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Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Day: Big Planet 20% off sale - January hardcover sale.

Our annual New Year's Day Big Planet Comics sale! 20% off of everything in the stores!
Saturday, January 1 · 12:00pm - 5:00pm
All 4 Big Planet Locations!

Party Crashers reviewed in today's Post

Kapow! Beating 'Party' to the punch
By Jessica Dawson
Washington Post December 31, 2010; C08

Corromp, corromp i fes l'editorial a dues mans

"Corromp, corromp que alguna cosa queda", em digué un xalao un dia d'aquests.
Vaig seure al dessota de l'ull del pont i pensí: Tindrà raó el tronat aquest!

Ostres, ostres, ostres, no pot ser veritat.
Serà qüestió de resar les Jaculatòries per allunyar el Maligne.

- Han tancat CNN+, ens resta el Penjoll.
- Han emmudit els valencians, ens resta el Penjoll.
- La televisió és una " ", els videos del Penjoll.
- Quin fem de Cap d'any, ens resta el Penjoll.
- No serem comercials, ens resta el Penjoll.
- No us felicitarem com tothom fa, ens resta el Penjoll.
- Patiu d'insomni, gargotegeu al Penjoll.
- Han ensinistrat els noticiaris, ens resta el Penjoll.
- Voleu ser més humils, ens resta el Penjoll.
- Us sentiu oblidats, us resta el Penjoll.
- La teua bondat serà potenciada al Penjoll.
- Teniu mala sang, us dialitzarà el Penjoll.
- Teniu males idees amb pensament puríssims, us acollirà el Penjoll.
- Parlen mal de vosaltres i us boicotegen, us blindarà el Penjoll.
- Patiu cirrosi mental, us desemboirarà el Penjoll.
- Voleu créixer amb l'autocrítica, us empalarà el Penjoll.
- Teniu sospites i més sospites, els detectius del Penjoll.
- L'amor que allibera, ventijol del Penjoll.
- La mirada dels nens i nenes, la joia preada del Penjoll.
- Voleu ser càustics amb el Maligne, el laboratori del Penjoll.
- Els conformistes i oportunistes patiran els virus del Penjoll.
- Voleu riure obertament, el temple del Penjoll.
- Us sentiu òrfens, us empadronarà el Penjoll.
- Voleu diversió, els simposis públics del Penjoll.
- Voleu dissoldre l'economia que ens esclavitza, l'acidesa del Penjoll.
- Us sentiu emmerdats, us instigarà el Penjoll.
- Voleu llegir cap per avall el món, els jardins del Penjoll.
- Us sentiu analfabets de la Terra, els viatges del Penjoll.
- Voleu pràctiques d'anatomia política, les disseccions del Penjoll.
- Voleu no llegir cap blog, mireu tan sols el Penjoll.
- Us agraden els animals que parlen, teniu el Penjoll.
- Desitgeu la mort del Penjoll, sempre tindreu el Penjoll.
- Un comptador cap enrrere, més enllà del temps el Penjoll.
- Sou iconoclastes, l'amor del Penjoll.
- Els vampirs dels més pobres seran desintegrats pel Sol del Penjoll.
- Anheleu la tendresa, els monstres innocents del Penjoll.
- Una música per l'esperança, digueu en veu baixa el Penjoll.
- Una crítica dels qui es creuen consagrats, la vara del Penjoll.
- La lucidesa de la bogeria, delicatessen del Penjoll.
- Ara, quan dormiu, s'escriu al Penjoll.
- Els emmudits i anorreats purnejaran al Penjoll.
- L'assot dels vividors acèfals, crucificats pel Penjoll.
- Els buits per dintre seran esventrats pel Penjoll.
- Una veu que s'expandeix i lluita, la llum del Penjoll.
- La sorpresa que t'excita, aigua del Penjoll.
- La Justícia quotidiana premisa del Penjoll.
- L'entreteniment intel·ligent s'apunta al Penjoll.
- Els idealismes que foten seran triturats pel Penjoll.
- L'ull que no calla sempre balla al Penjoll.
- El que tu dius, la veu del Penjoll.
- La destrucció del personalismes estrella, l'accent del Penjoll.
- Els penjollaires que es complauen seran descoberts pel Penjoll.
- Heu perdut la identitat, les biografies del Penjoll.
- Patiu tot tipus de crisis, us rescabalarà el Penjoll.
- No escriviu al Penjoll per mandra, Expedient de Regulació d'Ocupació al Penjoll.
- Voleu reconstruir la fesomia de la vostra llengua, l'estètica del Penjoll.
- Voleu sentir-vos bajoques i aprenents, les cambres del Penjoll.
- Voleu escoltar la veu dels silenci, els no-comentaris del Penjoll.
- Voleu tindre un bon any, acosteu-vos al Penjoll.
- Voleu un editorial alhora místic i excèntric, teniu el Penjoll.

T'he agafat la paraula Eros.

Quan hi ha pocs diners, els torrons del Penjoll.

Si us sembla bé, podeu continuar...

Thursday, December 30, 2010

News of Wild Life (Online Comic)

I just got an email from Rob Steibel about his webcomic:

I live in Laurel, Maryland. I started posting some new comics here: http://www.robertsteibel.com/

On the page, he explains:

Wild Life is the umbrella title for four separate ideas:

  • Hairballs: starring the kittens Scratch & Sniff
  • FaceSpace: featuring politicians, celebrities, and regular people
  • Crazy Tales: experiments
  • New Genesis: a collection of my new characters and stories
It's good to hear about a new cartoonist is the neighborhood - it's a nice way to start the new year.

