Sunday, October 31, 2010
Post recommends 22-year-old out-of-print Dracula comic book
Fiore's GU appearance covered again
October 28, 2010 | by G'town Gravyboat
etimologia lliure (8)
escrostonar: ficar la punta de la fava on no tocava (o sí).
fonoteca: local per menjar de forma sorollosa.
germanòfils: alemanys, fills de la mateixa mare, que jeuen junts (i més coses).
guardaagulles: persona que treballa a prop d’un paller.
indolent: bona persona.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Parade Magazine in Sunday's Post features Peanuts article
'The Millions' recommends Cul de Sac
By Jacob Lambert
The Millions October 30, 2010
Oct 31: Beyond Comics Walking Dead Premiere Party
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Handy tools to help Americans vote
As Americans gear up for the midterm elections on November 2, we wanted to share a few tools that make it easier to gather voting information.
When you search on Google for [polling place] or [where to vote], you’ll see a search box to help you find your polling place, candidates, and local election office. Just type in the home address where you’re registered to vote. The search looks like this:
This feature is powered by the Google Election Center, an experimental service that lets election officials provide data directly to Google in order to create a set of search tools. Anyone with a website can also provide this same functionality by embedding the open source Election Center gadget on your site, or use the gadget code or API to build your own.
And you don’t need to be at your computer to easily find this information. If you’d rather get it on your mobile device, we’ve also created a mobile landing page:
As for election news, you’ll find a special Google News section with stories for each state so you can easily catch up on the latest headlines.
We hope all of these tools help you get and stay informed throughout the election season.
Posted by Dan Berlin, Public Sector Engineering Manager
New book reviews posted at Wash City Paper
International Ink: Pirates, Ghosts, and Wookies, Oh My!
by Mike Rhode on Oct. 29, 2010 Top Score Del Mese: Castelvania: Lords Of Shadow
Stavo forse crescendo? Ovviamente no, non è una questione di età, era solo che non avevo più tempo. Poi avvenne quell'annuncio all'E3 del 2009 dove Hideo Kojima annunciò che un nuovo Castlevania era in fase di programmazione, quelle prime immagini, quel breve video, me ne innamorai e mi promisi che al Day 1 (come dicono i malati di giochi) ovvero al primo giorno di uscita quel Castlevania sarebbe stato mio.
Un anno dopo.
E così fu, i migliori 70 euro mai spesi.
Ora, io con i videogiochi ho un rapporto molto terra-terra, ci gioco e basta, senza entrare nel dettaglio, senza andare in cerca di enigmi secondari ecc. Ma quel Castlevania me lo volevo proprio godere, me lo iniettai direttamente nelle vene e fu pazzesco. Il team MercurySteam (spagnoli) ha fatto un lavoro coi controcazzi e ogni tanto mi è capitato di fermarmi, in mezzo ad una fase di esplorazioni, ad ammirare il paesaggio costruito nel dettaglio e godevo.
E poi finalmente un bel personaggio da comandare, non quelle checche capellone in stile cinese/giapponese che poi so tutti uguali, un duro, uno tosto, un tipo che si incazza che sa menare le mani con quella bella frusta, perchè io godo nel vedere un bel lupo mannaro soccombere ai miei colpi di frusta, ho pagato per questo. Un gioco longevo, ci avrò messo 18 ore per finirlo, in un business dove i giochi durano veramente poco (la media è sulle 10 ore) salvo eccezioni, Castlevania fa la differenza.
Un'altra cosa che mi ha fatto sbroccare sono i messaggi lasciati dagli sfortunati cavalieri che hanno fallito nella loro impresa, sono dei manoscritti dove vengono descritti i nemici e le loro storie, pure quelli me li sono letti tutti, sono fantastici.
Passiamo allo score sennò qui facciamo notte.
Composto da Oscar Araujo (compositore spagnolo come il team di sviluppo) è composto da 120 elementi d'orchestra e un coro formato da 80 persone, hanno deciso di fare le cose in grande e hanno fatto bene. Molte recensioni, oltre a parlare bene del gioco, hanno elogiato il lavoro di Araujo, compositore ahimè troppo sottovalutato.
Sì perchè basta co ste musiche techno degli episodi precendenti, che schifo e che truffa! Io esigo uno score sinfonico, pomposo che mi esalti nella battaglia e che allo stesso tempo sottolinei il dramma di quest'uomo che va in cerca della maschera per resuscitare la sua amata cazzo.
