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Monday, February 28, 2011

Pedaling to new places with Street View

Street View enables you to visit places around the world virtually, from the scenic Champs-Elysées in Paris to bustling Times Square in New York City. We’re able to collect imagery of most of these places with a car, but when we find an interesting place that a car can't reach, we get more creative.

In 2009 we introduced the Trike, a modified bicycle outfitted with Street View equipment, to visit these locations, from towering castles to picturesque gardens. The Trike team has been pedaling around the world, and today we’ve added more of these unique places to Street View in Google Maps.

With the Trike we’re able to take you inside the grounds of historic locations like the Château de Chenonceaux in Civray-de-Touraine, France.

In addition to historic sites, you can also view beautiful outdoor scenery of places like the National Botanic Gardens in Dublin.

You can now see 360-degree panoramic images of these gardens at the San Diego Art Institute, as well as several other gorgeous spots in Balboa Park in San Diego, California.

To continue exploring these and other beautiful and historic places around the world, we encourage you to visit Street View in Google Maps. If you are the owner of a private property and would to make your location available for users to explore in Street View, please visit this site to learn about our partner program.

Catching up with Comic Riffs

Michael was busy on Sunday...

The 'Riffs Interview: 'FRAZZ' creator Jef Mallett on art, childhood -- and inspiration at the 10-year mark
By Michael Cavna
Washington Post Comic Riffs blog February 27 2011

'ZUCKERBERG' writer likes 'Social Network's' Oscars chances tonight
By Michael Cavna
Washington Post Comic Riffs blog February 27 2011

THE 2011 OSCARS: Top 10 Quotes from the nominees for Best Animated Feature
By Michael Cavna
Washington Post Comic Riffs blog February 27 2011

THE 2011 OSCARS: 10 Geeky Facts About the Academy Award winners & losers
By Michael Cavna
Washington Post Comic Riffs blog February 28 2011

Mentoring organization applications now being accepted for Google Summer of Code!

(Cross-posted from the Google Open Source Blog.)

Interested in finding bright, enthusiastic new contributors to your open source project? Apply to be a mentoring organization in our Google Summer of Code program. We are now accepting applications from open source projects interested in acting as mentoring organizations.

Now in its 7th year, Google Summer of Code is a program designed to pair university students from around the world with mentors at open source projects in such varied fields as academia, language translations, content management systems, games, and operating systems. Since 2005, over 4,500 students from 85 countries have completed the Google Summer of Code program with the support of over 300 mentoring organizations. Students earn a stipend for their work during the program, allowing students to gain exposure to real-world software development and an opportunity for employment in areas related to their academic pursuits, thus “flipping bits, not burgers” during their school break. In return, mentoring organizations have the opportunity to identify and attract new developers to their projects and these students often continue their work with the organizations after Google Summer of Code concludes.

This year we’re excited to expand the scope of the program by encouraging experienced Google Summer of Code mentoring organizations to refer newer, smaller organizations they think could benefit from the program to apply to be mentoring organizations.

The deadline for applying to be a mentoring organization for Google Summer of Code is Friday, March 11th at 23:00 UTC (3pm PST). The list of accepted organizations will be posted on the Google Summer of Code site on Friday, March 18th. Students will then have 10 days to reach out to the accepted organizations and discuss their ideas before we begin accepting student applications on March 28th.

Please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for more details. You can also check out the Mentor Manual and timeline for additional information. Good luck to all of our mentoring organization applicants!

Live chat with Donna Lewis at Post right now (and an interview)

The 'Riffs Interview: Post syndicate launches Donna Lewis's 'REPLY ALL' today
By Michael Cavna
Washington Post Comic Riffs blog February 28 2011


Tom Arvis chat at City Paper

Meet a Local Cartoonist: A Chat with Tom Arvis

Disney jazz reviewed in today's Express

There's an AP article on a Disney Jazz album in today's free Express newspaper.

