottile equilibrio di elementi che aveva reso il primo film godibile.
Si perde anche qualsivoglia velleità di parlare di un possibile rapporto tra uomo e tecnologia. L'idea alla base dei Transformers infatti era di non avere più una guerra tra uomini e macchine ma di avere una guerra tra macchine (facendo sì che anch'esse si dividessero in buone e cattive come noi) rendendole come fossero un'altra specie animale (da qui le antropomorfizzazioni che nel film in linea di massima si perdono) nella quale gli uomini giocavano un ruolo comprimario come quello che la tecnologia gioca nelle guerre tra uomini.
In questo nuovo film invece le macchine sono una metafora umana, ma non una metafora sottile ed elaborata, solo una metafora buona per far vedere cose che con gli umani non si potrebbero mostrare. Teste fracassate, mascelle che volano, arti spezzati e anche dell'olio (?!?) a simulare il sangue.
I Transformers in questo secondo film vengono scomposti e dilaniati secondo i medesimi principi degli uomini e non in una maniera originale tipica delle macchine (come accade ad esempio ai robot della serie di Terminator). Questo leva anche quell'ultimo barlume di originalità nel racconto di una storia che non è più solo di uomini ma di uomini e macchine e che qui invece diventa di botti e fughe.
Ti amo digitale terrestre
Ma c'è un'altra cosa che mi rende felice. Una cosa del tutto personale, che non potrei citare come argomentazione a favore in un dibattito, ma alla quale tuttavia non posso fare a meno di pensare. Si tratta del fatto che questo passaggio crea dei problemi. Problemi ai più anziani e problemi al pubblico più accanito della televisione generalista (quello della tv tematica già ha Sky), crea dei problemi a quel segmento di popolazione in linea di massima di età avanzata che domina il paese in cui vivo determinando i contenuti della televisione generalista (che non solo non mi piacciono ma non sono nemmeno qualcosa di nuovo), decidendo spesso e volentieri le elezioni e i referendum (quasi mai in linea con i miei desideri) e frenando l'innovazione tecnologica, quel pubblico che da oggi fa file chilometriche nei negozi elettronica per comprare all'ultimo secondo i decoder (ma poi per soli due canali non vale la pena aspettare, che ne so, una settimana e non fare la fila??).
Ecco. Che finalmente si svantaggi questo segmento per favorire l'altro segmento, il mio, mi fa godere.
Monday, June 15, 2009
1ers Jocs Florils de Poesia Satiricopolítica: A votar!
Reunits conjuntament els membres i membres del Comité d'Honor de Poesia Satiricopolítica d’El Penjoll i del Conclave Judeomaçònic de Versaors i Tabaleters del Sèptim Dia de la Canal de Navarrés han decidit, per unanimitat, atorgar els premis Caracollons Honoris Causa als següents poemes que contenen les paraules màgiques "aleshores-gairebé":
“No era”, d’Aquil·les Sisternes.
“Eixos que…”, de Dª Reencarnació Palomino.
“L’art de brofegar”, de l’Hora Violeta.
“Sonet”, d’Aquil·les Sisternes.
"El petit gran home i la gran història brillant", de Tarsan, President de la República de les Mones.
A més, declaren aspirants a Petet Galant, sotmetent-se a votació popular, els següents cinc decasíl·labs:
“Va, deixa ací el pernil i allà els titots", del poema “La compra del titot”, d’Alietes el del Corralot.
"que toque el cel qui es pague els pantalons", del poema “Al del braç incorrupte” d’Alietes el del Corralot.
"Corbata negra, soga d'imputat", del poema “Patíbul” d’Alietes el del Corralot.
“Per dir mongeta, en comptes de fesol!”, del poema “Sonet” d’Aquil·les Sisternes.