Il cd della Collector's Edition contiene 66 minuti di musica, consiglio calorosamente l'ascolto di Hunting Path, Ice Titan, ma soprattutto The Swamp Troll e The Evil Butcher, che mi sono piaciute un casino.
Il cd non contiene lo score completo che credo si aggiri verso le 3 ore, ma se andate nel mio spazio YouTube potete sentire altri 3 brani estrapolati dal gioco, si sentono bene, sono The Silver Warrior, The Ogre e The Crow Witch, in particolare sono molto affezionato a The Ogre e Crow Witch perchè fanno parte del Capitolo 4 del gioco, decisamente il mio preferito.
Un ultimo elogio va fatto per l'edizione italiana che ha deciso di non intervenire nel doppiaggio del gioco lasciandoci così le voci di Robert Carlyle, Patrick Stewart e soci. Mille volte meglio del doppiaggio italiano.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Express on Walking Dead and Tamara Drewe
By Jennifer Barger
Express October 29, 2010
Beyond Drawn: 'Tamara Drewe', in Theaters [published as 'Tactful Transition'].
By Kristen Page-Kirby
Express October 29, 2010
Mark Fiore's GU appearance
Nov 2: Super-Art Fight at American University's Katzen
Post reviews Victory Comics in Falls Church
Justin Rude, David Malitz and Fritz Hahn
Washington Post October 29, 2010
Here's a direct link to the part on Victory Comics. As an aside, across the street from Victory Comics, on the Maple Ave side, is the Galifianakis exhibit which is open on weekends.
The Post also reviews Howl and Eric Drooker did some animation for the movie.
Beeler tops Cartoons & Cocktails auction updated
Steve Artley went to Cartoons & Cocktails last night and tells us, "Nate Beeler stole the show with one of his toons auctioning for 2100 buckeroos. That is a record for the C&C event. Actually, yours truly held the record for a few years at $1750, but am happy to pass the baton to the next generation of political renderers."
Nate says the cartoon that sold is his September 1st one, pictured above. You can see all his cartoons at the Washington Examiner site, which even though I'm a friend of his and opposed to the Examiner's political stance, I must say are excellent.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Carolyn Belefski's DC Counter Culture Festival report
Weingarten on Doonesbury
By Gene Weingarten
Oct. 27, 2010
Slate has a bunch more articles, including one by Brian Walker previewing his new Doonesbury art book and a long interview with Trudeau.
More on stunningly insensitive* UMD Diamondback cartoon
Editorial cartoon: Oct. 26
By Morgan Noonan
Published: Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Updated: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 00:10
-the editor's rationale -
From the Editor: An answer
By Marissa Lang
Diamondback Wednesday, October 27, 2010
-the on-campus reporting of it buried in the sports news -
Notebook: Arnett switches to offensive line; DeSouza is ‘well’
Friedgen slams cartoon at presser
By Kate Yanchulis
Diamondback October 27, 2010
-The Sun on it-
Friedgen calls cartoon about DeSouza 'insensitive'
Maryland student newspaper runs drawing poking fun at offensive tackle who broke both legs after car hit him while he was riding a motor scooter
By Jeff Barker, The Baltimore Sun October 26, 2010
*that's satirical, in case you weren't sure.
Weldon on yet another Superman reboot
by Glen Weldon
National Public Radio's Monkey See blog October 27, 2010
American Vampire interview at Comic Riffs
By Michael Cavna
Washington Post Comic Riffs blog October 28, 2010.
Simpler Access to Flickr for Google Users with OpenID
Google and Yahoo! are two of the many companies who have been involved with the OpenID community’s efforts to improve the process for how users log in and sign up for online services. For example, last month Google announced its use of OpenID to make it simpler for Yahoo! users to sign up for Google services.
While Google doesn’t yet support the use of OpenID for replacing passwords on its own sites, we’re involved in the OpenID community’s efforts to research how to best implement that type of support. Yahoo!’s announcement today is another step in defining those best practices. We look forward to discussing this new feature at next week’s Internet Identity Workshop where the identity community gathers to discuss how to further accelerate the adoption of standards like OpenID.
By Eric Sachs, Internet Identity Team
New in Google Maps for Android: Updated reviews, search filters, and Latitude real-time updating
Lately, we’ve been working on giving you even better ways to find nearby places with Google Maps for Android, such as the Places icon and rich Place pages. Today, we are launching Google Maps 4.6 with a new design for Place page reviews, more options to filter search results, and a Google Latitude real-time updating option.