OT: Other DC serial fiction

Here's a nice bit about local mystery writers:

Sleuth Central D.C.'s mystery writers break out big in 2010.
By Nevin Martell, December 31, 2010

Other 2010 comics writings

Here's some other stuff I did this year which may interest people who missed it the first time.

 "Brad Meltzer, former local comics writer, interviewed on his new tv show Decoded," ComicsDC blog (December 2, 2010): http://comicsdc.blogspot.com/2010/12/brad-meltzer-former-local-comics-writer.html


 "The State of Comic Art Bibliography in North America," Transatlantica 2010 (1): http://transatlantica.revues.org/4939

In Between the Panels: DC's Emergence on the Graphic Novel Scene, with Carolyn Belefski, Molly Lawless, Matt Dembicki, and Mike Rhode, The Women's National Book Association, DC Chapter, November 17 2010 at Busboys and Poets, online at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x26ZBYIl5Oc

 "Brave New Comic Strips," with Marguerite Dabaie, Keith Knight, and Richard Thompson, Small Press Expo, September 12, 2010. Online at http://www.archive.org/details/BraveNewComicStrips


 "The Outside Perspective: Webcomic review/news sites," with Xavier Xerexes (aka Rob Tanner) and Kara Dennison (panelists). Intervention convention, September 11, 2010 (was this recorded by Intervention, I wonder?)


Interview for "Harvey Pekar book editor recalls a 'kind and diffident' man," by Michael Cavna, Washington Post Comic Riffs blog (July 12, 2010): http://voices.washingtonpost.com/comic-riffs/2010/07/harvey_pekars_book_editor_reme.html


Interview for "American Splendour's Harvey Pekar dies," by Thea Dikeos, ABC News' PM (July 14, 2010): http://www.abc.net.au/pm/content/2010/s2953704.htm and



 "Graphic Content: A Conversation with Five DC Area Graphic Storytellers," Matt Wuerker, Ben Claassen III, Andrew Cohen, Evan Keeling and SL Gallant at Northwest One Neighborhood Library, Washington, DC, June 26, 2010. Online at http://www.archive.org/details/GraphicContentAConversationWithFiveDcAreaGraphicStorytellers


"American Splendor," in Encyclopedia of Comic Books and Graphic Novels ed. by M. Keith Booker, Santa Barbara: Greenwood, 2010.


 "Cancer in the Comics: No Laughing Matter," with JTH Connor.American Association for the History of Medicine, Mayo Clinic, May 1, 2010.


Truitt on Echos comic book

'Echoes' brings the creeps back to comics
By Brian Truitt, USA TODAY December 29 2010

PR: Beyond Comics New Year's Sale!

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All sales subject to availability. Sales do not apply to recent arrivals except where noted. Sale prices not applicable to special orders, on hold items or subscriptions. Discounts may not be combined with any other sales or promotions. Certain exclusions apply, see individual stores for details. Subscriber's not in good standing may be excluded from sales as deemed appropriate.

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Feliç 2011 a tots els pseudoautors!

Les persones solem recordar, inclús celebrar, algunes dates. Per exemple: la del nostre natalici, la de l'entrada de Jaume I a la ciutat de València, la de la derrota de la batalla d’Almansa, la del Dia de l’Orgull Gai o, si parlem numèricament, en este mes de desembre trobem diversos dies assenyalats: el 6, el 8, el 25, el 28... Bingo! Precisament, un 28 de desembre de fa tres anys, un tal Calin ficava la primera pedra d’esta obra faraònica i fanfarrònica que és El Penjoll.

Com que tota pedra fa paret, volem reivindicar una altra data significativa per als penjollaires de bon cor: la del 23-6-2009, el dia en què el Comitè d’Empresa del Sant Orifici (CESO) d’El Penjoll va portar a terme el 1r ERO. Creguem que els EROs són un pseudosubgènere literari que combina aspectes de la cantiga d’escarni galaicoportuguesa, l’enquesta d’opinió popular, el ritual cristià de l'eucaristia, la carta d’acomiadament empresarial, l’edicte inquisitorial, l’epitafi virtual i, per què no? la milonga gautxesca. Un ERO ben executat és una meravella. És més que un art: és un pseudoart!

Ens sembla una falta de respecte als pseudoautors, l'haver-nos oblidat d'ells i no haver-los dedicat cap ERO durant el 2010, com bé és mereixen. Per això, volem fer-los la nostra modesta i molesta contribució i retribució. L’any no pot acabar sense un ERO. Ja sabeu com funciona la implacable maquinària suïssa d’un ERO: Es fa publica una llista amb els pseudoautors que incompleixen el seu contracte d’autor (és dir, la norma 2 d'estil), per a que els lectors decidiu, mitjançant els vostres vots, si cal salvar-ne a algun dels nominats al sever castic de l’expulsió morisca (recordem que els nominats també es poden autosalvar escrivint un post al llarg d'esta setmana).