The Fighter (id., 2010)di David O. Russel

Fatto vero, sport, interpretazioni mimetiche, fisici plasmati per il ruolo, recitazione sopra le righe. Il format è perfetto, il risultato meno.
The Fighter racconta la vera storia di un pugile proveniente dalla provincia americana, fratello di un altro pugile, alla sua epoca famoso e di moderato successo (e non manca mai di rimarcarlo) ma ora perso nella droga. Il minore cerca di emergere e farsi una carriera mentre il maggiore cerca attraverso di lui di rivivere la propria e una famiglia ingombrante gli tarpa le ali per egoismo. Solo una donna potrà salvarlo.

In controluce si legge Rocky, e molto. E questo non perchè ogni qualvolta si filmi una storia di pugilato si debba pensare al film di Stallone, quanto perchè questa storia di pugilato è una storia di fisici piegati dalla volontà, di un uomo che quando trova l'equilibrio interiore trova anche quello fisico, una storia di seconde occasioni e di sportivi che si fanno artefici del proprio destino attraverso peripezie personali disperate.
L'ingombrante Christian Bale esagera come suo solito, si guadagna un Oscar e a modo suo vince la partita. Il film però perde in mano ad un regista che sceglie di riprendere la boxe imitando la televisione (forse l'esigenza di "realismo") e che si affida all'esagerazione dei caratteristi per rendere l'idea del dramma.

Ad emergere davvero quindi è solo Amy Adams. "Solo" perchè è solo lei e "solo" perchè è totalmente sola, persa in mezzo ad un film che procede seguendo la poco romanzesca riga dei fatti veri (in questo di fatto rivalutando l'incredibile sforzo di The Social Network) con aspirazioni e sentimentalismo alla buona.
Là dove il "potevo essere qualcuno" di Fronte del Porto incrocia l'"Adriana!" di Rocky si piazza The Fighter.

El Judici Final (més punts de vista)

Pepe Vayà, aficionat a la fotografia (diu ell) de l'Alcúdia de Crespins, ens ha enviat aquestes fotos del Dia del Judici Final. Ens han agradat molt i ací vos les deixem per que les disfruteu (Pepe et volem, quedes contractat com a fotògraf oficial de les gal·les Bloque!). I també, gràcies a Toni Cucarella, ens hem assabentat de la gran crònica humorística que ens va fer la COPE. Ni nosaltres ho haguérem fet millor. Enhorabona a Honda Taronka.

L'Alcúdia de Crespins acoge hoy sábado la entrega de los Premios BLOQUE 09/10 (redactado por Redacción!)

El acto en la Casa de la Cultura contará con las actuaciones de Pep Gimeno ‘Butifarra' y Mí Sostenido
La Casa de la Cultura de L'Alcúdia de Crespins acogerá este sábado 19 de febrero, el acto de entrega de los segundos Premios Bloque 2009-2010 de las Comarcas Centrales Valencianas, el certamen convocado por el bloque colectivo y asociación cultural El Racimo Arte de Palabra por escoger las mejores publicaciones digitales en valenciano en las diferentes categorías. El acto, que empezará a las 18,00 horas, está organizado en colaboración con la Asociación Eco-cultural el Algarrobo de L'Alcúdia de Crespins.Como en la edición de 2008, el cantautor Toni del Hostal y el poeta Toni Espí serán los mantenedores de un acto de entrega que contará con las actuaciones de Pep Gimeno Butifarra, Mí Sostenido, grupo revelación de los Premios Ovidi Montllor 2010, Terradefoc y The Mateta de Hinojo Faulk Band. La organización, además, anuncia alguna “actuación sorpresa”. Los ganadores recibirán un original trofeo (ver fotografía adjunta -es referixen al bloc de formigó autèntic?!-) obra del artista Sara Ballestero.Los premios llegan a su acto final después de las votaciones populares y de la elección por parte del jurado de los finalistas en las diferentes categorías. La importante participación de 2008 se ha visto superada en esta ocasión.

