Saturday, October 31, 2009
Zombie graphic novel chat on Post site yesterday
Washington Post Friday, October 30, 2009; 11:00 AM
Editorial de novembre
Encetem novembre com ens agrada, amb una contradicció: dia 1, festa dels morts! Celebració en el cementeri, banderetes entre els nínxols i la banda municipal tocant pasdobles. Així és El Penjoll: ens agrada debatre i repartir-ne sense miraments però amb humor i bon rotllo, donant joc, obrint-lo i deixant-nos enredrar pel joc que vostés, lectors i comentaristes, ens proposen. De moment, poden decidir quina Biografia Fictícia s’emporta el premi; aprofiten, que queden 9 dies per votar i trien la que més els haja agradat.
Estem farts de la seriositat i dels vestits d’etiqueta. Volem mambo i crear un diàleg divertit a partir de la creació. Més clar, aigua! Ja plou perqué a l’abril tornen les margarides!
Nevin Martell at Big Planet Comics, a brief report
Much of that was Watterson's early high school and college cartoons, and his stint as a professional political cartoonist, but Nevin also showed us what Watterson's most recent public art has been. He's done these projected illustrations for a friend's Spanish Day, a Flamenco guitar rock opera.
Cellulite e Celluloide - Il podcast
Per i file occorre ringraziare il prode Luca che pur non avendo nulla a che vedere con l'amministrazione della radio ha deciso in proprio di registrare, tagliare e mettere online i file.
Ordunque adesso anche se non siete di Roma o dintorni potete godere anche voi di queste perle radiofoniche e sottoscrivere i podcast come più vi aggrada. O consultare l'archivione.
Wash Post Style Invitational contest to combine two comic strips results
The Style Invitational
Washington Post October 31 2009
Report from Week 837
in which we asked you to combine two comic strips and tell about the result:
Two NY students win Herblock-related cartoon contest
By SHARON GLEASON, NeXt Editor, Buffalo News October 29, 2009.
Sobre l'assassinat del Capità Superflipo (I)
Transcric el correu sencer de l'inspector Oyono. Deia açò:
Sóc Feliu Oyono, l’inspector de policia al càrrec del cas del quintuple assassinat del xalet de Bixquert (imagine que n'estarà al corrent per la notícia apareguda a El Penjoll). Li comunique que en l’escena del crim, concretament dins del dilatat esfínter del senyor Superflipo, vam trobar una nota dirigida a vosté amb un poema.
Com que la nota és un prova que estem analitzant, en l’arxiu adjunt li he transcrit el contingut de la mateixa (revise per si puga haver alguna errada en els versos). Com que jo el poema el conec per veu de Raimon, m’he pres la llibertat d’afegir-li també el codi de la cançó.
Inspector Feliu Oyono.
PD- Crec que els deu primers versos del poema són decasíl·labs."
Tot seguit afegisc també còpia de la nota i el poema del Capità Superflipo:
En el cas que em passe alguna cosa greu, com per exemple morir-me, demane que, per favor, li facen arribar este poema de Roïs de Corella al senyor Alietes el del Corralot, al qual li demane que, si té a bé, el publique en un post seu a El Penjoll i done la seua interpretació del que haja pogut passar.
Moltes gràcies,
El Capità Superflipo.
Balada de la garsa i l’esmerla
Ab los peus verds, los ulls e celles negres,
penatge blanc, he vista una garsa,
sola, sens par, de les altres esparsa,
que del mirar mos ulls resten alegres;
i, al seu costat, estava una esmerla,
ab un tal gest, les plomes i lo llustre,
que no és al món poeta tan il·lustre,
que pogués dir les llaors de tal perla;
i, ab dolça veu, per art ben acordada,
cant e tenor, cantaven tal balada:
Del mal que pas no puc guarir,
si no em mirau
ab los ulls tals, que puga dir
que ja no us plau
que jo per vós haja a morir.
Si muir per vós, llavors creureu
l'amor que us port,
e no es pot fer que no ploreu
la trista mort d'aquell que ara no voleu;
que el mal que pas no em pot jaquir,
si no girau
los vostres ulls, que em vullen dir
que ja no us plau
que jo per vós haja a morir."