Volem començar esta nova etapa dels EROs de bon rollet i fent una aplicació políticament correcta de la normativa vigent. Per evitar ser masclistes, hem elaborat la llista aplicant la discriminació positiva. Ací teniu les quatre heroïnes nominades:
- Heidi
- Peguie
- Clídice
- Tricia Barrachina

Comprovareu que dues d’elles són repetidores en açò d’estar assenyalades pel dit inquisitorial. Fem memòria històrica: Peguie és l'única pseudoautora que s’ha vist salvada per decisió popular en un ERO.... La salvarà per segona vegada el comodí del públic? Heidi, després d’haver estat fulminada en el 8é ERO, sembla que es va acollir a la 5a esmena i continua estant en plantilla. Per la seua part, Trícia només ha publicat dos posts, l’últim d’ells el passat i llunya mes de març. I el mèrit de Clídice és que ni tan sols ha debutat amb un post.

A la columna de la dreta teniu actiu el formulari per votar.

Oh, lectors d’El Penjoll! Vosaltres voteu, vosaltres decidiu!

No podem acabar este post sense dedicar-lo a la memòria dels pseudoautors ajusticiats per la desgràcia divina dels EROs. Concretament a: La tomaca socarrà, Ángel Canet, Kaito, Rociner, Paco Pérez, Carles Mulet, Toni de l’Hostal, All i Berator, Maia (l’abella), Assemblea de Joves de la Costera, Valldalbaidí, Aleshores Gairebé, Sor Neguera, Dorademon, Emili Morant, L'Anticrist, Jordi, l'Aschenbach, Sra Rotten Mayer, Jorodowski, En Xim de Ca'n Prunes, Perlateuaculpa, Smokman, Miquel de Sentfeliu, Kurtz, Paco, Menta amb fraula, Capità Superflipo (el fals), Albert Compte, Petit Príncep, Endsi, Vicent, Vicent Lluna, Ecosafor, Marxi, Refelet, Heidi, Lluís (el Tarrascla), Ací o per allà, Drac Mondúver, La Lluna en un Cove i a El funambuliste. Si ens hem oblidat d’algú, preguem ens disculpe.

Feliç 2011 a tots i cadascun dels pseudoautors!

Che bella giornata (2010)di Gennaro Nunziante

Forse solo Carlo Verdone era riuscito a fare tanto, passare dai programmi comici televisivi al cinema con un grande successo e ripetersi qualitativamente anche nel secondo film.
Che bella giornata è nè più nè meno Cado dalle nubi (vi è piaciuto quello, vi piacerà questo), che in sè già è tanto. E' tanto fare un film onestamente divertente, consapevole dei propri limiti ma soprattutto delle proprie potenzialità, scritto senza nessuna abilità particolare ma con l'intelligenza degli script rapidi e ben organizzati, centrato sulle gag e funzionale ad esse (e nulla più eh!).

C'è poco altro da dire su Che bella giornata. Presenta Checco Zalone nel suo classico personaggio che stavolta sogna di diventare tutore dell'ordine come è tradizione nella sua famiglia, ma dopo diversi tentativi nella carriera da Carabiniere (scartato per la sua incorreggibile tendenza a promuovere le irregolarità compiute dai suoi familiari) viene preso da un cardinale (dietro raccomandazione ovviamente) per lavorare alla tutela dei beni della Chiesa a Milano. Sarà bersaglio delle attenzione di un'attentatrice maghrebina che vuole far saltare in aria la Madonnina ma che crollerà davanti alla tenera goffagine e alla corte di Checco.

Ho raccontato per bene la trama perchè la cosa più interessante è proprio come, al di là della più classica delle critiche sociali ("Ah ma tu hai studiato! Tranquilla qui non serve a niente, da noi non si fa un cazzo!"), c'è anche un modo curioso di concatenare gli eventi. Le solite critiche all'Italia sono un pelo più forti e un pelo più radicali del solito.
E' chiaro che tutto è funzionale alle gag e quindi la corte che Checco fa alla maghrebina si risolverà in un nulla di fatto a livello sentimentale ma lei cambierà idea sul suo attentato, tuttavia il modo insensato con cui i fatti accadono (Zalone, riconosciuto incompetente da tutti e causa di mille problemi per il suo lassismo meridionale, viene continuamente promosso e piace a tutti, tanto da far cambiare idea alla ragazza a furia di furti e abusi di potere) ricorda quasi il modo in cui Lumet dipingeva il suo protagonista in Prova ad incastrarmi: criminale incallito ma talmente simpatico da farla franca in un sistema incline a favorirlo.
Che non è poco.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Year's Day: Big Planet 20% off sale

Our annual New Year's Day Big Planet Comics sale! 20% off of everything in the stores!
Saturday, January 1 · 12:00pm - 5:00pm
All 4 Big Planet Locations!

Weldon's greatest comic hits of 2010

The Most Memorable Comics and Graphic Novels of 2010, With Caveats
by Glen Weldon
National Public Radio's Monkey See blog December 29, 2010

It's a completely respectable list. I need to read more of the books on it that I already own.

2010 Washington City Paper comics writings

At the beginning of 2009, arts editor Jonathan Fischer asked me if I wanted to write about local comics and cartoons for the Washington City Paper. I was a bit doubtful, but appreciated the offer and took him up on it. I'd like to thank everyone who's cooperated especially local cartoonists and the staff of the Library of Congress (for the pieces on Fredric Wertham). I haven't been quite as wide-ranging as I was hoping, but this is getting squeezed in around the real world of course. I hope you'll find something of interest that you might have missed in the first place. A list of everything that got posted this year follows.