El jurado está formado por:Toni Cucarella, autor del Bloque Toni Cucarella en Ropa de Batalla, ganador en la categoría Política y mejor Bloque de las Comarcas Centrales 2008, Joan Sanchis, autor de El mirador Valenciano, bloque ganador a la categoría de Noticias e información 2008. Josep Artes, autor de A tu madre va que fumas, bloque ganador a la categoría de Arte y Audiovisual 2008.Lucrècia de Borgia y Bairén, autora de Las mujeres no somos (tan) complicadas, bloque ganador a la categoría de Humor 2008. Carles Mulet, autor de Nausica, bloque ganador a la categoría de Literatura 2008.

Un jurado que después de las deliberaciones han nominado a los siguientes finalistas por categoría:


Pequeña Naturaleza

Tierra del Fuego

Foto Sensible (Hein Rich)



Amigos del Pueblo Saharaui de Xàtiva

Asociación amigos y amigas de CaMot


Bloque Meteo - Ontinyent

Polvo de estrellas

La caixeta de música


Sandra - el azulejo - reflexiona

Bajo la Creueta

Reflexiones borde el mar


Vallada City (de los Molinillos a Santa Cruz)

Beniarrés al día



Mi manera de perder el tiempo

Va de bueno, caballeros

Centro Excursionista Alto de la Cruz (Vallada)


Reflexiones borde el mar

Hilando Delgado



Pequeña Naturaleza

La Fuente Roja también es nuestra

La línea de Wallace


Cogitationes uariae


Como Canguelo por Acequia!!

ángel Sacanete Catalán

Haz mirar


Pequeña Naturaleza

Imágenes de un pueblo (Castelló de Rugat)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Gaithersburg painting exhibit described as 'graphic novel'

A Portrait of the Artist: Marcie Wolf-Hubbard
By Bora Mici
February 26, 2011

Mici writes, "Mousetrapped," a 15-piece graphic novel about her seven-month-long effort to curb and permanently put an end to a mouse infestation in her 1923 SEARS home in Silver Spring, is currently on view at The Arts Barn in Gaithersburg.

If anyone goes to see this exhibit, I'd be interested in hearing from you.

El racimo d’Ángel Cebrián “Mòmia”

La ressenya que dedica Cope Onda Naranja als Premios Bloques de las Comarcas Centrales, organitzats per El racimo arte de palabra, i les al·lusions d’Escrivà al futbol m’han fet recordar que l’Olímpic anunciava els partits de la lliga passada amb uns cartells que recuperaven imatges d’antics jugadors que havien militat a les seues files. Aquestes imatges tingueren la virtut d’evocar èpoques remotes del club i alguns dels seus protagonistes. Recorde, per exemple, haver sentit parlar molt d’Àngel Cebrián, més conegut com Mòmia. Aquest jugador, fill d’un militar, era cèlebre entre els adolescents xativins per una circumstància totalment aliena al seu joc: es remorejava que el seu membre viril era descomunal. I clar, se sentien freqüentment, entre la jovenalla, frases o expressions de l’estil «en tal la té més llarga que Mòmia». Altre personatge, Fernandito Borrás, també era cèlebre per idèntic motiu. Costa d’esbrinar si aquestes històries llunyanes són pura mitologia —llegendes urbanes, que diem ara— o tenen un fons de realitat. Les anècdotes protagonitzades per Mòmia estan voltades d’una aura que remet inevitablement al realisme fantàstic. Els rumors sobre el futbolista sortien generalment del vestidor de l’Olímpic. Els qui eren presents —o han somniat que ho eren— diuen, posem per cas, que el míster empentà Mòmia a dins de la caseta un dia que el jugador havia sortit amb una tovallola enrotllada i el seu badall treia el cap per sota. També es conta aquesta altra anècdota: en certa ocasió, el futbolista es va agarrar el penjoll amb la mà —el racimo, en expressió gloriosa de Cope Onda Naranja— i va fotre uns copets tendres al cap de Paquito Coloma, molt aficionat a rondar per la caseta quan els jugadors sortien de la dutxa (Paquito estava en aquell moment ajupit, arreplegant equipatges escampats per terra: botes, calcetins, calçons, samarretes...). Avui, després de visitar la pàgina que enllaça Escrivà, m’imagine un titular de l’estil La momia le da golpecitos con el racimo a Paquito Paloma, i m’entra una rialla incontenible.