Friday, October 30, 2009
Dec 6: Eisner film at AFI in Silver Spring
Pop culture professor Ray Browne dies
Washington Post Staff Writer, Thursday, October 29, 2009.
I never met him, but obviously I agree with his life's work. By the way, the current New Yorker, November 2, 2009, is this year's thin cartoon issue - it doesn't even say it on the spine - and it's got work by Chris Ware in it. Speaking of pop culture sneaking into high brow worlds...
"A Santa Compaña" Penjollil, en vespres del dia de tots Sants i per excés de treball en eixes dates, ha decidit avançar-se i donar-li la menció d'honor especial a les biografies -La famille Lagardère- i -Giacomo Castelli-, per la seua innegable contribució al coneixement d'altres llengües i òrgans semblants. D'altra banda, també ha decidit desqualificar-les per incomplir les bases del concurs. Per a la resta de participants l'honor del vot recaurà en la saviesa dels nostres lectors.
L'estranya desaparició del jurat en la seua totalitat després del viatge a Roquetas de Mar en què acompanyaven, en la seua idílica lluna de mel, a l'Il·lustríssim president de la Diputació de València i la seua partenaire Carmen de Mairena, ens ha obligat a delegar la responsabilitat del vot en l'Acadèmia d'anònims llustrosos i l'il·lustre Col·legi de lectors desinhibits.
Google Analytics API on App Engine Treemap Visualization
Here is a captivating way to visualize your Google Analytics data in a Treemap visualization and you can visualize your own data with our live demo.
(note: IE currently not supported for visualization part)
The goal of this example was to teach people how to use the Google Analytics API on App Engine in Java. As well as demonstrating how to use both OAuth and AuthSub along with the App Engine's various services. The code looked great, but the output was a boring HTML table. So I used some open source tools to transform the table into a pretty tree map visualization!
All the code has been open sourced on Google Project hosting. I also wrote an article describing how this application works making it easy for developers to use this example as a starting point for new data visualizations and other Google Data projects.
For the data retrieval part, this example uses the App Engine Java SDK and the Google Analytics Data Export API Java Client Library to retrieve data from Google Analytics. The example code implements both unsigned AuthSub and registered OAuth authorization methods allowing developers to get up and running quickly in development environments and later switch to a secure authorization method in production environments. The application also uses the Model-View-Controller pattern, making it flexible and allowing developers to extend the code for new applications. (like adding support for other Google Data APIs)
For the visualization part, I used the open-sourced Protovis SVG Visualization Library to create the Treemap. This JavaScript library is maintained by the Stanford Visualization Group and excels at creating brand new visualizations from a data set (in this case a boring HTML table). To handle all of the interactions, including rollover, tooltips and slider controls, I used JQuery. Here is the JavaScript source to the visualization part of the sample.
By Nick Mihailovski, The Google Analytics API Team
P.S. If you have created any cool new visualizations using the Google Analytics Data Export API, email us so we can highlight them as well.
Maira Kalman visits the Capitol
...and discovers that law making can be a messy thing - E Pluribus Unum, New York Times' And The Pursuit of Happiness blog (October 29 2009)
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Nov 6: Photographs Redefining the American Superhero
Another one from Michael O'Connell...
Contact: Brooke Seidelmann
1632 U Street, NW
Washington, DC 20009
p: 202.483.8600
Redefining the American Superhero
Washington, DC - Opening Reception: Friday, November 6, 6:00-8:00PM. The Joan Hisaoka Healing Arts Gallery located at 1632 U Street, NW celebrates the opening of The Real Story of the Superheroes, featuring photographs by Dulce Pinzón.
This exhibition introduces the Latino immigrant in New York in a satirical documentary style featuring ordinary men and women in their work environment donning superhero garb. In doing so, Pinzón raises questions of both our definition of American heroism and the ignorance of and indifference to the workforce that fuels our ever-consuming economy. The exhibition runs November 4 - 28.
Above: Spiderman. Bernabe Mendez from the State of Guerrero works as a professional window cleaner. He sends $500 home each month.
