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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

PR: Small Press Expo Announces Roz Chast, Jim Woodring, Ann Telnaes and Jim Rugg as guests for SPX 2011

Small Press Expo Announces Roz Chast, Jim Woodring, Ann Telnaes and Jim Rugg as guests for SPX 2011


For Immediate Release                              Contact: Warren Bernard

                                                                        E-Mail: warren@spxpo.com

Bethesda, Maryland; March 22, 2011 - The Small Press Expo (SPX), the preeminent showcase for the exhibition of independent comics, graphic novels and alternative political cartoons is pleased to announce that Roz Chast, Jim Woodring, Ann Telnaes and Jim Rugg will be guests for SPX 2011, to be held September 10 and September 11 at the Marriott North Bethesda Hotel and Conference Center in Bethesda, Maryland, across from the White Flint Metro stop. 


Roz Chast is a long time contributor of cartoons and covers to The New Yorker. She has published  ten volumes of her cartoon work from The New Yorker and other magazines such as  Scientific American, Redbook and Mother Jones . In addition to her New Yorker output, she  collaborated with the comedian/actor Steve Martin on the book titled "The Alphabet from A to Y, With the Bonus Letter Z!" and last year released her children's book "Too Busy Marco". This will be Ms. Chast's first appearance at SPX and her first appearance at a convention since 2004.

Jim Woodring is the creator of the surreal long running comic series "Frank and Jim". The duo will be  appearing in their second full length graphic novel, a followup to last years "Weathercraft" , titled "Congress of the Animals" that is due to be released in May from his long time publisher, Fantagraphics.

. Mr. Woodring is also an illustrator and designs his own toys.

Ann Telnaes won the Pulitzer Prize for editorial cartooning for her work in The Washington Post. A few years ago, she moved from single panel cartoons to creating animated editorial cartoons for the Washington Post web site, using her prior background as an animator for a number of companies around the world. SPX is honored that this is her first time at any comic related convention.

Jim Rugg is the cowriter and artist for the multiple Glyph nominee "Afrodisiac" from Adhouse Books. At last years SPX, Mr. Rugg won the Ignatz Award for his mini-comic "Rambo 3.5". He also is an illustrator, working for such venues as VH1 and New York Magazine.

For detailed information about our announced guests, visit the SPX web site at www.spxpo.com.


SPX culminates with the presentation of the Ignatz Awards for outstanding achievement in comics and cartooning on Saturday night, September 10 at 9PM. Attendees at SPX get in free to the Ignatz Awards. The Ignatz is the first Festival Prize in the US comic book industry, with winners chosen by ballots submitted by attendees during SPX. 

SPX is a registered 501(c)3 which brings together more than 300 artists and publishers to meet their readers, booksellers and distributors each year. Graphic novels, mini comics and alternative comics will all be on display and for sale by their authors and illustrators. 


As in previous years, profits from the SPX will go to support the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund (CBLDF), protecting the First Amendment rights of comic book readers and professionals.  For more information on the CBLDF, go to their website at http://www.cbldf.org/.             


The hours for SPX 2011 are 11AM-7PM Saturday, September 10, and noon-6PM Sunday, September 11. Admission is $10 for a single day and $15 for both days.

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