Zadzooks on DC Universe Online videogame

Zadzooks: DC Universe Online review
Earth stands a chance in DC Universe
By Joseph Szadkowski
Washington Times February 22, 2011

Wash Post obituary of interest for its photography

Note the family photograph of everyone reading the Sunday comics around 1955.

A Local Life: Alan L. Dean, 92, the 'Ideal Father'

Washington Post February 27, 2011

Alan L. Dean, with wife Vera and daughters Diana, left, and Claudia in 1955. Mr. Dean won The Washington Post's
Alan L. Dean, with wife Vera and daughters Diana, left, and Claudia in 1955. Mr. Dean won The Washington Post's "Ideal Father" contest. (Family Photo)

Tim Kreider on Ink Panthers show

The Ink Panthers Show! #81 featuring Tim Kreider
Mike Dawson and Alex Ronbinson
 The Ink Panthers Show February 22nd, 2011

SPX tables sell out

I saw Warren Bernard, the SPX exec at Big Planet last night and he said that the artist's tables for the Small Press Expo sold out at the end of last week.

Nick Bertozzi and Jason Little at Big Planet Comics

Nick Bertozzi and Jason Little's trip down from New York City to visit Big Planet Comics went well. Local cartoonists turned out including David Hagen, Jim Dougan, Matt Dembicki as well as comics bloggers Comicsgirl and Randy T. Signed copies of their new books should still be available in the store.

101_0212 Bennett  Bertozzi Pollack and Little

Big Planet Comics' Greg Bennett, Nick Bertozzi, Big Planet Comics' Joel Pollack and Jason Little.

101_0209 Jason Little

Jason Little drawing Bee.

101_0208  Bertozzi and Little

Nick Bertozzi looking for a spot to sign the Act-I-Vate anthology while Jason Little inks his Bee sketch.

More pictures are here.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Jef 'Frazz' Mallett interview in tomorrow's Post

Cartoonist Jef Mallett on creating 'Frazz'
by Michael Cavna
Washington Post  February 27, 2011

Dwayne McDuffie and Uncle Pai obits in today's Post

Dwayne McDuffie, comic books creator who championed diversity, dies at 49
By Michael Cavna
Saturday, February 26, 2011; B04

Anant Pai, 81
'Uncle Pai' launched India's comics industry in 1960s
Associated Press
Washington Post February 26, 2011; B4

That Darn Mutts!

A letter to the editor...