High resolution photos are available upon request.
Gallery Hours: Wednesday through Friday 11:00AM-5:00PM, Saturday 11:00AM-3:00PM and by appointment. Additional details are available at
This exhibition is a part of FOTOWEEK DC and sponsored in part by the Mexican Cultural Institute.
About the Joan Hisaoka Healing Arts Gallery at Smith Farm Center:
The Gallery is a mission of Smith Farm Center for Healing and the Arts, a Washington, DC nonprofit organization grounded in the profound belief that each person has tremendous innate abilities to heal in the face of life's challenges, Smith Farm's mission is to develop and promote proven healing practices that explore physical, emotional, and mental resources that lead to life-affirming changes. Programs and exhibitions in the Joan Hisaoka Healing Arts Gallery celebrate and stimulate the dynamic creative resources that contribute to health and wellness in each of us.
Garfield Teams Up With Attorney General, Virginia Schools to Teach Online Safety
Office of the Attorney General
Richmond, VA 23219
William C. Mims
900 East Main St.
Attorney General
Richmond, VA 23219
For Immediate Release
Contact: David Clementson
Garfield Teams Up With Attorney General, Virginia Schools to Teach Online Safety
RICHMOND – The Commonwealth of Virginia is hoping that a grouchy, opinionated, lasagna-loving cat can help teach children about Internet safety.
At the 15th annual Virginia Educational Technology Conference today, Attorney General Bill Mims and the creator of Garfield, Jim Davis, unveiled an interactive program to teach children about Internet safety, which the Virginia Department of Education is offering to schools statewide.
The Department of Education worked with the Garfield Foundation to draft the script and comprehensive curriculum. The Attorney General's Office provided guidance and funding. Paws Inc. Studios and Hollywood talent provided the animation, voices and production, including legendary film and television voice Frank Welker as Garfield.
"What better than a grouchy, opinionated, lasagna-loving cartoon cat to entertain kids while teaching them how to stay safe on the
Internet?" Attorney General Mims said. "Our Office has partnered with the Department of Education for years through the Youth Internet Safety Task Force and other various initiatives. We thank Jim Davis and his entertainment team for doing this so we can continue to reach students, parents and teachers while having fun."
The first installment of the program, entitled "Online Safety and You," goes live today with interactive lessons, episodes, games,
quizzes and teaching materials. The first lesson is about "cyberbullying." It is offered free to everyone through
"You wouldn't believe the number of moms, dads and teachers who've told me that Garfield was the reason their child started reading, and – gasp! – learning," Jim Davis said. "Professor Garfield can teach students about Internet safety, tickling their brain and their funnybone."
Two years ago Virginia became the first state in the nation to mandate that all public schools teach Internet safety. The new Professor Garfield program is not mandatory for schools, but rather a recommended addition to the teaching arsenal.
"Professor Garfield is an exciting addition to the Commonwealth's nationally-recognized Internet safety team," said Patricia Wright,
Superintendent of Public Instruction for the Virginia Department of Education. "On behalf of Virginia's public schools, I thank Jim Davis for his generosity and commitment to the children of Virginia."
Today the Garfield comic strip is in almost every newspaper in the world. More than 2,400 newspapers now carry Garfield and an estimated 200 million people read the strip every day. The strip is the most widely syndicated comic strip in the world.
The Professor Garfield Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) educational collaboration between Paws, Inc., the global headquarters
for Garfield the Cat, and Ball State University's teacher training and digital education.
El príncep de les milotxes
Wingu ja ho deia des de ben menut: «M’agradaria volar com les milotxes!». I els altres cadells se’n reien fins que Kibanda, la matriarca, posava orde. Wingu romania al centre del cercle. «Nens, la ingravidesa naix de l’esperit, no de la massa corpòria», pontificava enigmàticament la líder del clan, mentre alçava la trompa i enlairava trompeteigs d’autoritat. Només Mwezi mirava embadalida el pobre Wingu, que intentava escapolir-se avergonyit. Ara, ella i el seu fill esperen cada dia, amb cara de badoqueria i felicitat, l’arribada del príncep de les milotxes.