Place page reviews
Now, you’ll see that Place pages on Android Maps share the same new design for displaying reviews as used by Place pages on your computer. You can see:
- “Reviews from around the web” for highlighting sites that have high-quality reviews about the place.
- “Reviews from Google users” for reviews posted directly to Google Maps by other users
Of course, you’ll first need to narrow down which Place page reviews to check out. In addition to distance and ratings, you can also filter results for some searches by:
- Open now
- Neighborhood
- Related searches
In Latitude, you can also choose an experimental “Real-time updating” option from an individual Latitude friend’s profile page to help meet up with them by temporarily seeing faster location updates (friends must have Maps 4.6 and Android 2.2+).
Get Google Maps 4.6 for Android 1.6 and above everywhere Maps is already available. Just search for Google Maps in Android Market (or tap here from your phone).
Visit our Help Center to learn more or tell us your feedback and questions in our Help Forum.
Posted by Michael Siliski, Product Manager, Google Mobile Team
Publicitat (en)coberta
Oct 28: Nick Galifianakis opens his exhibit in Falls Church today
Zombies turned away at Lincoln Memorial says Post
You've got your article -
The TV Column: The zombie apocalypse is upon us -- sort of
By Lisa de Moraes
Washington Post October 27, 2010; C06
-your video-
Zombies invade D.C.
Washington, D.C. was overrun by zombies on Tuesday morning as part of a promotional stunt by AMC for its new TV show, "The Walking Dead," which premieres on Halloween night. (Madeline Marshall/The Washington Post)
and your photos -
Zombies take over the morning commute
A group of zombie-clad actors descended on the streets of Washington this morning to give a scare to unsuspecting passersby and to help promote AMC's new series, "The Walking Dead."
Astrid Riecken-For The Washington Post
PR: Fantom Comics' 1st Annual Halloween Parade And Walking Dead Viewing Party
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Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Oct 28: KAL on Kojo at 1 pm on Cul de Sac
Mark Fiore interviewed by Comics Riffs
Luna Brothers interview online now
Meet Two Local Cartoonists: A Chat with the Luna Brothers
David Hagen's donations to Cartoons & Cocktails
Zombies in DC yesterday
Express has a photo on page 2 of one at the Gallery Place metro stop.
The paper also has an online article about the tv series -
Zombieland: 'The Walking Dead,' Series Premiere
Written by Express contributor Stephen M. Deusner
October 27, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
UMD's Diamondback editorial cartoon offends football team
By Eric Prisbell
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, October 26, 2010; 5:31 PM
Comic book writers at Borders
November 23, 2010 7:30 PM
Baileys Crossroads - Borders
5871 Crossroads Center Way
Baileys Crossroads, VA 22041
A powerful secret. A dangerous path. Rigg is well trained at keeping secrets. Only his father knows the truth about Rigg's strange talent for seeing the paths of people's pasts. But when his father dies, Rigg is stunned to learn just how many secrets Father had kept from him--secrets about Rigg's own past, his identity, and his destiny. And when Rigg discovers that he has the power not only to see the past, but also to change it, his future suddenly becomes anything but certain.
Brad Meltzer
The Inner Circle
January 12, 2011 7:30 PM
Baileys Crossroads - Borders
5871 Crossroads Center Way
Baileys Crossroads, VA 22041
There are stories no one knows. Hidden stories. I love those stories. And since I work in the National Archives, I find those stories for a living. So says Beecher White, a young archivist who spends his days working with the most important documents of the U.S. government.
Leo Cullum remembered at Comic Riffs
By Michael Cavna
Washington Post Comic Riffs blog October 26, 2010
Nov 9: Nick Galifianakis at National Press Club
Perché qui non si parlerà del Festival del Film di Roma
Mi dilungo un altro po' tuttavia per spiegare anche il motivo per il quale segnalo la cosa. Innanzitutto perché mi dispiace di non coprirlo, con il campanilismo becero che mi contraddistingue ci ho sempre tenuto a seguire l'andamento del festival, nel bene e nel male, segnalando anche tutto ciò che nei giornali non finisce e che non si viene a sapere (El pasado di Babenco, El Artista o King of Kong per dirne alcuni clamorosi).
In special modo mi dispiace non coprire i film di Extra, quelli cioè di cui si parlerà di meno, ma quella è proprio la sezione per cui lavoro, dunque.... Dunque avevo pensato anche di parlarne comunque segnalando che sono stipendiato e quindi di parte, ma sarebbe stata una cosa senza senso. Ho contribuito alla selezione dunque, a parte l'inattendibilità di fondo, al 90% si tratta di film che mi sono piaciuti e per il restante 10% di film che comunque ritengo interessanti. Dunque come pescate pescate bene secondo me, seguite semplicemente i vostri gusti.