It's a dog's life
Alice Lindsay, Chestertown, Md.
February 26, 2011

El mapa del temps

Primerament, vull donar l’enhorabona a tots els premiats, especialment a l’amic Xavi Aliaga, guanyador absolut dels Premis Blocs de les Comarques Centrals del País Valencià. Després de llegir les cròniques i veure les fotos de l’esdeveniment, la malícia —o la mala íxia, no sé— s’empara de mi per no haver pogut assistir al magne acte celebrat a l’Alcúdia. Pel que es veu, el paper dels presentadors fou inenarrable, el despistament dels jurats majúscul i la bellesa del guardó astrofísica. Quant a les actuacions dels diversos artistes i pseudoartistes —Pep Gimeno Botifarra, Josep Lluís Abad abillat de monjo franciscà i The Mateta de Fenoll Faulk Band, entre d’altres—, no m’ha quedat massa clar si foren memorables, deliciosament dislocades o per a tirar a córrer. Supose que el gran i meravellós espectacle degué ser apte per a menors i seguidors de dietes macrobiòtiques. Si eren presents la petita Olímpia i el gran Calinca... (En què van quedar els anuncis del superagent Pardo?) Reitere: quina malícia haver-me perdut la saragata. En fi, les cròniques i les fotos m’han provocat, això sí, certa perplexitat. ¿És que la xerinola ha fet entrar en estat catatònic tots els autors i els pseudoautors presents a l’auditori de l’Alcúdia? Dic açò perquè ha transcorregut una setmana des de l’esdeveniment i —ressenyes al marge— no he vist penjat al blog cap post relatiu a matèria, assumpte o fets d’aquells que acaparen l’actualitat local, nacional o internacional. ¿Ha provocat sequera creativa el sarau penjollaire? Si fos així, ens hauria passat igual que als equips de futbol: quan celebren, abans de començar un encontre, qualsevol efemèride (una Copa d’Europa, el centenari del club...), està comprovat que solen perdre irremeiablement el partit. ¿Caldrà, doncs, alguna mena de revulsiu que traga del sopor els penjollaires? Propose que meditem sobre el següent assumpte: ¿Acceptaria el senyor Camps que es veiés la TV3 al País Valencià si el govern d’Artur Mas obligués els directius del canal català a suprimir el mapa del temps que apareix a l’espai dedicat a l’oratge? ¿És aquest mapa “el gran problema”? ¿És aquesta la qüestió que pensen discutir el mes d’abril —a més del tema de la Commonwealth Catalunyesovalenciana, clar— els dos honorables presidents? Au, vinga! A veure si ens animem i parlem de coses de trellat.

March 29: Trickster cartoonists at Busboys @ Poets

From: Matt Dembicki:

On March 29 I'll be at Busboys and Poets (14th and V in Washington, D.C., 6:30-8:30) discussing 'Trickster.' Joining me will be 'Trickster' contributing artists Michael Auger and Jacob Warrenfeltz, as well as Christopher Cardinale, illustrator of 'Mr. Mendoza's Paintbrush,' who will be talking about that fantastic book.

Maria Sharapova Australian Open 2011

One person resisting the temptation to talk about Maria Sharapova in the past tense is the player herself. yesterday, the Russian once again disappointed those who insist on regarding her as the queen of the court, albeit one whose lustre has faded. Instead, after going out in the fourth round in two quick sets to Andrea Petkovic, she was a persuasive advocate for putting tennis in perspective.

"There's a lot more in life than hitting a tennis ball," she said. "We can talk about so many cases around the world. We're all pretty fortunate to be able to do what we do, win or lose. Obviously wins bring you a lot of smiles and laughter – but this is sport. It's your career and your choice."

She acknowledged that Petkovic, who is ranked No33 in the world, 17 places below her, had played her off the court in winning 6-2, 6-3. The German looks in fine shape for her first quarter-final here, against Li Na of China. However, when asked how she was coping with her decline, Sharapova bridled.

"I have done many things in my career," she said. "I've won many matches and been No1 in the world and also had an opportunity to say that I've had enough. I could do many other things in my life. I have enough money; I have a great family around me. But when I was away from the sport [all] I wanted to do was to wake up in the morning and not put my ballerinas on, but to put on my Nikes and go out there and run and play. When it was taken away from me, I realised how much I loved it. When you go through it every single day, you almost forget. Then you take a step back and say, 'I miss this.' I really wanted it."

Sharapova joins Venus Williams, Justine Henin, Ana Ivanovic, Dinara Safina and Jelena Jankovic in the ranks of former world No1s to leave this Australian Open before the quarter-finals. Hers, though, was a departure that cut a little deeper with the faithful.

She understands why she has been elevated above the herd. She knows her smile, blonde hair and marketable allure are part of the deal. She has played her part in it. She lives the life in California, on the circuit, where ever she wishes, and is engaged to a New Jersey Nets basketball star, Sasha Vujacic.

Those assets and the lifestyle are in place. It is her tennis that has gone missing, her serve wobbling like a broken windmill after struggles with a shoulder injury and long periods of disillusion, her confidence ebbing by the match. She wants to find all that again.