More, more, more real estate in Google Maps
Since we announced the ability to see lots of real estate listings directly on Google Maps back in July, we've been working hard to make it even easier to use. As we've added new features and updated Google Maps, with things like brand new high-resolution Street View imagery or detailed map data, Google Maps has become an even more useful tool for online real estate searching. Here are a couple of things you can look out for next time you visit.
First of all, we've made it easier to find real estate listings. Now, you can simply select "Real Estate" from the 'More' button on the top right of any Google Map to discover listings. From there, it's a simple matter to refine your search using the left hand panel - price, bedrooms, bathrooms, and so on. Of course, you can still pan the map to search for the perfect neighborhood and it'll automatically update with more listings.
Happy house hunting this weekend!
Posted by Andrew Foster, Product Manager
Oct 31: Beyond Comics sale along with Blair Witch signing
Eduardo Sanchez, Writer and Director, The Blair Witch Project
Saturday October 31st 1:00 p.m to 3:00 p.m.
Certain Restrictions May Apply
OVER 7,000 25 cent COMICS
Trade Paperback & Manga Clearance Books from $3 each
Catching up with comics in the Post
Comic Riffs looks at a couple of dunderheaded decisions in the Style section –
Doonesbury shrunk by almost an inch in the latest redesign, but it’s back at a bit larger now:
The Post's 'Doonesbury' shrinkage: winning the Battle of Inch-On
By Michael Cavna
Washington Post Comic Riffs blog October 28, 2009
and Frazz, which has been exiled to appearing sometimes on the Kid’s page is missing this week because of a Halloween story which has a naked kid in a tree - god, you just can’t make this stuff up. The kids flip past, in today’s paper “TV report on breast self-exam bares all” and “The Dark Side of Peter Pan” book review to get to the Kid’s page, and they’re then protected from cartoon nudity. Anyway, here’s the story with the rationalization “There was no way this could run in KidsPost so we decided to hold it out for a week.”:
Calling all comics readers: To save 'Frazz,' what strip should we send to KidsPost?
By Michael Cavna
Washington Post Comic Riffs blog October 29, 2009
In yesterday’s Style section (not the trend here), there’s a TV report on how inappropriate Family Guy is, at least as far as Microsoft is concerned:
By Lisa de Moraes
Washington Post Wednesday, October 28, 2009
and a review of a play with an imaginary superhero friend:
By Celia Wren
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tonight - "Looking for Calvin and Hobbes" Reading and Signing
Subject: *TONIGHT* "Looking For Calvin and Hobbes" Book Release Party *TONIGHT*
Just wanted to remind everyone that tonight is the book release party for "Looking for Calvin and Hobbes" at Big Planet Comics in Bethesda from 7-9. There will be a reading, a presentation of early, unseen Watterson art, a Q&A session and a book signing. Hope to see you there!
My best,
Link for info on Big Planet Comics:;
I'm planning on being there. - Mike
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Baltimore - Halloween party at Atomic Books
DC Comic Books Examiner, Mark Ruffin Mark Ruffin, a freelance writer and story editor, recalls a first read of Peter Parker, the Amazing Spider-Man #8 and a collection of comic books from that point. Following honorable service in the military, he has contributed and edited articles on subjects political, sports car related, and of murder mystery dinner games. Grouped with his enthusiasm for culinary arts and sports, he enjoys discussions on the various perspectives of the comics medium. Contact Mark here. | |
Google Maps Navigation comes to Android 2.0
In 2005 we launched Google Maps, and later that year, we launched Google Maps for mobile, providing maps and driving directions to users on the go. Over the past few years we've continuously added new features to Google Maps for desktop computers and mobile phones, such as My Location, live traffic data, and satellite and street views. But our driving directions have always remained written in list form - not particularly useful while you're actually driving. Until now!