            "In the Esophagus of the Beast: Introducing Comics Blogger Mike Rhode," Jan. 19, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/01/19/in-the-esophagus-of-the-beast-introducing-comics-blogger-mike-rhode/

            "What's So Special about Wednesday?" Jan. 20, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/01/20/what%e2%80%99s-so-special-about-wednesday/

            "Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with S.L. Gallant," Jan. 25, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/01/25/meet-a-local-cartoonist-a-chat-with-s-l-gallant/

            "Darwyn Cooke to Speak at Smithsonian Saturday," Jan. 26, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/general/2010/01/26/darwin-cooke-to-speak-at-smithsonian-this-saturday/

            "The State of the Union for D.C. Newspaper Cartoonists," Jan. 27, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/01/27/the-state-of-the-union-for-d-c-newspaper-cartoonists/

            "How to Zip through "Herblock!" in 10 Minutes, Make that Meeting on the Hill," Feb. 1, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/02/01/how-to-zip-through-herblock-in-10-minutes-make-that-meeting-on-the-hill/

            "The Quotable Darwyn Cooke: Highlights from the Cartoonist's Talk at American Art," Feb. 3, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/general/2010/02/03/the-quotable-darwyn-cooke-highlights-from-the-cartoonists-talk-at-american-art/

            "Reviewed: Classic Dan Dare: Safari in Space and The Best of Roy of the Rovers: The 1970s Straight from the "boys papers," two recently collected U.K. comic strips," Washington City Paper Feb. 12, 2010,  http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/display.php?id=38461

            "For the Wonky, Lovelorn Comics Reader, a Perfect Gift [Veeps]," Feb. 12, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/02/12/for-the-wonky-lovelorn-comics-reader-a-perfect-gift/

            "When Captain America Throws His Mighty Shield…," Feb. 18, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/02/18/when-captain-america-throws-his-mighty-shield/                                     

            "Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Kevin Rechin," Feb. 22, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/02/22/meet-a-local-cartoonist-a-chat-with-kevin-rechin/

            "Shutter Island, Version 2.0: The Graphic Novel by Christian De Metter," Feb. 23, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/02/23/shutter-island-version-2-0-the-graphic-novel-by-christian-de-metter/           

            "This Saturday: ACT-I-VATE Yourself with Web Comics Creators," Feb. 24, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/02/24/this-saturday-act-i-vate-yourself-with-web-comics-creators/

            "Meet a Local Comics Writer: A Chat with Jim Dougan of ACT-I-VATE," Feb. 26, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/02/26/meet-a-local-comics-writer-a-chat-with-jim-dougan-of-act-i-vate/

            "Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Nate Beeler," March 1, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/03/01/meet-a-local-cartoonist-a-chat-with-nate-beeler/

            "Thursday: Kyle Baker and Bill Foster on Black-Themed Comic Books," Mar. 3, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/03/03/thursday-kyle-baker-and-bill-foster-on-black-themed-comic-books/

            "Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Politico's Matt Wuerker," Mar. 8, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/03/08/meet-a-local-cartoonist-a-chat-with-politicos-matt-wuerker/             

            "Library of Congress' "Molto Animato!" Exhibit Is Hardly Vivace," Mar. 10, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/visual-arts/2010/03/10/library-of-congress-molto-animato-exhibit-is-hardly-vivace/                                

            "Jules Feiffer at Politics and Prose Thursday, March 18," March 10, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/display.php?id=38587

            "Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Matt Dembicki," Mar. 15, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/03/15/meet-a-local-cartoonist-a-chat-with-matt-dembicki/

            "The Quotable Jules Feiffer: Highlights from the Cartoonist's Talk at Politics and Prose," Mar. 19, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/03/19/the-quotable-jules-feiffer-highlights-from-the-cartoonist%E2%80%99s-talk-at-politics-and-prose/

            "Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Chris Flick," March 22, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/03/22/meet-a-local-cartoonist-a-chat-with-chris-flick/

            "Obama Returns to Comic Books, Tasks Veronica with Powering Economy, March 24, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/03/24/obama-returns-to-comic-books-tasks-veronica-with-powering-economy/

            "Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Buzzboy's John Gallagher," March 29, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/03/29/meet-a-local-cartoonist-a-chat-with-buzzboys-john-gallagher/

            "International Ink: Hagar, Nemi, Little Nothings, and Lenore," March 30, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/03/30/international-ink-hagar-nemi-little-nothings-and-lenore/

            "Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Illustrator David Hagen," April 5, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/04/05/meet-a-local-cartoonist-a-chat-with-illustrator-david-hagen/

            "In D.C. and Industrywide, Will the iPad Save Comics and Kill Print?" Apr. 6, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/04/06/in-d-c-and-industrywide-will-the-ipad-save-comics-and-kill-print/

            "International Ink: Feiffer, France, and Fingerman," April 12, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/04/12/international-ink-feiffer-france-and-fingerman/

            "Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Bamn Writer Troy Allen," April 14, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/general/2010/04/14/meet-a-local-cartoonist-a-chat-with-bamn-writer-troy-allen/

            "Reviewed: Kick-Ass: Creating the Comic; Making the Movie," April 15, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/04/15/reviewed-kick-ass-creating-the-comic-making-the-movie/

            "Anti-War Cartoon Friday," April 16, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/general/2010/04/16/anti-war-cartoon-friday/

            "Free Comic Book Day, and How It Helps You," April 27, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/04/27/free-comic-book-day-and-how-it-helps-you/