“Eixos que són més rojos que uns titots", del poema "Eixos que..." de Dª Reencarnació Palomino
Per últim, es disputaran, mitjançant votació popular, el Florí d’Or, al millor poema satiricopolític, i la Ploma d'Anec, al pitjor poema dels 1ers Jocs Florils, els següents vint-i-sis poemes:
“No era”, d’Aquil·les Sisternes.
“Eixos que…”, de Dª Reencarnació Palomino.
“Tropical I”, d’Escrivà de Cort.
“Patíbul”, d’Alietes el del Corralot.
“Trage clar”, del Capità Superflipo.
“Elogi del vestits (I)”, de Lo Pol.
“Elogi del vestits (i II), de Lo Pol.
“Tropical II”, d’Escrivà de Cort.
“La gran mascletada”, de Peguie.
“Sonet”, d’Aquil·les Sisternes.
“Pompeu”, del Santíssim Pare.
“Al del braç incorrupte”, d’Alietes el del Corralot.
“Trage de Camps”, de Tarsan, President de la República de les Mones.
“L’art de brofegar”, de l’Hora Violeta.
“Tankes del shōgun”, del Superagent Pardo.
“Gran corregida de jònecs”, de Heidi.
“Els calós de València et “camelen” un ou!”, del Superagent Pardo.
“A xiquito de la Costera”, de Pepe “el Negre”.
“Francisco Camps i el calós”, de Superagent Pardo.
“Oda a Ritaaaaarhhgroooaarhhh!”, d’Alietes el del Corralot.
“Apariat”, de Tarsan, President de la República de les Mones.
“La compra del titot”, d’Alietes el del Corralot.
“Europea (no massa fina i un poc fallera)”, d’Alietes el del Corralot.
“Galteres”, de Joan Ubach (Espock).
"Taronches de la china (la llisó del Conseller)", de Tarsan, President de la República de les Mones.
"El petit gran home i la gran història brillant", de Tarsan, President de la República de les Mones.
Senyor Conseller, que comencen les votacions!
A la barra de la dreta podeu sotmetre a escarni i mofa pública els poemes participants. Les enquestes per votar estaran actives una setmana. Podeu votar tots els decasíl·labs i tots els poemes que vos agraden i deixar de votar els que no. Impressionant!
Si no ho vau fer a les Ereccions Europees ara teniu l'oportunitat de votar. No la deixeu passar.
El petit gran home i la gran història brillant
Has volgut convertir Xàtiva en sinònim d’ignorant
has volgut fer la nostra terra poble de burros titots i maleducats.
Ompliràs les parets de plaques brillants i grans titulars en els periòdics pagats
Escopiràs pets, bufes i cagallons al parlar: “aleshores! gairebés! filldeputes! vos remataré!”
però ja tens reservat, indefectiblement cap per a avall, un lloc a la història amb Felip V al costat.
Tot i això no t’equivoques, no t’hem allí nosaltres posat,
nosaltres que et voldríem vore amb la teua gent lluitant…
Has estat tu. Tu i sols tu. Tu cabut i acomplexat
Tu, que t’estimes més fer el bufó al servei de València, Espanya i el Capital
portar misses, toreros, espanyols, diputats, arquitectes, exposicions, ovnis, avions i imputats
posar flors, parades militars, taullells que ballen al teu son, estòmacs agraïts, llepaculs cagats.
Però per cada traició, cada ofensa, com una maledicció dels maulets i els íbers de Sait,
Ets tu qui es torna més ínfim, més ridícul, més raquític, ninot botifler, titella insignificant,
Aquesta és la teua història, la teua placa brillant, el que tu has escrit, aquest és el teu llegat.
Taronches del china (La llisó del Conseller)
Repetiu tochs chunts ab mi la llisó que ara vos dic
Che quin fum fa!
Cal que aprengueu anglés que és un idioma actual
Che quin fum fa
Cal que apregueu castellà que és un idioma nacional
Che quin fum fa
Cal que aprenegueu chinés que és un idioma internacional
Che quin fum fa
el valencià no ve del català
La Taroncha és la nostra pàtria
i aquesta ve de la china imperial
Mandarina és llavors la nostra identitat.