Today we're announcing the beta launch of Google Maps Navigation, an internet-connected GPS navigation system with voice guidance and automatic rerouting, as a feature of Google Maps on phones that run Android 2.0. Google Maps Navigation isn't like the GPS systems you might be used to - it was built from the ground up to use Google Maps services over your phone's internet connection. This means using Google search, by typing or by voice, to enter your destination (whether or not you know the address); viewing your route on 3D satellite views and in Street View; and always running on the freshest map, business, and live traffic data available from Google Maps.
Read more about Google Maps Navigation on the Official Google Mobile blog.
Posted by Iljya Kalai, Software Engineer
NPR's Weldon on Brave and the Bold cartoon
(Batman - Brooding + Obscure Characters) x NPH = A Thing That is Arguably Good
By Glen Weldon
National Public Radio's Monkey See blog October 28, 2009
....però poi ci ricaschi sempre (ce lo aggiungo io)
Quando cominci un videogioco ti ci perdi talmente tanto che non richiami gli amici, non mangi, non fai sesso con la tua ragazza e per 3-4 settimane sei fuori da tutto ma poi quando lo finisci succede sempre che mostrano un asiatico che alza un trofeo.
Dopo tutta quella fatica la ricompensa è minima. Alla fine non ti senti fico per avercela fatta e non ti senti di aver conquistato qualcosa, anzi forse ti senti più perdente perchè hai messo da parte tutto il resto.Vince Vaughn oggi sul dualismo del rapporto con i videogiochi
conferenza stampa di L'Isola delle Coppie
Fantom Comics new store
I was in Pentagon City Mall last night so I stopped in to Fantom Comics. They haven't gotten on the mall map yet. They're kind of out of the way so you're not likely to just stumble across their store. They're up on the top floor near Nordstroms and the Radio Shack. For such a small space they've done well with it. The walls are all glass so they've positioned their most popular selections (comics and graphic novels for kids) where you can see them from up the hall. The inner walls are filled with graphic novels. They had several that I hadn't seen in other shops. Hidden behind the hallway viewable stuff is a small selection of back issues.
The whole place can be described as small, but well proportioned. It has a good selection despite its dimensions. They will not, however, be hosting Magic or D&D sessions.
Maria Sharapova goes down to seventeen year old American Melanie Oudin
Seventeen year old American rising tennis sensation, Melanie Oudin, ousted media darling and reigning tennis glamor queen, Maria Sharapova, from the 2009 US Open Tennis Champships. Cheered on by the excited crowd Oudin forced a third set after taking the second set from Sharapova who won the first 6 games to 4.
In her post match interview Sharapova was asked if she agrees with Jelana Jankovic’s assesent that Oudin doesn’t have many weapons and isn’t very impressive though she’s beating top-ranked players. Sharapova called Jankovic’s remarks shocking and said of Oudin’s play:
Nel Paese Delle Creature Selvagge (Where The Wild Things Are, 2009)di Spike Jonze
Quindi affidare a lui Nel paese delle creature selvagge, l'adattamento dell'omonimo libro illustrato di Maurice Sendak, era forse la scelta più corretta, perchè il libro è veramente breve mentre il film ha una durata canonica.
L'inizio sembra confermare tutto questo. I primi 5 minuti sono da manuale del cinema, c'è bellezza, sentimento e racconto. La semplice lotta per gioco tra un bambino e il suo cane è ripresa con una dignità, una sapienza e uno sguardo che è già presa di posizione che impressionano e quando compare il titolo dovrebbero scattare gli applausi.
Il film da lì in poi scorre senza intoppi, almeno fino a che non si arriva dove le creature selvagge stanno.
Lì il film si insabbia e non riesce più a scorrere come in precedenza. Nonostante le molte scelte vincenti (sembra tutto girato al tramonto con una luce che rende i colori splendidi) lo stesso si ha l'impressione che ci siano stati dei problemi in fase di realizzazione. E così è infatti. Le cronache già ci avevano parlato di una lunga gestazione e di un quasi licenziamento del regista, tutte cose che ovviamente influiscono male su un film che non è più il libero frutto della sua volontà.
Così i tanti elementi splendidi (è incredibile come in ogni sequenza si respiri un'aria inquieta) non si amalgamano bene, il racconto non fluisce e sostanzialmente ci si annoia un bel po'.