"I could sit here and pinpoint every single bad thing that I did," she said. "There are many things that didn't work. I didn't get my first break point until it was a set and 5-1. That's not the type of tennis I want to be playing, especially on the return.

"I didn't put any pressure on her serve whatsoever. I wasn't up love‑30 or anything on her service games. That's not the way to play a match. But you can also look at the good things throughout the week and try to improve on that. Last year I was gone on Monday. I stayed here a little bit longer this year. This is the beginning of the year. I always look forward to many things, whether I lose easy, whether I win easy."

She reflected also on the remarkable achievement of Francesca Schiavone and Svetlana Kuznetsova, who were engaged in their marathon match nearby.

"It just shows that, no matter what, if we're in the fourth round or the first, in the final, that is why they put the nets up in the morning is to play that match. It doesn't matter what you're seeded, ranked, who you're playing. That's why they open up that tennis can and have those umpires and the net goes up and the match is in front of you. No matter who the favourite is, you got to finish it."

She is determined to finish it her way. Sharapova is 23.

Maria Sharapova Australian Open 2011
Maria Sharapova Australian Open 2011
Maria Sharapova Australian Open 2011
Maria Sharapova Australian Open 2011
Maria Sharapova Australian Open 2011
Maria Sharapova Australian Open 2011
Maria Sharapova Australian Open 2011
Maria Sharapova Australian Open 2011
Maria Sharapova Australian Open 2011
Maria Sharapova Australian Open 2011

Friday, February 25, 2011

Curls Studio video interview online

Interview with Curls Studio at NY Comic Con
MMA, Wrestling and Gaming News February 25, 2011 /

Front Royal's Ben Hatke interviewed

Spacing Out: An Interview with Ben Hatke
John Hogan
Graphic Novel Reporter (February 25 2011)

Donna Lewis' Reply All starts in Post on Monday

Donna Lewis' Reply All starts in the Washington Post on Monday; it's replacing Watch Your Head.

Here's the interview I did with Donna last year. I'll be asking her another set of interview questions this coming week, but she'll be on the Washington Post's chat on Monday so you can ask your own questions.

March 11: Atlas comics exhibit opens at Geppi Museum

"Atlas At Last" Opens at GEM on Friday, March 11
Scoop February 25 2011

You’re invited to fly to the red carpet

This Sunday night is the 83rd annual Academy Awards, which makes a dazzling presence at the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood, California. The Oscar® Awards are the oldest awards ceremony in the media, and was created to honor film achievements. However, this event has evolved into something more of a spectacle and broadcast success over the years. There’s the extravagant red carpet, infamous paparazzi, buzzing interviews, entertaining ceremony and of course the fashion commentary.

Last year, I hosted an Oscars party for friends and got dressed up in high heels, rolled out a red carpet, made themed drinks & snacks and of course had the obligatory ballot with prizes. As we sat on the edge of our seats and critiqued the fashion, we pretended to be right there on the red carpet with the stars.

This year, we thought, why not take the experience one step closer to reality? Take a virtual tour of the Kodak Theatre in Google Earth -- as if you're actually there! It includes the red carpet, paparazzi and even the Oscar statues. Watch the video below to fly to the red carpet in 3D or download this KML to take a tour in Google Earth.

If you’d like to take your own trip on the red carpet in Google Earth, download a 3D model of the Red Carpet, Hollywood and Highland Center, and the Kodak Theatre.

You’ve probably already made your predictions, but if you’re curious about what other people are thinking, check out the Oscar Search Trends. See which nominees are being searched and also realtime news articles and mentions. I’m putting my bet on James Franco for “Best Actor in a Leading Role” but according to the graph I’m not alone.

There are two days left to take a virtual trip to the red carpet, see live search results for nominees and even have time to find the perfect pair of heels or cuff links. Enjoy watching the show!