Che quin fum fa!
June 15: Superman 2 in Crystal City
Join the Crystal City BID for 21 weeks of Superheros! On Monday nights from May 4, 2009-September 21, 2009, Crystal City will be protected by Batman, Spiderman, Superman, and many others. Each night will also have special giveaways, sponsors, and other activities.
May 4, 2009 - September 21, 2009
18th and Bell Street - Courtyard Across from Crystal City Metro Station & Marriott Hotel
Event Fee:
Movies begin at sundown
Join the Crystal City BID for 21 weeks of Superheros! On Monday nights from May 4, 2009-September 21, 2009, Crystal City will be protected by Batman, Spiderman, Superman, and many others. Each night will also have special giveaways, sponsors, and other activities. Check back here for more information.
CRYSTAL KID BONUS: Since it gets dark later in the summer and movies often start past bedtime, the BID has partnered with Crystal City Sports Pub to rebroadcast each movie at 3:30 PM on the 3rd Floor of CCSP on the Wednesday following the outdoor showing, starting May 6. Bring your kids and a blanket and enjoy the fabulous surround network of TVs.
Festival Rules: Patrons can bring their own picnics as long as they abide by city and festival rules. Low-backed chairs and blankets are allowed, but grills, umbrellas, and pets are prohibited.
June 15, 2009 - Superman 2
June 17, 2009 - Superman 2 - at CCSP
June 22, 2009 - Superman 3: Superman vs. Superman
June 24, 2009 - Superman 3: Superman vs. Superman - at CCSP
June 29, 2009 - Superman 4: The Quest for Peace
June 31, 2009 - Superman 4: The Quest for Peace - at CCSP
July 6, 2009 - Superman 5: Superman Returns
July 8, 2009 - Superman 5: Superman Returns - at CCSP
July 13, 2009 - X-Men
July 15, 2009 - X-Men - at CCSP
July 20, 2009 - X2
July 22, 2009 - X2 - at CCSP
July 27, 2009 - X-Men: The Last Stand
July 29, 2009 - X-Men: The Last Stand - at CCSP
August 3, 2009 - Fantastic Four
August 5, 2009 - Fantastic Four - at CCSP
August 10, 2009 - Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
August 12, 2009 - Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer - at CCSP
August 17, 2009 - Batman
August 19, 2009 - Batman - at CCSP
August 24, 2009 - Batman Returns
August 26, 2009 - Batman Returns - at CCSP
August 31, 2009 - Batman Forever
September 2, 2009 - Batman Forever - at CCSP
September 7, 2009 - Batman & Robin
September 9, 2009 - Batman & Robin - at CCSP
September 14, 2009 - Batman Begins
September 16, 2009 - Batman Begins - at CCSP
September 21, 2009 - Batman: The Dark Knight
September 23, 2009 - Batman: The Dark Knight - at CCSP
Una Notte Da Leoni (The Hangover, 2009)di Todd Phillips
La motivazione di una simile prestazione è molto semplice: Una Notte Da Leoni è un film da morire dal ridere.
E non lo è solo per una sceneggiatura e dei dialoghi impeccabili, sebbene orchestrati su un canovaccio vecchissimo (un gruppo di amici fa follie in una nottata di addio al celibato a Las Vegas e il giorno dopo non ricordando nulla deve ricostruire tutto), il film è veramente divertente perchè diretto con intelligenza. Al di là delle battute molto del divertimento viene da sapienti stacchi di montaggio o movimenti di montaggio interno, dai colpi di scena e dai ribaltamenti di fronte e infine dalla capacità di saper arrivare fino al limite dell'iperbole senza sconfinare nell'esagerazione.
Quello della notte brava dove si misura l'unione tra amici e la capacità di esorcizzare qualsiasi demone della crescita e del senso di responsabilità è un topos specialmente statunitense che tuttavia diverte anche le donne e coinvolge gli uomini. Affrontarlo dunque non è facile perchè si è tentati dall'esagerare e basta con il rischio di non riuscire a mettere in scena davvero personaggi che siano combattuti tra l'età adulta e la vacanza da tale età.