            "International Ink: Clowes, Kids, Crackers and Hellboy," Apr. 29, 2010,  http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/04/29/international-ink-clowes-kids-crackers-and-hellboy/

            "Likable Characters Are for Weak-Minded Narcissists": A Chat with Daniel Clowes," May 3, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/05/03/likeable-characters-are-for-weak-minded-narcissists-a-chat-with-daniel-clowes/

            "Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Jeffrey Thompson," May 10, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/05/10/meet-a-local-cartoonist-a-chat-with-jeffrey-thompson/

            "This Week: Comic Books' Brad Meltzer on His Real Heroes," May 12, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/05/12/this-week-comic-books-brad-meltzer-on-his-real-heroes/

            "Trickster: Matt Dembicki on His Cartoon Anthology of Native American Stories," May 14, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/music/2010/05/14/trickster-matt-dembicki-on-his-cartoon-anthology-of-native-american-stories/

            "Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Joe Sutliff," May 17, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/05/17/meet-a-local-cartoonist-a-chat-with-joe-sutliff/

            "Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Illustrator Paul Zdepski," May 19, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/05/19/meet-a-local-cartoonist-a-chat-with-illustrator-paul-zdepski/

            "Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Trickster Artist Chris Piers," May 24, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/05/24/meet-a-local-cartoonist-a-chat-with-trickster-artist-chris-piers/

            "International Ink: Back to the Future," May 25, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/05/25/international-ink-back-to-the-future/

            "Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Trickster Writer Joseph Stands With Many," May 27, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/05/27/meet-a-local-cartoonist-a-chat-with-trickster-writer-joseph-stands-with-many/

            "Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Trickster Illustrator Michael Auger," May 31, 201,0 http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/05/31/meet-a-local-cartoonist-a-chat-with-trickster-illustrator-michael-auger/

            "Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Trickster's Jacob Warrenfeltz," June 7, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/06/07/meet-a-local-cartoonist-a-chat-with-tricksters-jacob-warrenfeltz/

            "Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Rand Arrington," June 3, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/general/2010/06/03/meet-a-local-cartoonist-a-chat-with-rand-arrington/

            "Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Trickster Cartoonist Mike Short," June 9, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/06/09/meet-a-local-cartoonist-a-chat-with-trickster-cartoonist-mike-short/

            "Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Trickster's Andrew Cohen," June 14, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/general/2010/06/14/meet-a-local-cartoonist-a-chat-with-trickster-cartoonist-andrew-cohen/

            "International Ink: Demo, Smile, and Moving Pictures," June 17, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/06/17/international-ink-demo-smile-and-moving-pictures/

            "Meet a Formerly Local Cartoon Editor: A Chat with Dan Nadel," June 22, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/06/22/meet-a-formerly-local-cartoon-editor-a-chat-with-dan-nadel/

            "Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Washington City Paper's Ben Claassen III," June 23, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/06/23/meet-a-local-cartoonist-a-chat-with-washington-city-papers-ben-claassen-iii/

            "This Saturday – 'Graphic Content: A Conversation with Five DC Area Graphic Storytellers,'" June 25, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/general/2010/06/25/this-saturday-graphic-content-a-conversation-with-five-dc-area-graphic-storytellers/

            "Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Donna Lewis," June 30, 2010,

            "Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Evan Keeling," July 6, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/general/2010/07/06/meet-a-local-cartoonist-a-chat-with-evan-keeling/

            "International Ink: War, Werewolves, Steampunk, Kung Fu, and Cap," July 8, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/07/08/international-ink-war-werewolves-steampunk-kung-fu-and-cap/

            "Harvey Pekar and the Death of a Splendid American," July 13, 2010,

            "Comics and Stamps Have a Longer History than You'd Expect," July 19, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/visual-arts/2010/07/19/comics-and-stamps-have-a-longer-history-than-youd-expect/

            "International Ink: Brody's Ghost, Wolverine, Usagi Yojimbo," Aug. 3, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/08/03/international-ink-brodys-ghost-book-wolverine-usagi-yojimbo/

            "Meet a Visiting Cartoonist: Ryan Claytor, the Man Behind Elephant Eater Comics," Aug. 5, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/08/05/meet-a-visiting-cartoonist-ryan-claytor-the-man-behind-elephant-eater-comics/

            "Hate Comic Books? Library of Congress Opens Papers of Comics Opponent Fredric Wertham," Aug. 11, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/08/11/hate-comic-books-library-of-congress-opens-papers-of-comics-opponent-fredric-wertham/

            "Meet a (Formerly) Local Cartoonist: Tony Rubino of Daddy's Home," Aug. 16, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/08/16/meet-a-formerly-local-cartoonist-tony-rubino-of-daddys-home/

            "New Father Marc Nathan on His Other Baby, the Baltimore Comic-Con," Aug. 23, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/08/23/new-father-marc-nathan-on-his-other-baby-the-baltimore-comic-con/

            "Meet a Local Cartoonist: Rafer Roberts of Plastic Farm and Magic Bullet," Aug. 30, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/08/30/meet-a-local-cartoonist-rafer-roberts-of-plastic-farm-and-magic-bullet/

            "Meet a Local Con Organizer: A Chat with Small Press Expo's Jeff Alexander," September 1, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/09/01/meet-a-local-con-organizer-a-chat-with-small-press-expos-jeff-alexander/

            "Meet a Local Con Organizer: A Chat with Onezumi Hartstein of Intervention," September 3, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/09/03/meet-a-local-con-organizer-a-chat-with-onezumi-hartstein-of-intervention/