In seconda battuta mi dispiace perché paradossalmente porto un disservizio proprio agli unici che mi pagano. Però poi penso che se scrivere di cinema è implicitamente segnalare o portare all'attenzione certe cose, allora contribuire a selezionare per un passaggio italiano pellicole che altrimenti non vedremmo in fondo è la stessa cosa fatta a monte.
Infine, Extra a parte, ancora meno senso per me avrebbe parlare del concorso più in generale, quei film non li ho visti e li vedrò nelle proiezioni ufficiali, ma che attendibilità avrei? Come potrei stroncare un film proiettato dalla mano che mi sfama? E se lo facessi quanto sarei cretino? E poi i film del concorso saranno ampiamente coperti, di certo non ci sarà bisogno di informazione di nicchia...
Dunque il blog va in vacanza fino alla fine del festival di Roma. Chi passa a Roma o è di Roma mi trova allo spazio Hag tutto il pomeriggio (specie dalle 16 alle 18) altrimenti in sala. altrimenti che dormo sulle panchine del parchetto. Sarò pronto ad elargire in forma privata consigli faziosi a iosa.
Tom Toles' blog reprinted in today's print Post
There's a small bit 'The all of a presidency' reprinted from Tom Toles blog in today's Post.
Fiore at GU article on Patch
Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist, Mark Fiore, aims to start a conversation through his work. He visits Georgetown University Oct. 27 for "Political Satire: Serious Implications for Today's Politics,"at an event open to the public.
By Katie Kindelan October 25, 2010
We’re giving away 10,000 Google TV devices. To you.
For developers, building websites for TV is a new opportunity for creativity and provides a distribution channel to reach users in a new way. For users, better and more interesting websites mean that the overall Google TV experience gets even better. We know that developers must be at the heart of our ecosystem, building cool experiences for audiences to watch and enjoy, and we want to encourage a new generation of TV developers to come forward. Which is why, over the next few weeks, we are planning to give away 10,000 Google TV devices to help developers start building for TV.
This morning, we gave away more than 3,000 Google TV devices to attendees of the Adobe MAX conference. Additionally, we’ll be reaching out to thousands of web developers in the Google Code community to offer them a free device. Finally, if you are a professional web developer who wants to help make the Google TV experience even better and you don’t happen to fall into one of those two groups, please submit an entry to our Google TV Web Developer Promotion and include a short summary about the type of interesting website your company would like to create or optimize for Google TV. We’re planning to select 2,500 winners from those entries to receive a free Google TV device.
For a bit of inspiration, check out some of the latest Spotlight sites that have just launched on Google TV. A few of our favorites include Net-A-Porter, which lets you watch runway videos and shop for high fashion; Meegenius, a place where you can read and customize children’s books; TuneIn, a personal radio for your TV; and The Onion, which always gives us a good laugh.
To get started building websites for Google TV, we’ve provided new documentation and a Google TV Web forum to help developers better engage in the process. We’re excited to see what you all come up with. Happy coding!
Update on 10/27: To clarify, this giveaway is only for U.S based developers. We hope to make Google TV available in other markets soon.
By Amanda Surya, Google TV Developer Relations Team
Oct 27: Mark Fiore, Pulitzer Prize Winning Political Cartoonist at GU
The Graduate Liberal Studies and the Master of Professional Studies in Journalism Programs
invite you to
a lecture & presentation by
Pulitzer Prize-Winning Political Cartoonist Mark Fiore
Political Satire: Serious Implications for Today's Politics
Part of the In the Spirit of Mark Twain Lecture Series
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Reception at 6:00 p.m.Lecture at 7:00 p.m.
Georgetown University Leavey Conference Center
3800 Reservoir Road, NW
Mark Fiore won the 2010 Pulitzer Prize for Editorial Cartooning this April, marking the first time the coveted award has been given for political cartoons that appear entirely online. With this new form of political cartoon, he is a pioneer in the contemporary display of political satire in the spirit of Mark Twain. Fiore will discuss the role of satire and the serious implications it has for today's politics.
According to the Pulitzer jury, Mark Fiore's "…biting wit, extensive research, and ability to distill complex issues set a high standard for an emerging form of commentary." Recognition of his significant leadership in this field has come from other awards as well: the Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award in the category of cartoons, an Online Journalism Award from the Online News Association and the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism, and two awards from the National Cartoonists Society for his work in new media.