Gioca con gli elementi della messa in scena Todd Phillips e lo fa talmente bene da riuscire a realizzare un film che a fronte di un grande divertimento riesce anche a raccontare una storia che questo divertimento lo alimenti. Non ci sono gag che si accavallano con il risultato di avere momenti esageratamente esilaranti a fronte di altri più monotoni (come capita spesso), ma tutto è dipanato nella durata del film con intelligenza e discrezione. Non c'è un momento di stanca, non c'è un momento in cui il film è poco comprensibile per il troppo ridere.
Non siamo di fronte ad un capolavoro della storia del cinema, ma forse ad uno dei migliori film comici degli ultimi anni (forse da Zoolander), capace di riproporre l'eterna figura dello stupido comico in una veste incredibilmente nuova (bravissimo Galifianakis) e capace di raccontare con straordinaria aderenza alla realtà il mondo della profonda e splendida idiozia al maschile.
Non perdete la sequenza fotografica finale. Una delle cose più azzeccate mai viste in materia.
June 26: Sky Crawlers Anime Press Release.
DC Anime Club in collaboration with Japan Information and Culture
Center, Embassy of Japan Present screen Sky Crawlers June 26, 2009 6:30 pm as part of a film series based on both Anime (Japanese Animation) and Manga ( Japanese Comics).
Directed by Mamoru Oshii, which was released across Japanese theatres by Warner Bros. Japan on August 2, 2008. Animated by Production I.G, the film was written by Chihiro Itō, features character designs by Tetsuya Nishio and music by Kenji Kawai.The 3D CG animation for the series was produced by the Polygon Pictures studio, who also produced the 3D CG for Oshii's previous film Innocence: Ghost in the Shell.
The series' creator Mori had stated that he felt The Sky Crawlers was the "most difficult" of his works to adapt, and had given his consent to the making of the film after learning of Oshii's involvement as director.
This event is free and open to the public. Reservations are required.
Seating is limited and granted on a first come, first served basis.
For more information please visit the Japanese Information and Culture Center website at or visit the DC Anime Club website at
About DC Anime Club:
DC Anime Club was established in 2003 to introduce and educate people in the Washington, DC area about East Asian culture, through viewing and discussion of Japanese animation (also known as anime) and Japanese comics (manga). DC Anime club is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization, contributions to DC Anime Club are taxed deductible to the extent allowable under the law.
The club also works to provide a positive, alternative activity to the youth in the area by exposing them to foreign culture, encouraging artistic expression and creativity, and providing opportunities for participation in community activities and leadership.
In addition to our weekly meetings, the club holds an Annual Art Show, an Annual Costume fundraising event, and visits local schools to do presentations on anime. The club also works with the Smithsonian Freer Gallery and DC Asian Pacific American Film Festival on their anime screenings, and has helped locally promote performances for Japanese bands such as Puffy Ami Yumi and Pine am. DC Anime Club was founded by Chris Wanamaker (President), Jules Chang (Former Vice President) and Craig Vaughn (Vice President) on Saturday June 5,
2003. We have a strong membership that continues to grow -- most of which are teenagers.
About Japan Information and Culture Center:
The Japan Information and Culture Center (JICC) is the cultural and public affairs section of the Embassy of Japan in Washington D.C. Our primary role is to promote better understanding of Japan and Japanese culture by providing a wide range of information, educational services and programs to the public. The JICC is located on the lower level of the glass-enclosed Galleria at Lafayette Centre III in downtown Washington, D.C. Its facilities include a research library, a 152-seat auditorium, and a 1,500-square-foot exhibition gallery where a wide variety of events sponsored by the JICC are hosted throughout the year.
Christopher Wanamaker
DC Anime Club President
202 262 2083