            "Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Carolyn Belefski," September 7, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/general/2010/09/07/meet-a-local-cartoonist-a-chat-with-carolyn-belefski/

            "Meet a Local Sequential Artist: A Chat with R.M. Rhodes," September 8, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/general/2010/09/08/meet-a-local-sequential-artist-a-chat-with-r-m-rhodes/

            "Meet a Local Comics Publisher: A Chat with Joe Procopio," September 9, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/general/2010/09/09/meet-a-local-comics-publisher-a-chat-with-joe-procopio/

            "Meet a Local Comics Writer: A Chat with the GPO's Jim Cameron," September 21, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/09/21/meet-a-local-comics-writer-a-chat-with-the-gpos-jim-cameron/

            "Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with the GPO's Nick Crawford," September 22, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/09/22/meet-a-local-cartoonist-a-chat-with-the-gpos-nick-crawford/

            "Comics Creators at the 2010 National Book Festival," September 24, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/09/24/comics-creators-at-the-2010-national-book-festival/

            "Meet a Visiting Cartoonist: A Chat with Ted Rall," September 27, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/09/27/meet-a-visiting-cartoonist-a-chat-with-ted-rall/

            "Meet a Visiting Cartoonist: A Quick Chat with Jeff Smith," September 28, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/09/28/meet-a-visiting-cartoonist-a-quick-chat-with-jeff-smith/

            "A Comics Villain Revisited: What Will the Opening of Fredric Wertham's Papers Mean for Comic-Book Scholarship?" September 30, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/09/30/a-comics-villain-revisited-what-will-the-opening-of-fredric-werthams-papers-mean-for-comic-book-scholarship/

            "Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Ava Ann Vrooman," October 1, 2010,

            "Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Lauren Affe," October 5, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/10/05/meet-a-local-cartoonist-a-chat-with-lauren-affe/

            "Meet a Local Comic Book Writer: A Chat with Joe Carabeo," October 22, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/10/22/meet-a-local-comic-book-writer-a-chat-with-joe-carabeo/

            "Meet Two Local Cartoonists: A Chat with the Luna Brothers," October 27, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/10/27/meet-two-local-cartoonists-a-chat-with-the-luna-brothers/

            "International Ink: Pirates, Ghosts, and Wookies, Oh My!" October 29, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/10/29/international-ink-pirates-ghosts-and-wookies-oh-my/

            "Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Jamie Noguchi," November 8, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/11/08/meet-a-local-cartoonist-a-chat-with-jamie-noguchi/

            "Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat With Nick Galifianakis," November 9, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/11/09/meet-a-local-cartoonist-a-chat-with-nick-galifianakis/

            "Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat With Molly Lawless," November 15, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/11/15/meet-a-local-cartoonist-a-chat-with-molly-lawless/

            "Tomorrow: "Party Crashers" and Comic Book Culture at Arlington Art Center," November 18, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/visual-arts/2010/11/18/tomorrow-party-crashers-and-comic-book-culture-at-arlington-art-center/

            "Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Jennifer Zyren Smith," November 22, 2010,http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/general/2010/11/22/meet-a-local-cartoonist-a-chat-with-jennifer-zyren-smith/

            "Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat With Kevin Ward," December 2, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/12/02/meet-a-local-cartoonist-a-chat-with-kevin-ward/

            "International Ink: Think Holiday Thoughts," December 7, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/12/07/international-ink-think-holiday-thoughts/

            "Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat With Steve Artley," December 8, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/12/08/meet-a-local-cartoonist-a-chat-with-steve-artley/

            "Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Richard Thompson," December 9, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/12/09/meet-a-local-cartoonist-a-chat-with-richard-thompson/

            "Artisphere's Half of "Party Crashers" Exhibit Opens Tomorrow," December 10, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/general/2010/12/10/artisphere%e2%80%99s-half-of-party-crashers-exhibit-opens-tomorrow/

            "Meet a Local Comic Book Writer: A Chat with Rob Anderson," December 13, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/12/13/meet-a-local-comic-book-writer-a-chat-with-rob-anderson/

            "Meet a Local Model Maker: A Chat with David Wilson," December 14, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/visual-arts/2010/12/14/meet-a-local-model-maker-a-chat-with-david-wilson/

            "Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Dan Nokes," December 17, 2010,

           "Arts in Review: The Year in Cartoons," December 27, 2010, http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/artsdesk/books/2010/12/27/arts-in-review-the-year-in-cartoons/

Llistat d'inscrits al 2ns Premis Blocs de les Comarques Centrals

Ací teniu el llistat definitiu de participants als 2ns Premis Blocs de les Comarques Centrals 2010:

Terra del Foc
Altra Música
Riu Raus a la Safor
Amb bicicleta
El cau acústic
Gràfit i altres armes blanques
Fot Sensible (Hein Rich)
Menuda Natura
Fades, fados i fadrin
Images d'un poble (Castelló de Rugat)
El món d'En Joanot

Associació amics i amigues de CaMot
Centre Ovidi Montllor Alcoi
El riu rau cultural de Gata
La Font Roja també és nostra
La Garrofera. Associació eco-cultural de l'Alcúdia de Crespins
Club Colombòfil La Costera
Miquelets del Regne de València
Amics del Poble Sahrauí de Xàtiva