PR: Oct 31 - Fantom Comics Announces its 1st Annual Halloween Parade
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Business Photos from Google are now on Place pages
Six months ago, we announced the pilot of a project to take photos of business interiors. Through this program, business owners located in the U.S., Australia and Japan could invite our photographers into their establishments to take high-quality images of their businesses. Excitement from interested business owners grew quickly, and we’ve since taken photos of businesses in about 30 cities.
Starting today, the images we’ve taken as part of the pilot can be viewed on the Place pages of participating businesses. Users and potential customers who look online for local businesses can now see more high-quality photos that give them a sense of what a place is really like. The photos may include the storefront, decor, layout, merchandise, food, signage about hours and accepted payment types, and other items that help people learn more about a business and decide if they want to go there. For example, if you’re looking for the perfect restaurant to make a good impression on a first date, the high-quality interior photos might help you decide if the ambiance and atmosphere of a particular place are right for the occasion you’re planning.
Here are a few examples of these high-resolution photos:
Business owners who worked directly with our photographers across these three regions will see the photos from Google on their Place page within the coming weeks. Thanks to all of you who welcomed us into your businesses. We’re continuing to take photos at more business locations, and urge others to let us know if you’d like us to visit you as well.
In the meantime, you can also upload your own photos and videos of your business by signing in to Google Places. By building out your Place page with visuals and other relevant business information - such as hours of operation, offers and more - you’ll help potential customers learn more about you and feel like they know what to expect when they actually walk through your doors.
Posted by Gadi Royz, Product Manager
Oct 28: Nick Galifianakis opens his exhibit in Falls Church
East Falls Church this Thursday, Oct. 28th, at 7pm.
So did Walking Dead zombies show up at the Lincoln Memorial today?
By Lisa de Moraes
Washington Post October 26, 2010; C05
Monday, October 25, 2010
SPX video of Jaime Hernandez online
by Small Press Expo October 15 2010
Oct 27: Fantom Comics' Hardcover Sale
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Myla Goldberg at Politics and Prose tonight
Advertise your local business with Google Boost
As a local business owner in today’s day and age, you know that it’s important to have an online presence because that’s where your customers are. In fact, research shows that 97% of people conduct research online before buying locally. Hopefully you’ve gone to Google Places to claim your free business listing that appears on Google and Google Maps. That enables you to share accurate information about your business such as your hours of operation, photos and videos - and now you can do even more.
Today, we’re announcing the availability of a new online advertising solution to help local businesses connect with potential customers in their area. Boost enables business owners to easily create online search ads from directly within their Google Places account. No ongoing management is needed after the initial set up, and this beta is currently available to select local businesses in San Francisco, Houston and Chicago.
Boost ads are eligible to appear in the “Sponsored Links” section of and Google Maps search result pages. For example, if you’re a restaurant owner in San Francisco who has signed up for Boost, your ad may show up when someone does a related search like the one below, indicating a cuisine and location that matches yours. Beyond the basics like your company name, address, phone number and website, your ad may also include the number of reviews you’ve received, an average star rating and a link to your Place page to help potential customers find additional useful information about your business. When a map appears alongside the results, a blue pin will help folks quickly find your location on the map. Businesses using Google Tags will also see their yellow tag appear in the ad.
To create your ad, all that is required is a short business description, a web or Place page, your business categories and a monthly budget. From there, our system automatically sets up your ad campaign - figuring out the relevant keywords that will trigger your ad to appear on Google and Google Maps, and how to get the most out of the budget you allotted. You’ll only pay when a potential customer actually clicks on your ad, and you can also view basic ad performance data from your Google Places dashboard.
Here is an example of the simple sign up page within Google Places, which takes just a few minutes to complete. To make the process even easier, the “description” and “categories” fields may be pre-populated with suggestions based on the information you provided on the Place page for your business.
We hope Boost provides busy local business owners with a quick and easy way to share information about themselves with the people who look for them online. Placement in the “Sponsored Links” section of the page will, as always, depend on factors such as your ad’s relevance and quality. Boost does not affect the ranking of the free, organic business listings in any way.
As we do with all beta features, we’ll carefully review the data and effectiveness of this trial and may make changes before making decisions about any future expansion. In the meantime, business owners can sign in or claim their listing in Google Places, and select businesses in San Francisco, Houston and Chicago will see an invitation to try Boost in the account dashboard. Interested businesses outside these areas can sign up to receive notification when Boost comes to their area by filling out this form.
Posted by Kiley McEvoy, Product Manager