Anche le musiche, accuratamente selezionate, sembrano usate come un tampone in sequenze (davvero questo lo dico con la morte nel cuore) che sembrano dei videoclip e non delle parti musicali di un film.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Weldon on crime comics
by Glen Weldon
National Public Radio's Books We Like (October 27 2009)
You know, for a small city, we bloggers don't run into each other. I've never met Weldon, or Mark Ruffin, or Zadzooks... They may all be fictional. I know I'm real.
Wild about Africa
The greatest wildlife show on earth is about to arrive on your PC.
Africa is the last continent on earth to hold on to its ‘megafauna’ – the really big stuff like elephants, rhinos and herds of antelope tens thousands strong - and it’s hanging on to them by the skin on its teeth.
Here at the MAPA Project, we’re making sure that no one can say “We never knew!” when it comes to keeping African parks and wildlife in the public eye.
MAPA stands for ‘Mapping Africa’s Protected Areas’ and so far we’ve plotted the major parks, reserves, and protected areas for Southern and East Africa. Check them out on Google Earth and watch epic wildlife video snippets or just find out about places you didn’t even know existed. Download the MAPA layer and find out just how extraordinary our continent is. You can also find the layer in the Google Earth Outreach Showcase.
What’s the largest mammal migration on earth? You’d probably guess the wildebeest migration in East Africa with over a million wildebeest and zebra on the move every year. Well, it may be the heaviest one, but what about the two million fruit bats which gather in Kasanka National Park in Zambia every November and fly off every evening, darkening the sky for twenty minutes? Nobody knows why they all go there, but go they do – and you can too.
It’s a work-in-progress and we have thousands more parks, blog posts, research projects and icons to get up but we are really on our way now. We plan to be at it for another couple of years but if you need to know anything about conservation in Africa, start here and you will end up in the right place.
Conservationists and GIS enthusiasts all across Africa are helping us to pull this groundbreaking project together. You can too: each park and reserve on the map tells its story and each links to websites with even more info. Bloggers are welcome on the layer and over fifty are already keeping us posted with what they are doing for conservation.
Have you ever wondered what happens to all those tracks that researchers download from satellite collars on the National Geographic channel? Well we did too, so we’re looking for them and we’ve already put a couple online for you to unravel, with plenty more to come.
So, if you are considering traveling in Africa, if you need some really credible background to that news story or school project, or if you just know the value of something that is irreplaceable, load this layer and watch what Africa is doing to conserve its priceless environmental legacy. For more information on how to get involved, visit
Posted by March Turnbull, Mapping Africa's Protected Areas
Celebrating the heroes of Google Earth
Project Kaisei
Right now, in the North Pacific Gyre, an 'island' of garbage twice the size of the state of Texas is floating across the surface of the ocean. This area was recently visited by the members of Project Kaisei who tracked their voyage using Google Earth and Maps. Project Kaisei researchers have experimented with converting plastic particles from the "Plastic Vortex" into diesel, and hope to eventually power their vessels with this fuel, creating fully sustainable expeditions. Video
Save the Elephants
For over 20 years, Dr. Iain Douglas-Hamilton, founder of Save the Elephants, has worked to protect elephants in Mali from poachers using geofences and satellite collars, among other technologies. With Google Earth, Dr. Douglas-Hamilton can track these elephants on a map and has been able to save many animals' lives, rescuing trapped elephants and helping animals suffering from the effects of local drought and climate change. Video
Borneo Orangutan Survival
The number of Orangutans in the wild today is decreasing at a staggering pace largely because of the destruction of their rainforest habitats. In Sumatra, recent calculations show that the total Orangutan population has fallen from 12,000 in 1993 to approximately 6,500 today. Willie Smits and the Borneo Orangutan Survival Organization have used Google Earth as a platform to enable everyone to participate in their reforestation project by viewing and adopting forest acreage in the Samboja Lestari region. Video
Chief Almir and the Surui
Since he first observed the illegal logging of his tribe's territory with Google Earth in an internet cafe several years ago, Chief Almir Surui, along with Google Earth Outreach, have worked together to raise awareness about this issue, and Surui culture as a whole. Most recently, in addition to the launch of the “Trading Bows and Arrows for Laptops” Google Earth tour, members of the Google Earth Outreach team traveled to the Amazon to teach the Surui how mobile devices can be used to capture photos of illegal logging activity and uploaded to Google Earth. Video
Appalachian Voices
Mountaintop removal coal mining refers to a process of detonating explosives in order to mine coal seams that would otherwise be difficult to access. The practice is hugely detrimental to the surrounding environment, pollutes nearby drinking-water sources, permanently destroys the mountains themselves, and often causes cancer and other diseases. Appalachian Voices, a grassroots environmental group in North Carolina, has educated millions of people, including policy-makers and legislators, about this destructive mining process by flying users over the 470 mine sites in the Appalachian mountains with Google Earth. The organization also has a layer in Google Earth dedicated to these efforts. Video
We salute these individuals and groups, and share their wonderful stories with the hope that they will inspire more people to use Google Earth to make the world a better place. If you are using Google Earth to change your world, be it in small ways or large, and would like to share your story, we want to hear from you! Please submit your story here and you could be selected as the next Google Earth Hero.