Vista parcial
La caixeta de música
Pols d'estels
Bloc Meteo·Ontinyent

Davall la serra Vernissa
Sóc el que veus
El blog de Miquel (abans conegut per Des del porxet)
Independentistes de la Safor
Vicent Luna i Sirera, tirant al blanc
Sota la Creueta
Reflexions vora el mar
Sandra - el taulell - reflexiona

Castalla al dia
+Notícies d’Onil
Valldigna Digital
Planeta Marina Alta
Els Blogs de la Safor
Almoines poble
Beniarrés al día
Sota la Creueta
Vallada City (dels Molinets a Santa Creu)

Orbaesport, sempre al teu costat
Club de pilota Sella
Club de Pilota Valenciana Nou Trinquet
Notícies, a dos i dos ratlles
Club Colombòfil La Costera
Va de bo, cavallers
Autoescola Vallà/La Berena 2010/11
Centre Excursionista Alt de la Creu (Vallada)
Club BTT Vallada
La meua manera de perdre el temps

Filant Prim
Anotacions rizomàtiques
Sota la Creueta
Tot és mentida
Menuda Natura
Imatges d'un poble (Castelló de Rugat)

Recordeu que la 2a fase dels premis tindrà lloc del 2 al 16 de gener de 2011 i consistirà en la selecció de cinc candidats per categoria mitjançant una votació oberta a través del formulari que es facilitarà a El Penjoll, Art de Paraula.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Truitt on Kirkman on Walking Dead

Robert Kirkman reflects on a bloody good year of 'The Walking Dead'
By Brian Truitt, USA TODAY December 28 2010

Steve Conley restarts Bloop

Steve Conley restarted his Bloop webcomic yesterday - check it out here.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Washington cartoonist's favorites at City Paper

Arts in Review: The Year in Cartoons

Other papers may pick what they think were the best cartoons of  the year. Here at the City Paper, we're doing it differently. We've asked some local cartoonists to pick their favorite piece that they made over the past year and share it with us. Click the link to read more.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Truitt on Marvel's latest multipart storyline

Be afraid: Marvel's heroes gear up for 'Fear Itself'
By Brian Truitt, USA TODAY December 21 2010

The year according to Toles: A review of 2010, from the drawing board of Tom Toles, The Post's political cartoonist.

The year according to Toles

A review of 2010, from the drawing board of Tom Toles, The Post's political cartoonist.

Washington Post (December 26 2010)

Cul de Sac - another signature sketch

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/42072348@N00/5293822226/" title="100_0760 by mgrhode1, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5082/5293822226_d7e9085743_m.jpg" width="240" height="180" alt="100_0760" /></a>

No-felicitació de Nadal

Els meus amics, els qui em lligen o no, però se m'acosten a l'íntim batec que em representa, aquells qui m'estimen o no, saben -amb escreix- que un príncep dibuixa aquest rètol de la capçalera.

I vull deixar constatació de la No Felicitació de Nadal amb una dolcesa i rebel•lia inigualables.

No he de dir-vos que us estime a cada hora, tant assegut en les penes quan manprenc cabòries, com si camine en les hores més pures i blanques.

De vegades us pense al tobogan dels versos més somnis.
I no sempre us ho dic, perquè aneu abillats de vidre càlid, tots alerta en la lluita, sense treva, endreçant l'esperança.
Aleshores, davant del vostre i grandiós espectacle, camine de puntetes amb silenci.
Us estime sempre, rere cada paraula siga o no un adverbi, rere els fets, en l'acció del compromís sense sou, en la corba galant de l'espai mut, en la neu, si escriviu, calleu, comenteu o llegiu.

Aquests dies de bogeria incongruent no he comprat res d'especial, ni viatges, ni regals. No us mentiré: dos llibres de la biblioteca, menjar per la gossa -des d'Aín us saluda-, dues tàrbenes i quatre llonganisses i, al forn de ca Manil, pa per torrar.

Així i tot, en l'aprenentatge d'aquesta despossessió, sóc encara un novençà.

Us ho pregue: tingueu paciència, ni que siga una mica, que no renegue de vosaltres, mestres, companyes, amics i companys; car aquest viure en combat és la vertadera festa meua, que no coneix de paraules falses, ni aparences...

Vosaltres, els d'ulls nets d'impostures i instigadors dels circumloquis i la mentida fosca: vostra és la llum tan generosa que regaleu des del Penjoll.

Els meus amics senzills, cultes, austers... sense data de caducitat.

La música del text, escolteu-la amb Spotify ací.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Diaris imaginats

Nota: la foto de les dones esperant per entrar a l'església de la Macarena és d'Emilio Morenatti; la dels cadets de West Point és de Luke Sharrett. Ambdues són del New York Times. Els textos són una traducció lliure de fragments del llibre Journal Imaginaire de Raoul Vaneigem.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas from ComicsDC and MJ

Post's The Year in Cartoons

The Washington Post put this in print today. 10 cartoons: Sheneman, Kal, Luckovich, Jones, Cardow, Luckovich (again), Stantis, Davies, Pett and Ohman. Online there's a few more.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas from ComicsDC and MJ

Washington Post's year in editorial cartoons

The Daily Cartoonist noted that the Washington Post's year in editorial cartoons has appeared online. Oddly enough, this hasn't been in the newspaper yet although it's dated online for December 17th. The New York Times' selection appeared in last Sunday's paper.

John Wilkes Booth's contested identity?

