An Irony Too Far [online title: Cartoon of Middle East peace principals went too far]
Political cartoons are, by definition, ironic, but Tom Toles's Aug. 2 cartoon went beyond irony into falsehood. Contrary to the illustrated scene, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has, in fact, been calling on the Palestinians to join in direct talks, and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has adamantly refused. Most recently, President Obama and the Arab League have joined Israel's call, but Mr. Abbas has yet to respond.
Israel, in contrast to Mr. Toles's depiction, is ready for direct peace talks now -- with all issues on the table -- and is hopeful that when the Palestinians return to the negotiating table, a peace agreement can be reached swiftly and definitively.
Jonathan Peled, Washington
The writer is spokesman for the Embassy of Israel.
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