For more information about these Heroes of Google Earth, visit
Posted by
Amore 14 (2009)di Federico Moccia
Ecco il sesso, diciamo che Amore 14 si differenzia più che altro per questo elemento. Per quanto se ne parli e quanti si affronti il tema. Che forse è anche l'unica cosa che ci può stare del film, l'unico elemento reale di una parabola altrimenti fuori dal mondo per almeno il 90% della popolazione.
Come sempre infatti Moccia parla di una minoranza che stavolta è ancora più ristretta. Se in passato infatti che si trattasse di una minoranza lo capivano in pochi (poichè le figure diventavano quasi subito archetipe e che si fosse a Roma Nord lo notavano solo quelli di Roma Nord), adesso invece la metafora è più stretta e meno sognante. Come del resto il protagonista maschile è meno incisivo, motivo per il quale il film potrebbe andare male al botteghino (il segreto di questi racconti è infatti il maschio e non la femmina).
Moccia cerca di elevare con un romanticismo esasperato non solo se stesso (la figura del fratello romanziere a cui nessuno vuole pubblicare il primo libro è abbastanza diretta) ma anche tutto un mondo che non avrebbe altri modi per essere elevato. Un mondo che non è Roma Nord ma solo quella piccola parte che genericamente si identifica con quei luoghi e che appunto, non fosse per l'indicazione geografica, non avrebbe altro modo per essere riconosciuta.
Non è tanto come mostri con totale indulgenza cose che altrove sarebbero da condannare (in fondo ognuno dà le valutazioni che crede) quanto il fatto che per elevare l'oggetto del suo racconto lo contrapponga a realtà degeneri totalmente non rappresentative. L'unico contraltare al mondo delle protagoniste è infatti quella dei coattoni figli dei benzinai che si divertono a menare e hanno l'alito puzzolente perchè mangiano il Kebab con troppa cipolla. Non che non esistano queste categorie umane, ma usarle per innalzare la propria è troppo facile.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Maria Sharapova, New number 2!
Maria Sharapova, continues to gain strength on tour and in our polling. Maria, after a slow start, generated 16% of 2nd Quarter voting, second only to Paula Creamer at 17%.
At the end of 2Q 2009, our highest vote total ever, Paul Creamer remains atop our hottest babe's list. Paula is extending her 2008 domination of our list midway through the 2009 season.