Brad Meltzer's Decoded, with my friend Jan Herman being interviewed, is on this topic tonight - 10 pm on the History Channel:

Booth descendants agree to brother's body ID tests

By Edward Colimore

Philadelphia Inquirer, Dec. 23, 2010

Comics ephemera freebies at Ballston's Regal Theater

On a giveaway table before you pass through the ticket taker, there's 2 pieces of comics ephemera freebies at Ballston's Regal Theater - a Green Hornet postcard with 3-D glasses and a small poster for the animated movie Rio.

Chris Morris illustration of Santa's sleigh's dashboard

Today's Express has a  nice Chris Morris illustration of Santa's sleigh's dashboard. It's almost the full-tabloid size in the print edition.

Dashing through the snow... with NORAD and Google

[Cross-posted from the Official Google Blog]

Every Christmas Eve, children all over the world ask themselves—and their parents—questions about Santa’s magical journey. How does Santa visit so many children in one night? Will he eat the cookies I left out? How does he fit all those presents into his sleigh? These childhood mysteries are part of what makes the Santa tradition so special.

There’s one timeless question that we’re proud to say we can help answer: Where in the world is Santa at this very moment? Thanks in part to recent advances in warp-speed GPS technology and some very clever elves (elveneering?) NORAD Tracks Santa is once again prepped and ready to go.

Starting tomorrow, December 24 at 2:00am EST, visit www.noradsanta.org to follow Santa as he journeys around the world delivering presents to children in more than 200 countries and territories. There are a few different ways to find the jolly old man in his unmistakable red suit over the course of the day, so feel free to track him using any of the following methods:
  • See Santa on a Google Map: On your home computer or laptop, visit www.noradsanta.org and choose your preferred language. You’ll see a large Google Map on the page displaying Santa’s current location and his next stop. Click the video icons to watch “Santa Cam” videos, and click the gift icons to learn more about each city.

  • Watch Santa fly with the Google Earth Plug-in: From www.noradsanta.org, click on the link Track Santa in Google Earth. You'll see Santa steering his sleigh right on the webpage. If you don't have the Google Earth plug-in, you can get ready by downloading it ahead of time.

  • Follow Santa on your phone: Track Santa from your mobile phone by opening Google Maps for mobile and searching for [santa]. Or, visit m.noradsanta.org on your phone’s browser.

  • Subscribe to his YouTube channel: Santa’s home on YouTube is at http://www.youtube.com/noradtrackssanta. That’s where you can find videos from his journey throughout the night.

  • Get real-time information about Santa’s location: Use Google’s Realtime Search to get updates from social networks, news and micro-blogs like Twitter at @noradsanta, and keep up with news about his journey on this Facebook page.
For any techie questions you might have, we’ve also put together some helpful tips and tricks about all the cool ways you can experience Santa’s journey. Now that you know how to follow Saint Nick on Christmas Eve, it’s our tradition to tell the story of how this all started...

NORAD (North American Aerospace Defence Command) first began to track Santa in 1955 when a misprinted advertisement in a Sears & Roebuck catalogue mistakenly led callers expecting a Santa-hotline to the NORAD commander-in-chief's telephone. Embracing the spirit of the season, NORAD used its satellite and radar capabilities to offer callers sleigh-location updates, and has tracked Santa's whereabouts on Christmas Eve ever since. Then in 2004, Google started tracking Santa on Google Earth as a 20% project, which in 2007 grew into a partnership with NORAD, adding the mapping technology of Google Maps and Google Earth to the NORAD experience. Over the years, other Google teams have also joined in the holiday fun (YouTube, Google Voice’s www.SendACallFromSanta.com and Google SketchUp).

As we approach this year’s Christmas Eve adventure, Santa was able to take a break from the preparations to visit the New York Stock Exchange this past Monday. His helpful elves kept everything at the North Pole on schedule while folks from Google and NORAD attended the Closing Bell ceremony, and stood alongside Santa from Macy’s going over last minute details about tomorrow’s big ride.

Santa with NORAD, Google and members of the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation (that’s me, the tall guy in the back row clapping)

So don’t forget to visit www.noradsanta.org tomorrow morning starting at 2:00am EST when Santa embarks on his flight. From all of us here at Google, happy holidays and here’s to a very happy New Year!

Today of all days

In principio era il buddy movie, quella categoria di film in cui due amici collaborano per uno scopo comune. Solitamente sono film d'azione, solitamente sono anche commedie, solitamente sono maschilisti. Roba da uomini.
Come Today of all days, webserie che non è una serie ma una miniserie, cioè solo 3 episodi molto brevi e non autoconclusivi, un piccolo racconto quasi in tempo reale di quello che succede ad uno sposo e al suo migliore amico mentre questi lo accompagna in chiesa.
Lo spunto apparentemente banale presta il fianco ad una storiella tra il divertito e il generazionale. Nei pochi minuti in cui Today of all days dispiega la sua trama (il migliore amico dello sposo è un mercenario e si dà il caso debba portare a termine un lavoro che include una sparatoria proprio in quel momento) facendo intelligente economia di location e di ripresa, non manca di mostrare tutti i momenti, i valori e i luoghi comuni tipici di una certa tipologia umana. L'azione funzionale ai personaggi e non viceversa. Nel terzo episodio la serie si concede addirittura anche un momento in stile Call Of Duty di rara intelligenza, non tanto per la realizzazione (facile) quanto per il modo in cui lo si inserisce nel racconto (difficile) e gli effetti che questo lascia sui personaggi (ancora più difficile).