Cartoon mascots - Mr. Peanut in Washington Examiner


Imagery Update - Week of February 21st

We’re just nearly two months into the new year but the Google Earth and Google Maps Imagery team’s aerial and satellite imagery updates keep coming!

Since it’s February, love is in the air and romance is on people’s minds (I mean, why stop at Valentine’s Day). And when it comes to all things amatory, no features and locations conjure up those feelings better than châteaux, castles, and royal wedding sites. Lucky for all our quixotic Earth and Maps users, we’ve got all that and more in our latest batch of published images.

Let’s start with the big one in the room. The Royal wedding isn't until April, but we’re getting ready for the big day by updating London, UK and wedding-related sites with high-resolution aerial imagery acquired this past June. In the image below, you can see the site of the royal wedding, the Collegiate Church of St Peter at Westminster, more commonly referred to as Westminster Abbey. While viewing this site in Google Earth, make sure you turn on the Photos Layer, and check out the several pano360 immersive images that dot the church confines.

Westminster Abbey, London, UK

Let’s move west a bit to the beautiful Emerald Isle. Below we’re looking at Trim Castle and adjacent grounds in the county town of Trim, in County Meath, Ireland. The castle is the remains of Ireland’s largest and dates to the 11th century. As with the Westminster Abbey location, make sure to click on the Photos layer and check out the pano360 images; the immersive images include 360° views of the castle interior.

Trim Castle, Trim, Ireland.

Lastly, let’s take a look below at some new aerial imagery of a section of the Biltmore Estate which contains the châteauesque house, the Biltmore (upper-right section of the image). The house was finished in 1895 and is located near Asheville, North Carolina. It is the largest privately-owned home in the U.S., owned continuously by members of the William Vanderbilt family.

The Biltmore Estate, Asheville, NC.

Do you have a place you love that you’d want to receive notification from us when the Earth and Maps Imagery team updates your beloved site? We’ve got just the tool: The Follow Your World application!

As always, these are but a few examples of the types of features that can be seen and discovered in our latest batch of published imagery. Happy exploring!

High Resolution Aerial Updates:

USA: Asheville, NC; Charleston, WV; Chattanooga, TN; Daytona, FL; Fayetteville, AR; Key West, FL; Perry, FL; Wachula, FL

Ireland: Kells; Navan; Omagh; Strabane; Trim

UK: Greater London; Immingham; Somerset

Switzerland: Valais

Countries/Regions receiving High Resolution Satellite Updates:

Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burundi, Canada, Central African Republic, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Czech Republic, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, French Guiana, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Lesotho, Libya, Macedonia (FRYOM), Mexico, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar (Burma), Namibia, Nepal, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, People's Republic of the Congo, Peru, Poland, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, West Bank, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe

These updates are now available in both Google Maps and Google Earth. To get a complete picture of where we updated imagery, download this KML for viewing in Google Earth.

Oscar animated shorts reviewed in Express

Coming Up Short: This Year's Oscar-Nominated Animated Shorts Are Lacking

By Kristen Page-Kirby 

Express February 25, 2011, p. 31


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Maria Sharapova: Tatler Russia Ravishing 2011

She’s certainly easy on the eyes, so it’s no wonder Tatler Russia magazine featured Maria Sharapova for their upcoming March 2011 issue.

The tennis pro hottie posed in a number of various ensembles, showing off that natural beauty in each shot.

Photo Credit: Tatler Russia

And with her modeling career seeming to really be taking off – it was recently announced that Miss Sharapova is the face of Cole Haan Spring/Summer 2011 ad campaign.

The campaign was actually inspired by Maria’s travels with each photo representing her life.

Maria Sharapova
Maria Sharapova
Maria Sharapova
Maria Sharapova
Maria Sharapova
Maria Sharapova
Maria Sharapova
Maria Sharapova
Maria Sharapova
Maria Sharapova
Maria Sharapova
Maria Sharapova
Maria Sharapova
Maria Sharapova

Maria Sharapova