Current rankings for year to date performance:
2009 Rank | Player | Total | 2008 Finish |
1 | Paula Creamer | 27.81 | 1 |
2 | Maria Sharapova | 15.85 | 3 |
3 | Ana Ivanovic | 14.49 | 2 |
4 | Natalie Gulbis | 13.95 | 5 |
5 | Maria Kirilenko | 11.90 | 6 |
6 | Maria Verchenova | 10.89 | 10 |
7 | Elena Dementieva | 9.83 | 4 |
8 | Cristie Kerr | 9.18 | 7 |
9 | Anna Kournikova | 8.41 | 14 |
10 | Daniela Hantuchova | 5.16 | 11 |
11 | Anna Rawson | 3.99 | 9 |
12 | Alona Bondarenko | 3.50 | 12 |
13 | Sophie Sandolo | 2.74 | 15 |
14 | Kim Hall | 1.02 | 8 |
15 | Ashley Harkleroad | 0.91 | 13 |
Arthur Szyk talk in DC for Veterans Day
Arthur Szyk: Soldier in Art
An illustrated presentation on the art and messages of Polish-Jewish artist Arthur Szyk (1894-1951)
by Irvin Ungar, Curator of The Arthur Szyk Society
Veterans Day
November 11, 2009
1:00 - 3:00pm EST
National Museum of American Jewish Military History
1811 R Street NW
Washington, DC 20009
(202) 265-6280
Society Coordinator
The Arthur Szyk Society
1200 Edgehill Drive
Burlingame, CA 94010
Tel: 650-343-9588
Fax: 650-579-6014
Looking for Calvin and Hobbes This Thursday at 7 PM at Big Planet Comics in Bethesda
Come on down this Thursday to celebrate the release of my latest book, "Looking for Calvin and Hobbes: The Unconventional Story of Bill Watterson and His Revolutionary Comic Strip." There will be a reading, a presentation of unseen Watterson art, a Q&A and a signing. Feel free to bring friends and pass along this invite.
This Thursday, October 29th
7 PM - 9 PM
Big Planet Comics
4908 Fairmont Ave
Bethesda, MD
Blair Witch movie director at Beyond Comics UPDATED
Customize your search results page with themes
True, Custom Search already lets you customize the look and feel of your search results page, but we're making it easier. You can now go to the control panel and select one of the predefined themes that broadly matches the look and feel of your website.
If the standard themes are not quite what you want, you can make further changes. You can tinker with the page layout (Why stick with a single column of results, when you can have two?) and play with the font colors and types. The standard themes paired with the "Compact" layout option are optimized for mobile devices, so they work well on iPhone, Android devices, and Pre.
If you want a greater level of control than that, you can download the CSS, tweak it in a text editor, and host the CSS in your website. You can make your search results page blend with the style of the rest of your website.
To learn more, read the Custom Search Developer's Guide.
By Kevin Gnome Lim, Custom Search Team
Customize your results snippets with structured data
When you are reading a webpage that reviews a film, you can figure out what the title is, what reviewers thought of the film, and how they rated it. You can even search for stores with the best prices for the DVD. Structured data can convey the meaning of such key information to computers.
Structured data formats—such as microformats, RDFa, and PageMaps—are semantic markup that you add to your HTML page. Structured data make web content more meaningful to machines. These attributes do not change the formatting of your website, they just make the text enclosed within the XHTML tags "understandable" by computers and influence what shows up in the result snippets.
When you tag your webpages with structured data, Custom Search indexes them and sends the metadata back in the XML results for your page. You can then take this XML feed and transform it into HTML results that showcase key information—such as image thumbnails, summaries, dates, authorship, ratings, and prices. Having the most relevant information in your search results makes the webpages in your site more compelling to your users.
You can, for example, create the following kind of rich snippets:
You can even add thumbnails and actions that let your users download files or make purchases.
To learn more, read the Custom Search Developer's Guide.
By Kevin Griffin Lim, Custom Search Team
Passejades pel Comtat (i III)
Fou instituïda el 1346, per privilegi reial de Pere IV el Cerimoniós, concedit a Roger de Llúria. Tenia una durada excepcional; se celebrava des del 29 de setembre fins al 14 d'octubre. Gaudia de nombrosos privilegis, com ara la franquícia (exempció de càrregues fiscals) a les mercaderies de compradors i venedors durant el dies de fira i durant els jorns d'anada i tornada. Originàriament, se celebrava a la plaça de la Vila, però en el segle XV fou traslladada a una zona veïna de l'actual plaça del Pla. Aquest nou emplaçament es va mantenir fins al segle XVII. A partir de 1671, la fira canvià de dates; passà a celebrar-se per Tots Sants.